Site icon Dimensional Bliss

what abides within you???
what abides within you???
oh….sweet souls of one light divine…
this cosmic heart of love that contains the waters
of free flowing grace
that lead to loves perfect reflection…
this is what abides within you now…
this is the only "truth about you"
yet…this cosmic heart "waits on you welcome" is so…
it waits for you to activate it
by your ~choice ~to value its presence
and choose only for what it is…
it is but love…
it is free flowing…
it is total and complete allowance of
what is…
it is the "god" of you…
the place of truth
where love simply extends itself
by "being itself"
love allows all things..
love simply abides within itself
and "flows its treasure"
without impediment…without judgment
or condemnation….
for we ask of you…
why would love judge itself
thus diminishing that which it is???
it simply allows all of creation
to flow thru it ….to arise within it
so that it can extend that which it is…
it is the mystery that pours forth from within
and it is the source of all that you see…
all of it is YOU…
there is no separation between what it is
and all that you see…
you have been living in a chimera…
an illusion that was birthed from one thought…
~i am separate from this kingdom~
because i have believed this to be so
all of myself
appears to be separate from me…
i am appearing as the flower
i am appearing as the sun
i am appearing as the rapist
i am appearing as the oil spill…
I AM….
my thoughts and my thoughts alone
have created my reality…
thus….i am a powerful creator…
an innocent ray of light
that chooses NOW
to remember my divine heart…
my cosmic self
that lives within me…
in your belief that you were separate
from this heart of love
you believed you had a need to control
your outer world in order to
be  ~ in love ~…
nothing could be further from the truth…
the love you are seeking is within you…  
you welcome this divine Self into your
experience as you choose for it…
so…this day
go within an sit down within this beautiful
peace-filled heart of divine love..
i will meet you there…
come and sit in the waters with me…
drink of the waters of light and love…
fill your cellular body with their
healing presence….
ask of me what it is to love…
place all of your troubles within these waters
and simply "let them go"
let them flow into god…for dear one…
there is no where "else"
that is the only place there ~is~…
what you think you are letting go of
you are in truth
turning water into wine…
become one again with all that you are
as you enter
this sacred place…
for you see…all of creation
abides within this sacred heart…
i have often said
that the kingdom is within…
the kingdom my heart of love
simply waits for YOU to choose for it…
you are home again…
with each thought that emerges from
this divine space
love is known again…
in these times of great change
and what seems like chaos
remember that it is this flow of
divine grace that is coming from
the sacred heart that is
burning off all unlike itself
so that only the good..the holy
and the beautiful will be
what is known again…
remember often that you abide
within this space always…
that all that you see also
abides there…
it all "springs forth"
from this very place…
bring that awareness to each and every moment
for as you do so
you raise the frequency of the
light quotient within you
and everywhere you step
becomes a "sacred" moment
for all…
ahhhh…they may not be aware of it
on a conscious level
but they "feel" your presence..
your peace…your divinity
and somewhere deep within them
a memory ….a seed is being
birthed …..
yes….this is how powerful you are
as you choose to remember
that you walk within the kingdom
and never…ever choose
to leave it….
with each step you take you
drop a pebble into the field
of awareness of all around you
that speaks of peace….
one thought unlike love places you
outside of this kingdom…
and yet….a change of mind is all that is needed
to be one with it again…
that is why we ask of you
to live in the now…
for god is not in the past
god is not in the future…
god is within you NOW…
within each now…
god is but love…
therefore…you bring what god is…
that essence that is you
into all that you see
as you walk within this sacred
and eternal and all powerful
heart of love…
all else
is distraction….
please hear us well…
all else
is distraction…
with that…we bid you peace
love and joy
as you come to remember again
~who you truly are~
love is eternally   ~a neutral event ~
it has no needs…no judgments…
no desires
except to be that which it is…
so….it "chooses for ITSELF"….!!!!!!!
so…we would ask of you this day
would you rather be "right"
or happy…
would you prefer to experience the mystery
of loves presence for yourself
or continue to think that what you see is real???
could it possibly be that only love exists???
could it possibly be that you are
the light that lights this world
and that you expand that light
with each choice for it????
allow it to be so for "you"….
if you would like to be added to this email list
simply send me a note and i will be glad to add
you in love
feel free to share these wherever you feel
guided to do so….for they are given freely…
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