As with so many of the Goddess’s channels, this one is filled with
many different layers of energy.  She began by speaking of the
intensity of energy right now with a reminder that it is essential to
allow the energy to flow through you.  Many people are feeling over
whelmed, over stimulated and as if things are too much.  If you can
remember to flow the energy through you, you will find greater balancing
and centering within you.  The Goddess speaks at length about
perception.  Your perception is everything.  It creates the foundation
of what you think and feel and has a direct impact on how your day or
your life will play out.  This channel will assist you in looking at
yourself and if needed, shift your perceptions.  Your perception is an
expression of where you are in your life.  If you look around and have a
sense things are dark and heavy; you will manifest a life that is in
alignment with that.  If you shift your perception of the same
situation, you will find there are answers you did not know you had.

Goddess spoke directly about seeking relationships, abundance jobs,
children and more.  She put forth to all of us to ask ourselves; are you
feeling lonely because you don’t have a relationship?  As you sit with
that question you may then ask yourself ‘am I lonely because I haven’t
met anyone or am I lonely because I’m out of sync from within?’  In
addition ‘Am I seeking abundance because my environment doesn’t have a
job or am I seeking abundance because my life feels less than’.  As you
move through step by step you will realize how you can create a shift
within yourself that will impact the rest of your life.  It is all

  Nama sika; venia benya I AM the one, I AM the whole  

greet you beloved family.  I flow my energy into and around each one
of you as you gather with me for our experience this evening. I send
out my love, I send out my energy as if to embrace each one of you like
a dear friend that sits with you, perhaps holding your hand, perhaps
with our arms around each other. Open to feel my presence, as I come
here within you.

I so very love all that’s taking place right
now upon the earth. I very much appreciate the transformation that has
already taken place and what is to come. You stand as if on the cusp of
amazing new potentials. These potentials have always been around you
in one form or another. But the more that you work with these energies,
the more that you allow yourself to open and feel what this is; the
more there is available to you.

The energies are immense and
for those of you who have been struggling recently with the energies, I
say to you, remember to breathe and remember to have a sense of
feeling a flow move through you. Let’s practice that once more, take in
one more slow deep breath as if you are breathing the energy that is
all around you. You’re breathing it in through your nose; you are
breathing it through your lungs, down through your heart and send it all
the way down through your body; down through your legs and feel as it
continues on into the earth.

If you feel as if you are having
physical symptoms such as headaches, aches and pains, chest pain,
breathing discomfort, things such as that I would say to you first and
foremost focus on creating a flow of energy moving through you.  Because
what I see is happening, is that many of you are inviting these
intense energies to come in and to assist you within your life. And
then as they come in, they gather within you and gather and gather and
gather, and it just builds up and things seem to get cut off or compartmentalized. So this is why I expressed the importance of remembering to let energy flow through you. Already I can feel a shift taking place within everyone who is here.

have a sense of allowing your consciousness to shift in such a way
that you release your physical body. As you do so, you allow your focus
to move until you align with the magnetic grid.  Here within the
magnetic grade you can feel the impulses of light or see or sense them,
as they move throughout this space. You come here often when you
expand into your higher self. Have a sense of recognizing what is here
for you.

Allow your energies to shift further so that you leave
behind the magnetic pull of the Earth and allow yourself to move
through the interlocking grid until you feel the essence of the
crystalline grid. Here, within this space you can feel even more of
your essence. As you are here within the crystalline energies, have a
sense of opening to perceive how your own energies expand and vibrate
within this alignment. This is where you work with energy on a very
consistent basis.

I invite you though to continue on this
journey by shifting into the soul plane. As you find your energy moving
within this space have a sense of aligning with your I AM presence.
Many of you immediately blend but I invite you to take a moment and
really look at your divinity. As you look at your divinity you may
sense, see, feel, various colors or various aspects that make up who
you are.

You may also have a sense of seeing energies or
vibrations that align with other experiences; everything is a part of
the whole. By expanding your perception, you have a sense of a greater
awareness as you look at who you are.  Therefore when you reach out and
completely blend with your divinity, you can feel it move through you
in a deeper and deeper manner. Feel the love, feel the acceptance, feel
the awareness of who you are. This is you, and as you look at your
current life there is a sense of complete acceptance for who you are.

the Goddess move within this space so that I may blend with you. As I
do so, I bring with me the light of who I AM that it may more so
illuminate who you are, so that you may open to perceive what that is.
We immediately shift into the All That Is as soon as my energies blend with yours.

around the All That Is, see what is here. There is so much happening
within your life. Everybody upon the earth, no matter who you are,
whether your life is consciously filled with things and peoples and
projects or it seems as if your life is empty, there is still some much
happening within and around you.

