Look at one leaf or petal in your garden, and know I AM God. One
leaf or petal is enough. And yet you have a whole Universe to look at
and to know I AM God.

Look at the palm of your hand, and know the
magnificence of what I have created. Look at the rug under your feet,
manmade from the landscape of My gifts to the world. How can you not be
enveloped in love and see in love when you consider what I have bestowed
upon you?

Look at glass panes that allow you to see outside. Look at the shutters that filter the light. Look at the light.

ask you, how can you be alive in Creation and not do somersaults of joy
even before you open your eyes in the morning, for there are such
treats in the Universe waiting for you to open your eyes and to see
before you.

I know you do not always want to leap out of bed. You
want to stay under the covers longer. By the same token, I know you do
not always want to go to bed either. You may prefer to stay awake. You
don’t want to miss anything.

What does today have in store for
you? It has beauty and wonderment. There is a new flower blooming, and
there is a new weed popping up, and there is you, and there is I. What a
combination We are, and what a fertile field life is. All the wonders I
have created are for you. From the moment that life on Earth sprouted, I
set My wares before you. I gave you water to drink and food to eat and
grass to roll in. I gave you hills and dales. I gave you mountains and
lakes. I gave you air to breathe, and the sun and the moon to love and
stars to wish upon. Did I leave anything out? Do you think I created

What do you feel about My creating ducks and creating
elephants and such? What do you feel about My creativity? Feel the
churning energy of Creation, and know you are a created Being made in My
image. My image covers a lot of ground. You don’t see Me lollygagging
around. You don’t see Me wanting to go back to bed. You don’t see Me
kicking the dirt that I gave to you to walk on. You don’t see Me
bemoaning My lot.

The treasures I have poured upon you that you
no longer notice. You may see the cracks in the sidewalk and be appalled
at their condition. If you must attend to details, then attend to the
beautiful dandelion that loves life so much it bursts through the
sidewalk just as the sun bursts through the sky to light your path.

are you not kissing the Earth you walk on? Why aren’t you dancing the
light fantastic? When did you learn to criticize more than to love? Do
you want to be a critic or a lover?

No wonder you don’t want to
get up in the morning when you consider Creation as less than the wonder
it is. You are waiting for miracles to happen when you are stumbling
over miracles right and left.

If you have been overlooking the
beauty of Creation and your place in it, then look again. Do handstands
of joy. Look at the project you are involved in, and say: “Blessed am I.
Blessed be God for giving me the fruit of His vine. Blessed be the sun
for shining on me and shining on all. Blessed am I, for I am God’s Will
manifested on Earth. I am God’s love created for the expression of God
Himself. How can I not leap out of bed in the morning? Perhaps it never
occurred to Me. It occurs to me now.”

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