4:05AM, and my seventh or eighth wakeup call this night. Yes, even in the maybe six hours I do sleep (and quite soundly I might add), there are about eight to ten moments that I wake up, wide awake, wondering why I can’t sleep a whole night straight like most people I know…..

But I don’t. Instead, I do it in short sprints of deep sleep, followed by brief moments of total waking: usually a toilet break followed by diving back into bed is enough to get me off to Dreamland again, in about ten seconds flat. Other times, like the hour before I really have to wake up, a snack is in order, and a quick webcheck. And then it’s off to bed again, hoping the bad timing of this last break won’t make me miss my two alarm clocks.  Or I could just skip that last bit, and add a morning update to the site….

OK kids, let me just get into some clothes, because doing this in my undies may be totally OK since I’m home, but it is rather chilly….

See you on the other side of this great track!