With our last gathering you
shifted to a place of greater independence within yourself. [Referring
to the teleconference from 07-04-10; Open to Freedom Within You.] You
let go of old energies, old ideals that were no longer working for you
so that you could have a sense or a feeling of freedom. How has that
been for you? Does it feel like that is who you truly are? Or for some,
did it seem to open up even more potentials or things for you to look

I wish to ask you a question, if there was but one thing to
have within your life what would that be? It makes me smile because I
hear a deluge of different words. For many, we need to look beneath the
word at the energy or the essence that that word represents. Whether
you are seeking greater abundance, relationships, a new job, perhaps a
house or a car, perhaps children, perhaps good health; these are but a
few of what I heard from you when I asked that question. So whether it
was this or something else completely different within everything the
core essence of creation within your life comes from you. It comes from
your relationship with yourself.

Consider something that may
be happening within your life. Perhaps something that is a challenge to
you right now and as you consider whatever that may be, how much is
being influenced by things outside of you? For example, does it feel as
if you have not received what you wanted, because you haven’t gotten a
job and it’s that lack of a job that’s the impact?

Does it feel
as if you are unfulfilled in your life, because a relationship has not
manifested for you and it’s that lack of relationship that’s the
cause?  For others, do you feel as if you are in a space of lack and
it’s because you don’t have the money, whether from work or the lottery
or whatever it may be, to be there to support you? When you think
about it, it seems somewhat obvious that the lack within your life is
from something outside of you.  But I wish to shift these energies with
you this evening, because as you look inside yourself and consider how
it would feel within you, then let that be your focus; things will
manifest in a different manner.

Let us start with abundance.
And if abundance is not anything that is of concern for you, then
simply allow yourself to feel in the flow and let these words just move
on past you. When you consider abundance within your life so many of
you speak of it in its monetary form; I wish I had, and you can insert
whatever dollar amount or pound or whatever denomination of money for
your country; that makes sense to you. You think of abundance, perhaps
as having all your bills paid, perhaps savings in the bank; perhaps an
ability to pay for, whatever it is that comes along in your daily life.

I invite you to have a sense of taking a deep breath in and
here within the All That Is, open up your consciousness and let the
energy of the universe pour through you. As you feel that energy moving
through you, feel how much of it represents money. As if you reach out
and you pluck from this energy as much money as you need have a sense
of doing that, as you take this money, as you feel it filling you up, I
remind you not to just keep it held within you.  Send it through your
consciousness and out into the flow of those around you. What I see
happening as soon as I say that, is that some of you immediately go
back into lack. So, just as you opened up and that flow of abundance
came through you and around you, if it happened once it’ll happen again
and again and again.

It may be that you need to practice with
this and you open up and allow for an even greater amount of energy to
flow through you until you feel completely comfortable. So that when
you consciously let that abundance go away from you and out into the
universe you recognize that you are immediately filled up again. This
is how you are creating a foundation for what it feels like to have
immense monetary abundance within and around you.

Now when you
take back the next step in how to manifest it within your life, I hear
some of you would like to sit at home or be places that just bring you
joy and love and excitement and the money is just simply there, you
need not think about it, consider it or do anything for it, it’s just
there. This is absolutely a possibility. There are others who have a
sense of being in that expanded energy and in that flow and they
recognize that going out into the community brings them into a closer
alignment with what they want; be it through work, connections, family,
friends, whatever. This is another way of manifesting the abundance.
Still others may consider a sense of a gift or winning the lottery or
like a one fell swoop that brings this into your life. 

So far I
have named a few things here; this is by no means everything. You can
feel how the energy has somewhat constricted or narrowed, because we
spoke of some specific ways in which to manifest abundance. But I
invite you to step back once more and let go those specific ways and
instead be open and in the flow of the immense abundance of the
universe. And once more you can feel the difference now, because your
energy is so much more expanded.

There is such abundance that
has nothing to do with money or financials. Consider the abundance of
love.  Consider the abundance of trees, grass, flowers. Consider the
abundance of people, animals, whatever it may be that’s around you.
Consider what that feels like. And you find that your energy remains
expanded as you allow that flow to be there within and around you. When
people become very anxious due to lack of abundance, it is beneficial
to you, to remember to stand in the flow of all of the other abundance
within and around you.

