Beloved Ones,

In the dawn of a new era, there are many
challenges facing each one of you. Face these challenges in the Love
and joy of your Sacred Heart. We ask you each to remain in the Love of
your Sacred Heart. This Love will carry you through all challenges
which confront you. This Love will carry you through every Moment in
the Now. This Love is the foundation of all Creation and is the key to
your New Age and your new life in the fifth dimension. All challenges
will be resolved to the highest vibration you are capable of holding
when you approach solutions from the vibration of Love. Love is the
highest vibration, and the solution to a challenge is always found at a
higher vibration than the vibration of the challenge you are facing.
Sit quietly and breathe deeply, when you are faced with a challenge,
Beloved Ones.

Sit quietly and breathe in the All, breathe in the
Elixir of Life. Feel the expansiveness, feel the fullness of the Love
of your Sacred Heart. Sit quietly and breathe deeply as you allow the
Love to overcome the negativity of the ego and the lower self desires.
Creating solutions from the lower self and the ego will only bring
imperfect solutions into your conscious awareness and theses solutions
will only bring you more pain and suffering. Create from the Sacredness
of your Divine God Self and your heart. You have the capability to
remain in Love in every Now Moment. Accept this, meditate upon this and
allow your solutions to be created within the Love of your Sacred

Be the vibrations of Love, Dear Ones. Hold your
consciousness, your awareness, your Divine God Self and every aspect and
facet of you, in the vibration of Love. Your four bodies will come
into balance and harmony very quickly, when you hold the vibration of
Love. For your physical body, sit in meditation and take your
consciousness within your body. Go within each organ and radiate love
to the organ. Use your inner guidance to understand what you are
holding within each organ, of the lower desire ego. Each organ has a
function in regards to your thoughts and emotions and will hold the
negativity of your thoughts and emotions. Find the balance within each
organ and release all that no longer serves your highest good within
each organ and once again radiate love to the organ and thank it for its
part in maintaining perfect physical health for your body.

within your energetic meridians, your hands, your feet, your arms, your
legs, your brain structure. Go within the thymus and ask it to produce
the life giving hormone. Go within your brain structure and connect in
with your pituitary and pineal glands, as these glands are taking on a
more important role in your new crystalline body, as you lift yourselves
up to the fifth dimension. Go within your body, and radiate love, and
assist your bodies when healing is needed. You may become perfectly
attuned to your physical body and you may once again be in perfect
harmony with your body elemental. You body elemental has been waiting
for you to connect with it and work in harmony for the perfect physical
health of your body. The transition to the crystalline light body will
become effortless as you fully attune to your body. You will find you
experience less dis-ease as you are fully attuned to the physical.

time dear Ones, connecting with your emotional body. Radiate love, and
compassion, as you ask your emotional body to work in complete
attunement to your highest good. Ask your emotional body to come into
balance and harmony within each chakra and within the Seven Rays. Ask
your ego to work in tandem under the guidance of your God Self. Your
ego desires to be in charge as it has for millennia, as it fears losing
its job. With great Love, you may assist the ego to come into balance
under the guidance of your Divine God Self.

Your mental body
will also respond to the great Love and compassion which you radiate to
it. Your mental body has also been overtaken by the demands of the
lower desire body and the ego. With great Love, your mental body will
respond as you ask it to release all the lower thoughts and to come
under the guidance of your God Self. Ask your mental body to come into
balance within your chakras and your Seven Rays.

release, and continue to release, Dear Ones, as you connect in with each
body and transmute with the Violet Flame all that no longer serves you
and all that no longer serves the highest good of all Creation. When
you are complete, fill yourselves with the vibration of Love and bring
your Self into the Love of your Sacred Heart. Sit quietly, as you make
this connection, the spiritual connection associated with your spiritual
body. You will have come full circle as you have completed a very
powerful healing for your Self.

A healing of this order is not
accomplished all at once. It is as if you are peeling back the layers
of an onion. Be prepared to do this often, and you will see the
results, you will live your lives with ease and grace as you come into
balance and harmony within your four bodies.

Remember, each
exercise you have been asked to do, is based upon radiating the
vibration of Love. Love is the answer in every Now Moment. It is the
answer to every challenge, relationship, situation you will ever be a
part of. Love is the answer through eternity. It is the answer to the
creation of all your heart’s desires. Love is the All, there is nothing
else. We ask you to understand this, and turn this understanding into a
deep knowingness and “Beingness” within the Love of your Sacred Heart.
Love makes all things new, and you will have found the secret to the
life you choose to lead, when you are this Love, every Moment in the
Now. Once again, we ask you to “Be” Love. Start the day in Love, live
the day in Love, and end the day in Love, Make every thought, word, and
deed, one of Love.

Call upon the guidance of those of the higher
realms, we will surround you in Love and assist you to hold the
vibration of Love, but you must ask for our help.

I am with you,
to assist you also, to “Be” the love of your Sacred Heart.

I am

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