Pepper: This is our third meeting. I have
enjoyed our time together, but Gaia tells me that this will most likely
be our last shared experience. Is this your choice?

Yes. My manner is not as casual as yours. I have found our exchanges
interesting and meaningful, but only insomuch as they serve a purpose.
My demeanor is friendly, but our coming together was not designed to
instill a long- lasting friendship. I hope you do not find this

Pepper: I am not disappointed,
just curious. Do you have friends? Are they human or from your own
world? Do you share your thoughts with them? Do you have happy and sad
moments? Are you emotionally affected by the ‘human condition’ or how
events unfold upon the earth?

Uilora: I do have
friends. They are from here, from my own world, and one other world. I
have several social attachments and they are similar to your own. I do
not need to protect my identity, but my associates often suggest that I
do. They see mounting intolerance and prejudice, but I see only
misconception and misplaced concern. Humanity distrusts itself so it
also distrusts its neighbor. One day it will depend upon its neighbors
and will most likely regret moments when its eyes were closed and its
heart could not see. My world knew such a time too, but a species
cannot progress until and unless it sees itself reflected in the eyes
of another.

It is correct to assume that I share my thoughts with
my friends, as my communication with them is often telepathic.
Thoughts travel much faster than any electronic device. I do not need
to hear the sound of their voice to know what they are thinking or
feeling. They do not protect their feeling centers from me so I am
easily aware of their location and anything else they would like me to
know. We do not seek each other’s approval, and we do not communicate
about thoughts and things that did not go as expected or planned. It
may surprise you to know that over 60% of human communication is spent
complaining or lamenting one’s current situation. Blame, worry,
deception and passive/aggressive thought processes make up a large
portion of human personal thoughts.

I rarely notice if I am
happy or sad, as these random emotions seem to come and go rather
quickly; it would be difficult for me to rely on emotions that seem to
belong more to the moment, which like a cloud, is just passing by. I do
have a wide range of emotions and emotional responses, but these do
not swing as broadly as I have seen in others. Although I consider
myself very much like others, I am often reminded that I am not. In
comparison, I would say that I am more objective than subjective. I
evaluate moments and situations without inserting my own thoughts into
them. This way, my thoughts remain my own and I am not as apt to dress a
thought with an opinion. We have a saying that translates loosely to,
“emotional thoughts, like opinions, are often overdressed for dinner.”
We care as deeply as you do about rights and wrongs, but find that they
are easier to direct than to correct. My thoughts, and those of others
like me, sometimes last as long as a season. They are reflective and
contemplative, less elusive in nature. They progress and develop day by
day, allowing us to use them like tools or building blocks. We rarely
second guess our thoughts or those of others.

Our race is
slightly different than yours in that we are able to pass some of our
history on to future generations. This allows newer generations to
avoid the mistakes of past generations. This simple difference has
allowed our race to advance in ways that others have not. Perhaps you
will remember that my parents were pioneers of some earlier work
several years ago. This was one of their main areas of interest. They
had hoped to help others here on Earth make decisions that were more
advanced by redirecting their thought processes to move beyond the need
to cycle back or “loop” before continuing forward. Thoughts, like
projects, can quickly lose momentum. It may seem to you that it is a
good idea to think something through very thoroughly, and in some cases
it is, but not in all. We rely quite a bit on impulsivity, trusting
that our decisions are right. This keeps our thoughts creative and
alive. We would like to help you do the same. We see that humanity has
become fearful of making a misstep or a mistake. The end of an age is a
precarious time and the consequences can seem burdensome. We would
like to help alleviate some of those burdens, but we must be invited to
do so. Humanity has a bright future ahead and so does the Earth; the
path ahead has already begun to veer from its current heading. Change
in almost every area of life is already at hand and more is on the way.
This is what our Earth Mother would like us to speak about today. Our
interaction will serve as a model for other races that also interact
and work with human counterparts and companions.

Pepper: Do you mean alien/human contactees?

No. Contactee relationships are unique. They are not equal
partnerships and their specific purpose is not always disclosed. My
parents frowned on these relationships and saw them as a detriment to
their work here on earth. They spent a fair amount of time explaining
why other races came to the earth and what they were looking to
achieve. They tried to offer a firm foundation for humanity to stand
upon that would put an end to any covert efforts on the part of other
races, but this would have required further disclosure on the part of
those they worked with and in this regard they were turned down. Simply
put, the earth has many resources that are of interest elsewhere, and
because humanity, the planet’s most sentient species, is unconscious
about most of these, it makes it that much easier for others to
appropriate them. Understandably, humanity sees this as inappropriate.
But it is not entirely different than one of the more developed
countries usurping the resources of a third world nation or that of an
indigenous people whose voice is not heard and its presence not seen.
Alien species that practice these principles, however unscrupulous,
observe them firsthand in the people and governments of your world. Of
course, this is not the case with all contactees, and some of these
relationships have had a very positive and long-lasting impact upon this

Pepper: What makes someone more or less
likely to be a contactee? Do you have the ability to discern these
relationships from others? Would you be able to restore the ability of
someone whose memories in this regard are vague? Are these
relationships as prevalent as they once were?