I invite you to shift your focus to
relationships. How many of you feel completely content with the
relationships that are in your life? How many of you have been seeking a
particular relationship? For some it may be to have children in your
life, for others a partner, for others a person or company to work
with. Relationships have an impact upon you in many, many different

Bring that up within you and ask yourself if there is a
lack, how does that lack of a relationship look to you? How much of
your focus is upon the lack or that which is not occurring? Look
underneath those energies and go within yourself as if you are going
down, down within your consciousness.  Ask yourself, what is missing
within your life in regards to relationships? Ask yourself from this
space that expanded consciousness, is there another way that that
feeling, that essence, that energy is manifesting within your life?  If
there is but one potential that you focus upon, is that limiting to

If you are seeking a relationship because you seek that
connection with someone else, the sense of creating a life together,
the energy of the deep, deep way that love is reflected back and forth
between you and another human; ask yourself if you are feeling that
love, that connection to anything else within your life right now.
Because if it’s possible for you to find something else as a substitute
perhaps or as a means of focusing that energy, then you can shift your
own consciousness into what it feels like to have already what you
seek. Whenever I say this to people the next thing I hear back from
them is; but no, that’s not it; no it’s not good enough; no, I want the
real thing I don’t want the substitute! So, breathe deeply, breathe in
the energies and let them shift and let them move through you.

universe understands that ultimately you want what you want.  The
universe also understands that when you feel good it’s easier for you
to manifest what you want. That is one of the reasons why I recommend
that you find something with a similar energy or similar experience, so
that you can let your focus be upon that energy and it will open up,
more and more potential for you to manifest what you truly seek within
your life.

Here in the All That Is, you have everything you want
to have. When you’re in this space of expansion there is no doubt that
you can manifest what you seek to have. Let me shift gears a little
bit and ask you about the energy of deserving. So many times I hear
people say, ‘but I deserve that’. It may be in the context of; ‘I‘ve
studied for eight years, I therefore deserve a job that will pay x
amount’. I’ve heard; ‘I’ve been really good and conscientious in my
life so I deserve to have good things happen to me’. Another thing is
when other people may say; ‘you’re such a good person, you deserve to
have, whatever it is that you are seeking to have’.

And now as I
speak of this, there is nothing wrong in these statements because they
absolutely reflect a reality that comes behind those words. But when
you use words such as deserve, it comes with it, the underlying energy
of not deserving and therefore it comes with the energy of judgment,
because if you judge that you deserve to have this, then you’re saying
that on the flip side of that, if it hasn’t happened or didn’t happen;
you must have done something wrong that didn’t deserve it. Is deserve a
word or an energy that is a part of your life? I would encourage you
to have a sense of letting that go, just as I invite you to let go
judgment in any shape within your life.

As we are standing
here in this space of the All That Is, as all of these energies and
potentials are swirling around here; I am going to have a sense of
shifting the energies in such a way that they move through you clearing
out anything within you that keeps this from happening. I invite you to
have a sense of letting your consciousness open and expand and release
whatever no longer works for you. Release disappointment, release
fear, release anxiety [Deep breath] and as that’s all happening, it’s
as if there is a swell of energy that feels like joy, that feels like
excitement and it feels like it’s all bubbling up within everyone who is
here. So let yourself laugh, let yourself have a sense of jumping up
and down for joy! Because as you feel joy, as you laugh you’re in a
space of alignment that is relaxed and it allows for amazing things to
happen within your life.

When you feel good about yourself, you
are in the flow of your divine energies. When you feel happy and
excited it is as if you step even further within the energies of your
divinity. Your life is your own. You are creating. So for any of those
things that felt like they were detached from you, that felt like they
were outside of you, but yet they were keeping you from being in the
place you wanted to be or the person you wanted to be; then have a
sense of letting it go. Let yourself be in that space of feeling happy,
of feeling excited and of knowing who you are here within the All That
Is, as you stand in the flow of energy and light.

