Tuesday, July 27, 2010

In the last energy update I mentioned that July 26th was a powerhouse of a portal and that we are approaching the end of the end

Today, the unseens are adding that the whole week is a powerhouse…that
we are journeying through a very important (translation: challenging)
week and that if we are aware of what is transpiring, the journey to the
other side will be much easier to travel.

"For those who understand this passage fully, this can be a time of
great release and purification. Let yourself feel the expansion and
freedom of the present moment knowing that all is exactly perfect in
your world."
Apparently this week is a ginormous passage and one that will result in
great expansion coupled with the completion of many wayward elements of
our past.

We are seemingly in what feels like an active death zone.

Similar to a physical death, and right before rebirth, we must first
release all emotional attachments to get to the other side where love
will abound in greater measure. Because of this necessary detachment
process, this week we are being "encouraged" (aka: forced) to let go of
any and ALL expired elements and remaining attachments so we can fully
access the next level of our personal creations.

This basically means that whatever we are still holding on to will be in
our face this week showing us exactly what we need to neutralize in
order to pass go. The unseens are calling this passage a check point of
sorts, designed with the purpose of stripping us of anything left that
is not authentic and true.

So no, it’s definitely not looking like an easy week, but a necessary
and divinely ordered one in order to pass over from this life to the
next. The one thing we do have going for us seems to a be well-designed
protective field of apathy that is enabling us to transition with some
semblance of stability. Kind of like we are emotionally unplugged from a
life that is ending so we can plug into the one that is beginning.

Because of this emotional disconnect…and since the full moon on
Sunday…you may be suddenly dealing with some major fears or unresolved
emotional issues, but while somehow able to maintain balance, peace and
objectivity.  A welcomed gift if you ask me.

I also think this is what the Spiritual Hierarchy was referring to in the last transmission when they said:

"The realization of this momentous event can be heralded through your
subtle, but growing ability to stabilize in these incoming and
unprecedented frequencies as you find the increasing capacity to remain
in a state of emotional calm, despite the intensity that surrounds you
at this time."

How to Pass Go

With detachment always comes the need for great mental discipline. Not
that we will be tested persay, but we will need to pull this well-honed
tool out of our arsenal of spiritual supplies to help us transition with
the greatest ease possible.

Much of our lives we have been running from that which causes us pain,
allowing ourselves to remain in a state of paralysis from our fears and
now…through this powerful gateway (and tons of soul work)… we
finally have the opportunity to free ourselves from these expired
energies and fully realize our potential to create despite the many
external circumstances that threaten to derail us.

And that is what this week will be for…to test our skills in holding
our center despite those deep emotional triggers that will come up for
us to deal with (if they haven’t already).  If we can achieve this, if
we can walk through this VERY narrow doorway, fully present and
completely void of an agenda, we will experience a major shift on many

How to Deal

I am being given 3 key requirements to pass through this gateway with ease:

1) Let go, let go, let go…then let go some more. Anything that keeps you emotionally bound will challenge you greatly.

2) Stay Present. Allow yourself to find and keep the mental space
required to surrender fully into each moment. If you slip into past
(woulda, coulda, shoulda) or future (what if?) thinking, you will be met
with great suffering. Stay with each moment as it arrives.

3) Allow what is to BE… without resistance. Free yourself of
dross by realizing that all is perfectly well in this and every moment.
Release yourself of the responsibility (attachment) of all others while
fully understanding that their path is unique to them as yours is to

Above all, we are being urged to remember that to complete this journey, there is only one thing left that is required of us…full presence in love.

This passage is all about BEing…being free, being clear, being present, being authentic, being love.

After so many years of purifying, love is really all that is left and
all that we will take with us…but not love in the form of attachment,
love in the form of true freedom.  This week will ensure that we are
well equipped to completely let go in love.

And if ever it was mandatory to listen to your inner guidance, that time is definitely now!

"Release your fears, release your worries, release your guilt,
release your feelings of incapability. You are being guided through this
with the utmost care and protection and if you love yourselves fully
and completely, this gateway will open wider than the heavens to welcome
you home!"

See you on the other side…