Most of the programs you are referring to are no longer in effect.
Although the earth is still of interest to off-planet visitors,
humanity is less so, at least for now. The fields of energy surrounding
the earth follow a natural cycle of ebb and flow, but during times of
great change such as this one, they are under stress. This stress is
transferred onto almost everything, so that everything will have an
equal opportunity to change. Please understand that stress can have a
very positive effect upon evolution. The sun’s warmth places pressure
upon a seed’s outer casing to release its contents while water makes it
pliable and vulnerable. These are natural processes and important to
the survival of a thing, a thought, or a people. However, everything
within a certain range or frequency is affected by this stress, which
includes visitors from near and far. When the tide is low the
temptation to venture further out (or in) is substantial, but there is a
danger in doing so, as the return journey must be well timed. The
earth’s energetic markers are unstable now and will remain so for
approximately 150 years. During this time it is extremely easy to
become entangled in the earth’s processes as well as those of the
dominant species. This fact is not lost on visitors from near or far.
The earth’s history and humanity’s too is replete with many such
occurrences. Humanity is a hybrid race for this reason. Your genetic
history was an alien one long before it became a cross-cultural one.
You are men and women of many nations and cultures, and of many planets
and star systems too.

Contactees are everyday people. There is
nothing that would lead you to tell them apart from non-contactees.
Some are open-minded and some are not. There are many more contactees
than you would imagine, but only a small percentage of them are able to
remember their experiences. Most off-planet visitors communicate with
each other telepathically and they are able to do the same with humans
too. Generally, this is accomplished by agreement, but this has not
always been the case. To be fair, true telepathic communication
bypasses several of the safeguards put in place by the conscious mind,
but these safeguards often obscure more than protect.

Because of
this, extra-terrestrial races prefer to “speak” to humanity through the
more refined subconscious and super conscious mind, which also happens
to be friendlier. It is commonly held that the subconscious is more
susceptible to influence. This is true insomuch as this aspect of the
human mind is open and interested in new ideas. The subconscious mind
is also less fearful of the unknown – another good reason for other
races to greet you from this perspective.

Unfortunately, the
subconscious mind does not automatically supply the conscious mind with
memories that are unrelated in linear time so extraordinary thoughts
and experiences can remain hidden until something turns up that links
to the present moment. When this occurs, the conscious mind can become
outraged and believe strongly that it has been outwitted, deceived or
controlled. These complications were part of the reason that most
contact programs were abandoned. Even those who were strong proponents
of contact came to believe that it was simply better to wait for
humanity to signal its readiness. This is a very open-ended subject
with much to explore. It would be well to do it justice by exploring it
in-depth, but there are others much more qualified than I am in this

Pepper: Everything that we have been
speaking about circles back to our asking for assistance, but what if
we don’t know how to ask in a responsible or respective way? How would
the average person even know whom to ask? And do we need to ask for
assistance as a collective or are individual efforts enough? Must our
requests include the voice of our governments or others in positions of
authority and leadership?

Gaia’s Response: A
request is an intentional act, not a helpless one. It is a welling up,
an uprising from the deep well within. It comes from a place that does
not know the next step, but yearns for it to look and feel like a new
step. Long ago, at a similar crossroads in time humanity looked up at
the midnight sky, marveled at the stars and hoped to visit them one
day. It imagined that great things and great beings lived far up and
away, beyond one’s ability to see. Eventually, man’s imagination became
a veiled request, then an invitation and when great need arose, a plea
for help, too. Who was ancient man watching for? Who were they waiting
for? Those were simpler times and the mind of man simpler still, but
even in complicated times and during complex situations there is a
place within each soul that knows that a great plan is at work and
understands that there are pillars and principles strong enough to
uphold it.

This inner knowing is not the kind of knowledge that
is extracted from the daily stream of information and it does not begin
to release man’s obligation to learn enough about his world to rebuild
it when necessary. There are unique moments in the life of each
individual, and in the collective life of man of earth, when time and
light bend and bow low, almost to the ground and beneath it too. In
those moments when quiet becomes silence and only truth can speak or be
heard, there is no mistaking a request to be set upon the path of
justice through extraordinary means. Do not disprove your authority by
pointing fingers at those in power, as doing so will only lead you down
the same path. Shifting the blame from the left to the right will
offend both and upset any remaining sense of balance. What then? What
strategy to follow, what claim to make? Begin by remembering that your
soul embodies within the human form, and as such is an integral part of
the citizenry of the human race, established upon the earth to
discover its own capacity to be and do great and honorable things.

potent human mind has the ability to act and influence those things
that hold sway over its future. A formidable human mind is strong and
agile with the authority to act upon its own behalf and to intervene on
behalf of those who are less than mighty. A skillful human mind
measures its strength not in muscle but in sway, dominating the forces
of nature of which it is a part and avoiding the deceptions of
supremacy and rule. An able human mind commands out of leadership while
skirting the need to exercise the kind of control a government imposes
on its citizens. In right order the human mind remembers a life
entrusted to principles that began elsewhere and only continue here on
earth. A resourceful human mind has persuasive faculties that transfer
energy from resource to source and back again. A productive human mind
generates an electro-magnetic field whose qualities are magnified when
successfully engaged.