And now you
allow your focus to be on creating days that make you feel joyful,
happy and aware. Do you know the times when you feel that laughter that
comes up within you for no apparent reason? Can you think of the times
that you and a friend or loved one, remembered something or had an
experience where you’re just giggling and laughing with one another;
and nobody else around you seems to be aware of the joke!

may have those experiences within yourself as often as you would like.
Your divinity wants you to have a life that is filled with laughter,
with joy, with excitement and with the complete understanding that no
matter what is happening within your life, you are content, you are at
peace. Sometimes when you are manifesting what you seek to manifest,
that you think is all that you want to have, is actually but the tip of
the very foundation of what it is going to grow into.

You as
human consciousness can only accept, whatever it is that you accept. As
you find laughter and joy within your life and allow your life to
expand through that means, you will begin to recognize that your
perception expands again and again and again. Until you realize that
for so long you actually had such a limited perception of what you
wanted within your life. Let go the blinders, let go limitation, let go
manifesting the struggle, open to a life that is created through joy,
through excitement.

As that is all anchoring within each one
of you, have a sense of coming back together as a group. As you rejoin
each other, look around and see how brilliant the light is that
emanates from each one of you who are here. I still see some of you
giggling behind your hands, snickering over one joke or another and
into that sense of fun you see the hologram of the Earth. It includes
the hologram for Ariellis and as they come one superimposed over the
other. As they come up within this group have a sense of flowing that
sense of joy that sense of awareness into these holograms as they move

The holograms themselves begin to emanate a vibration.
It’s as if a pulsation of light or energy begins to emanate from them.
See as they shift in the Earth, the hologram of the Earth moves
downward as if to blend with the physical Earth. The hologram for
Ariellis moves out and it aligns with Ariellis, also known as the new
Earth. Through this mechanism it creates more and more of a bridge
between the Earth itself and the new Earth, so that each of you can
shift your consciousness and shift your focus from one space to the
other with greater and greater ease.

As the hologram of the
Earth moves through the magnetic grid, an aspect will stay here and the
remainder goes down and anchors within the Earth. [Deep breath] The
Earth itself finds an alignment or an integration and it all then
emanates coming up through the surface of the Earth, coming up through
the grass, the trees, the water, the Earth, just coming up through the
people upon it, the animals and the space. It’s as if it creates a shift
in the alignment that allows for more joy and more laughter to be a
part of everybody’s life, and as that happens it‘s as if some of that
intensity disperses and it releases creating a shift in the awareness
for everyone upon the earth.

 Each of you will then allow your
focus to come back within the space of the All That Is and then have a
sense of shifting once more into the soul plane. As you do so, you have
a sense of leaving the majority of your I AM presence here within this
space. You then allow your focus to merge once more with the
crystalline grid. As you allow your energies to blend within this
space, feel the shift in perception because of the journey that you
have just been upon. Your daily life can have as much of a difference
in perception through opening to greater joy and laughter within your

You then move a little deeper or you come, a little closer
into the Earth. You find that you move through the magnetic grid and
as you do so you begin to feel that pull of the Earth, that
gravitational pull of the Earth.  Through that you feel your energies as
you come back within yourself.  Feel your physical body as your energy
streams down into and around your physical body. Feel how light the
energy of laughter and joy is, as it’s here within you.

more affirm abundance, as it starts within you and emanates out. Once
more affirm relationships, as they start within you and emanate out.
Bring up anything within your life that you seek to have [Deep
breath] and breathe it down within you, breathe it into the core
essence of who you are here, within your physical body. And then
through that space of laughter and joy have a sense of just sending it
out with the intention of aligning with whatever it is you seek to have
[Deep breath] and then invite it to come back within you.

how you shift and adjust to integrate that energy.  Feel what it is to
have accomplished whatever it is you seek to have. I affirm for each
one of you that manifesting from a place where you feel good, where you
feel happy, where you feel balance, will create a greater amount of
ease and manifesting within your life.  Allow for joy to be an integral
part of your life.

And with that, I encourage you to take a
deep breath in, you may ground yourself once more upon the Earth and as
you allow your energies to come back within the Earth, I am open to
receive questions that you may have. You may press *6 upon your phone
and it will allow you to come within this space.

Question:  Hello (Hello I can hardly hear you.)  I’m
just – thank you very much for this journey, very much grateful.  I’m
wondering if you could tell me what would be the best meditation for me
to be doing now, to heal and to move forward spiritually.

Answer:  OK, could you tell us your name please so that we can link a little deeper and then take in a deep breath.  (Darleen) DarleenOK
Darleen if you will then have a sense of taking in a deep breath and
feel yourself blending with us.  All right Darleen first of all let me
send to you an embrace of love and energy and I invite you to have a
sense of opening up your arms and feel my energies as if it is a breeze
that is flowing past you and moving through you.  There we go. 

I see happening within your life is a number of different things as if
you have you’ve been juggling many different things happening and
you’ve been trying to find the space and the time to get everything
accomplished that you seek to accomplish.  So what I think would be
most beneficial to you is to have a meditation, or allow your breathing
or your focus to be on connecting within your own self as at the very
beginning of this journey when I had everybody breathing down inside of
themselves.  What that does is that takes all of your energies that
are scattered out in many ways and brings them all back within you
because you are focusing on your breathing and you are focusing on your
energy.  So by doing something like that it will help you to feel more
balanced within yourself and centered and from that space of center
and balance you can then go about your day, and all these other things
that keep you so busy will have more of a focused energy, and you won’t
feel as if you are wearing yourself so thin.  This will also enable
you to have a deeper connection to your own divinity, which will then
assist in expanding your spirituality.  Does that resonate with you

Yes it does thank you very much.   

we see you having times when you stop and do that breathing in the
middle of the day.  We see some days where you might do it 10 times and
then other days where you might just do it once or twice.  You can do
it for a longer period of time when you have the time and then you will
get to a place where you can take one or two breaths in and it will
have that same effect.

Thank you very much.   

You’re welcome

 Oh can I just ask one more thing as far as diet what do you see. 

Excuse me since this is a completely different subject we’ll need to go on to someone else.



Question:  Hello (Hello) Goddess
this is Norma.  I have a question.  There is a lot of talk about and
feelings of needing to leave Florida.  That makes me unhappy.  It’s not
really what I want to do, but at the same time I am feeling called maybe
to go maybe towards the Midwest.  What do you see about that?

Answer:  Uhum. 
Now we sense you talking about two different things.  When you
mentioned there is a lot of talk of leaving Florida we sense like
almost a general populace, ahh like as if from the Gulf Oil Spill, that
there are problems anticipated that cause people to want to leave.  Is
that what you are talking about?  (Yeah) OK  (And if I want to leave where would a good place be to go.) 

Well first of all I wish to say to you that much of that sense, like
that collective consciousness, feels as if it is based on fear and it
is based on the media and the words that are spoken from the media.  We
have a sense that there is a change in the air; we have a sense of a
change in the water; we have a sense of a change in many different
things that involve Florida, but a need to have a general leaving of the
area just does not resonate with us.  It feels to us that many people
will chose to leave because perhaps they no longer like the energy of
Florida, because the energy is going to change.  As for a need that it
is poor for your health, various reasons like that, at this point in
time that does not resonate with us as if that is something that will
truly come about.  It feels like much of that is just the media
talking.  Does that resonate with you as we say that?

Ah sort
of but at the same time recently I have been coughing a lot and when I
saw the Doctor he said he thought it was allergies.  I am very
sensitive to any kind of chemicals or anything you know. 
(Uhum)  I have Fibromyalgia and any kind of strangeness in the air I do pick up.

these breathing things that you talk about and strangeness in the air
it does feel like allergens we agree with that.  Are they from the
Gulf.  Are they from other things that are going on.  We are not 100%
convinced it is coming from the Gulf, that that’s where the allergy is
coming from.  But the point is about you and what feels right to you. 
So if you are symptomatic.  If these types of things continue on what
we recommend is that you consider moving and when you spoke of the
Midwest we did have like a bit of a glow and an energy around that so
we do think that that would have a good benefit for you.  It feels like
the climate and the energy is completely different so it would be
beneficial to you but we feel like something more, we don’t feel the
Midwest such as Iowa, Nebraska like up north with the snow and ice it
feels more like the southern Midwest.  Is that what you are thinking

Well I’m from Kansas City and I was thinking you know, I don’t know, Ashville any place you know.  (Uhum) I love the beach and stuff, but right now when I go around it, it doesn’t feel, something doesn’t feel right.  (Uhum) I really don’t know what it is.  (OK so.)  I don’t like cold weather though.

and that’s what we had picked up on.  So we do see that for one thing
it gives you something to do to look at your possibilities and
potentials, but to us it feels like right now there is a lot that is
changing so perhaps give yourself more time.  Or perhaps maybe look at
your alternatives and when the time comes, if you do need to move, then
you will know when the time is right for you to make a move.

OK thank you very much. 