Your individual efforts already have the
basic structure of a collective, but one whose field is still
indistinctive in shape and scope, but one whose field is not yet vital
enough to recognize its own outline or mode of expression. You have no
track record to fall back upon yet and you cannot distinguish the kind
of behavior that will lead to cohesive thoughts, but that will come
later. There is no correct formula in asking for assistance. There is
no fixed set of words or procedures to follow. There is no religious or
spiritual ceremony to enact, or legal document to inscribe. There is
no prior arrangement, mold or frame of reference to follow, as all of
these would only confine you. That being said, your heart is shaped of
human compassion. Its expression is musical and lyrical to the soul.
Begin there. Look for the sound of the words that are already in your
heart and give them substance. You do not need to put much thought into
the meaning of the words, as these may be less than accurate. The
sound that each word makes was born long before its meaning came to be,
which is why so many unrelated languages have similar words. Each
soul, like a parent, recognizes the unmistakable sound of its own
heart. It does not go unheeded. A cry made by a human heart has a great
impact upon those who guide and assist it. When you cry out in anguish
angels hear you. They respond and minister to you in ways both small
and large according to their own discipline and calling. Is it so
different or far-fetched to assume that those in a position to assist
would hear a request for assistance in restoring one’s planetary

Uilora: Unique times such as this
offer grand opportunities. No one appreciates having difficult
situations forced or foisted upon them, but to be frank, there is no
element of surprise here – the using or usurping of planetary resources
is not a new subject and is in fact, centuries old. Many generations
have tackled their problems or at least met them head on, some have
made progress and others have simply passed them along to the next
generation. For instance, my parents told me once that their
predecessors had a few encounters with several interested humans at
gatherings long ago. If you will not take offense at a small attempt at
humor, I would add that these gatherings were disguised as
neighborhood “parties”. Some of these were called “hostess parties” and
as the name implies, they were inventive ways for women to gather and
explore topics of general and current interest. Of course some of the
parties included genuine demonstrations for products such as
Tupperware, but others might surprise you.

Neighborhood parties
afforded the same opportunities for couples, family members and
friends. Other polite, but thinly veiled excuses included encyclopedia
sales, funeral plots, poker nights, and neighborhood improvement
gatherings. Please do not imagine that every neighborhood get-together
included an assembly of ET’s, but these gatherings provided average
citizens in both urban and rural areas unique opportunities to discover
more about themselves and their world. Many who will read these words
now are a little more open-minded today due to these and other previous
experiences. Unfortunately, these gatherings did not bring about as
much open dialogue and change as my parents and others had hoped for.
The after effects of World War II were many. The scars were far more
than physical and too difficult for most to bear. The struggle to
restore a family, a lifestyle or a job took precedence over almost
everything else and the United States was still divided and confused
about differences in appearance or place of origin. Other countries
fared better, but only by a small margin.

The world is now at a
similar crossroads, and although fifty years and more have passed the
obvious is still true enough to be restated — countries are at war
within and without. Shortages of necessary resources such as oil, water
and food loom large for many. Immigration of those who flow and
overflow from one area to another threatens communities and economies,
the powerful are still hungry for more, and the greedy hunger for their
own share. Like dogs, the powerful and the greedy will not be
satisfied to share a dish or scrap it out for a slightly larger portion
of the remains of the day. Instead, they will demand first rights and
perhaps even refuse others the second and third portions that remain
long after their appetite has been satisfied. And while it is difficult
to ignore a hound that is scratching at the door, sometimes it is best
to do so. Of course, we both know that this narrative has more to do
with a different kind of hunger.

Gaia’s Conclusion:
It would be well for humanity on its own behalf and my own to begin to
gather new and different ideas about its future, even if it must do so
a few scraps at a time. A bird must feather is own nest, and as it
does so, still run the risk that the tree it has chosen may be cut down
and used for a different purpose or that its nest will only serve one
season and not many. It is time for humanity to look boldly ahead and
to choose this life as one that changes because of compromise instead
of one that has been compromised by change. The days before you are not
numbered unless you count them one by one. Count by two’s and already
they double, by three’s and your opportunities have trebled, multiply
by five and the troubled moments of the present will be long behind
you. Dwell in the moment long enough to be counted present, but not
long enough to become its prisoner. If your eyes cannot see further out
then help them to see further in. Trust in the things you cannot see
but have merit just the same. Plan lightly and tentatively if you must,
but warm in the conclusion that your step is a safe one. Look equally
to the right and to the left without prejudice as justice follows its
own path and balances its own scales. Be the night watchman of your own
thoughts and affairs, but take care that you do not become the
watchdog of the fenced beliefs of others. Welcome the light of change
and the variable moods that accompany it. Remember that the earth also
has its moods and that orange skies are not a sign of anger, but of
creativity moving outward from the deepest well within.

©2007 Pepper Lewis and The Peaceful Planet. 
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