Ok you’re welcome.

Question:  Um Hello (Hello)  Hi thank you for taking my call.  (You’re welcome.) 
I um I was actually talking to you a couple of weeks ago and we got cut
off, so I’m going to re-ask my question.  I was asking about if I
should be doing acting at this time or should be forgetting about that
and about going to New York to do the acting even.

Answer:  Uhum.  Can you tell us again either your name or where you live.  (My name is Teressa and I live in Los Angeles.) 
In Los Angeles, OK.  We see that you have some success with your acting
and we see that, we also get a feeling of limitation around you.  What
we would recommend that you do when you consider going to New York, it
feels like in New York one often times thinks like that would be like
acting and Plays and stuff like that, but we see you more so doing some
sort of television type work.  Is that what you are seeking the
television, or the Plays on stage?  (Yes it was more television.)  Yes
that’s what we see for you too.  So we see that there is an
opportunity for you in New York that is around doing acting work, but
we also have a sense that there is more available to you out where you
are.  It feels like there’s either, there feels like there’s
limitations around you, like you’ve either gotten into a niche and you
haven’t gone outside that niche, or that ah, it’s as if you’ve been
categorized as a type of actress somehow.  Some way it just feels like
you’re in some kind of a box. 

So what we would recommend that
you do is take in a deep breath with us and as you take in a deep
breath have a sense of seeing your self as if within this box and as
you breathe out consciously – phew – consciously have a sense of
pushing out that box, pushing it away from you and just kind of like
shaking your arms, your legs, your body and as you do so then breathe
down an energy that is kind of going to clear out your space and clear
out your energy.  What we do now is – phew – now it’s like we suddenly
feel like a dizziness an expansion in your energies after you do this,
and what we would say is look around where you are living right now and
perhaps look at opportunities that you have not considered in the
past, because it feels like there is work for you where you are.  It
also feels if you did want to go to New York that there is work
available for you up there and it feels like there would be a contract
that would be written before you move as opposed to just moving there
and seeing what you can find.  But we do feel like there is a lot of
work around you and that you just need to kind of give yourself, shake
yourself off from time to time and expand your energy and be very
conscious of standing outside of a box or outside of limitation.

Wow OK so the limitation’s more what I’m putting on myself then.  (Exactly) Then I have to expand and then I can be successful.  (Exactly, because we see a lot of work both in LA and in New York.)  OK that sounds great. 

Good could you feel the difference as just now when we were just kind of expanding that box and just kind of getting rid of it.

Yes, yes I could and so I should just keep doing that daily to even get more.  (Exactly.  Exactly)  Keep doing that daily ok. 

sometimes you may even decide that  – you wake up – you do some
breathing – you maybe do that little exercise, and then after that you
go and see what jobs might be available, or you look whatever your
sources are.  In that way you’re in that space of expansion when you
are in the process of looking, or interviewing, or going to jobs, what
are those things called Auditions. 

Yeah, OK that sounds great thank you very much. 

You’re very welcome. 

OK bye.

 Bye Bye.

Hello Goddess, how are you?  (Good, thank you.)  my name is Sammy and I
live in Texas.  I just wanted to ask you one question.  (Ummhmm) [I
couldn’t understand what he said]  What it is, is I want to know how to
connect with another portion of myself…… [I couldn’t understand.]  (You want to know how to connect with another person?) Another portion of myself in another reality.

Things like that re becoming easier and easier for people to do as the
energies become more transparent, as the veil between people or
between the universe or the earth becomes thinner.  When you go up
into the space of soul plane as we did in this journey, you’re there and
you align with your I AM presence you can then have a sense of asking,
‘what is another aspect that is me that is my life’.  Or even if it’s
another completely different life that is say a parallel life to yours. 
That’s one way of looking at the big expanded picture of things.  If
you want to get more in touch say on a daily basis with a part of you
that feels hidden away, then by doing those breathing exercises where
you breathe inside and open up your heart, ask yourself the questions:
‘what am I not aware of’ ‘what do I need to become aware of’ or just
state I am choosing to open to that which is hidden from me at the
moment.  You will come up with whatever the words are.  Especially
creating that link and alignment with your divinity and  your I AM
presence that allows you to have a greater flow moving through you so
that the answers can come more readily.   We have a sense that you have
a deeper connection to your divinity; well you’ve always know that you
have a deep connection to your divinity, but we have a sense that you
have more of a conscious awareness than what you give yourself credit
for.  We sense you receive nuances or get a feeling about things or you
get a sense of things and you discount it or don’t think that it’s
real.  So by opening your intention and your awareness to trust in
these insights as they come to you, it will make it stronger and easier
for you to create these understandings.

I’m thinking
that too because of the fact that I’m aware of another portion of
myself in another reality from the reality that offers this, also a
finger, you know what I’m saying in another reality.  I finally
realized there’s something more to life that fascinates me, human beings
fascinate me, everything around me fascinates me.  That’s when it got
deep within my consciousness and I try to expand and see how far I can
expand my consciousness out of bounds.  I like to exercise and play with
this energy, to embrace it.  It’s like wow man, this is so awesome!
It’s like every day I feel like I can take over the world.  I feel like I
have so much energy it’s kind of overwhelming at times.

it becomes overwhelming, that’s when your ego is getting involved. 
When you simply feel the energy and have the conscious awareness that
there is so much more than life, there’s so much more, that sense that
life almost feels surreal to you.  That is the space of your divinity. 
Then as you begin to analyze it and your ego gets involved, that’s when
you place limitations on it. 

Oh wow, I see.  So the
energy I’m embracing right now, I don’t want to hold you up, I know
other people are waiting; but the energy I’m embracing right now, I’m
carrying it  pretty well?

It feels to us as if you
are.  It feels as if anything you are too much in the expanded awareness
and not grounded enough.  By grounding your energies it will #1 help
your ego become used to these energies so it will be more comfortable
with the expansion.  But then secondly it will allow more of it come in,
in a conscious reality  instead of just a thought that is detached from

Okay, one last thing, I am a song writer and
I wrote a song about the new earth. I know I’m going to be changing
for my music, I’m a preacher, there’s a transformation through my
music.  I’m wondering if I have heard from my higher self.

anything you do whether it’s playing music, communication or any part
of your life when you are consciously linking with your higher self, it
is your higher self that is coming through.  So trust in that!

That’s what I’m talking about!  I want to thank you for your time.

You’re welcome.

Hello Goddess, thank you for your journey tonight.  (You’re welcome)  I
have chosen to be seen and to begin the teaching of breath work,
classes and showing people what self looks like.  I’m wondering if you
could give me any suggestions about how to attract students to these

Answer:  it feels as if, first of
all the journey tonight was exactly what you are seeking to do was it
not?  As you talked about breathing in self-love it felt like there was
such a distinct alignment with the journey tonight.  It was as if it
took us back to that space in the journey.  Since we don’t usually say
that, there must be a reason for why it came to our awareness in this
manner.  That would be one thing we would say; go back into when the
Goddess was speaking of the energies of manifesting, the energies of
joy, the energies of excitement.  That was when you were in that space
that was most open and most creative. As you are seeking to manifest
clients for the classes you want to offer, think of places that make
you feel happy and like there is a flow to it.   On the practical side
of matters; well do that with your energy to be in the space of being
open to receive.  Then in a practical manner we see you taking out small
advertisement in a local paper.  We see there’s something offered, the
advertisement might not be free, but it feels like the paper is free. 
It feels like there is something that goes in there. We also see someone
like a shop or store.  Someone around you has what would be considered
a health fair; something with a lot of table set up for people to talk
about classes they offer or the healing work they do.  We see you
having a booth at something like that, that feels like September or
October.  So it’s not immediate, but this fall.  And then we also see
you talking to people and spreading the word in that manner.  We see
bulletins made up so we see you being very busy with tasks that are used
in manifesting your clients.  Each of these things that you do, when
you do it from that place of excitement and feeling joyful, then that
is what will emanate an energy to people that will make them say  ‘wow
that feels fun, that feels joyful, I want to be in that space’. Does
that all resonate with you?

Oh yes,
absolutely.  I’ve also been trying to connect with the aspect of my
students who want to learn this information.  Is that beneficial also?

it is, but for some reason when you said that just now, it felt as if
it narrowed things down.  So perhaps it narrowed it because your sense
is that your students are going to come in a particular form or
something; like a particular category of people that are looking for
self improvement.  So we would say if you want to align with the
essence of them who are going to seek this type of work or
transformation, then do so with the intention that that flow goes out
as a part of what you are seeking to align with.  For other people, it
may be in a different manner and therefore you are not limiting

Okay, I understand now. 

you feel how just in talking about it the energies have shifted? Now
there is a greater flow moving through and around you about this. 

Sounds wonderful!

as if once you’ve had the first few; it feels like you’ve had very
small or limited and it feels like a dam breaks.  The classes start out
small and get bigger and bigger because a lot of it is word of mouth.

Oh good, okay that sounds great!  Thank you very much.

You’re welcome! Bye bye. 

We’ll take one more.

My name is Rachael.  (Hello)  I have a daughter that I connect with on a
soul level and I haven’t met yet.  She will come to me through adoption
and through foster care I think.  I have 2 other children that I will
focus on my relationship with them like you said about manifesting the
relationship you want.  But I really do miss her.  I feel like she has
been with me for a long time and I want this to happen. We’ve been
waiting for a long time for her. I’m wondering if you have any insights
about this.

Answer: We have a sense she is
a deep soul connection to you; that the two of you have had many, many
multiple lifetimes together.  It feels that you felt the connection to
her even before she was born on the earth plane.  That’s one of the
reasons why it feels like it’s so long.  It just feels like you were
connecting before she was even born because she was trying to come in to
you biologically.  Somehow some way there was something that felt like
it was going to come through you. Then instead it felt like she said
she was going to plan B.  It feels like she has incarnated upon the
earth.  It feels like she’s in a place of limbo.  That’s kind of got us
distracted into where she is, so we are going to take a step back. 
(Deep breath)

Whew, it was like as soon as we took a step
back, we could see how you are a magnet to this soul essence.  It feels
like your husband was a part of it, but it was predominantly you.  Is
that something that you’ve noticed also?

Yes, definitely.

okay.  So when we’re looking at this when we say ‘when is this going
to happen’ ‘how is this going to come about’ it feels to us…. Hmm a
number is just not coming clear to us.  Let me see if there’s any way
we can get something from this. It has not yet been decided.  Okay, it
feels like when we look down at say the 5 years point, it feels like
she’s a part of your life.  When we try to bring that forward and say
‘is she here what more information can we have about it?’ It feels as
if she’s in a situation. It feels like she’s an infant or at the very
most 1 year to 18 months.  It feels like she’s still very, very young. 
It feels as if there is something trying to be worked out.  It does not
feel like the energies around her right at this moment are of being in
foster care or being adopted. That is the reason why it did not come
clearly to us.  We get a sense of 2 – 2.5 is how old she would be when
she possibly comes into your care. That would tell us what, a year from
now.  But again, this is just the perception as we tap into it now, it
could be different at another point in time. 

The thing to
remember about something like this and trying to know how it’s going to
happen and when it’s going to happen is the fact that she is someone
who is a deep soul relationship to you.  You already have a
relationship with her.  So when you realize that that relationship is
taking place, you feel each other’s essence, you feel the magnetism
that is bringing you together.  If you let yourself focus on feeling
that togetherness through the relationship you already have, then see
that reflected in the children you have, your husband, your other
relationships in life.  What you are going to find is that you won’t
have that same neediness within you because you know you already have a
relationship with her.  Then it will take away some of that neediness
so that you can be more in a place of being open to receive. We have a
sense when you mentioned the foster care, it felt as if she moved
through that very quickly and into your arms.  So it does not feel as
if she will come to you hugely traumatized. 

Oh, thank you.

Does that resonate with you, what we speak of?

yes.  I’ve been having trouble connecting on this subject with my
guides and I realize that in general it’s just not completely decided
on our relationship, thank you.

 You’re very
welcome.  So when you feel that sense of her around you, just have a
sense like with the little girl next door to say ‘oh hi darling’ and
give her a hug and kiss, then separate.  In that way, you are
reaffirming with each other ‘yes is see you, I know you’re there, we’ll
come into contact at some point in life’.  It keeps you from going
into the overload.

Okay, thank you very much.

You’re welcome.

beloved family, so as we bring this evening to a close, it always
gives me that sense of; Oh, I want to talk more, I want to communicate
more with each one of you here! And I realize that I actually am
communicating more and more and more because each one of you are
opening up to such a degree that you are feeling the communication from
me directly and I’m feeling it back from you all the more.

beloved, believe in yourself, remember to have joy and laughter within
your life and choose to allow your reaction to be something that makes
you feel good at any given moment during your day.

I am ever with you,


This is Shelly Dressel channeling the Goddess of Creation; the
feminine aspect of source essence, for the free teleconference offered
on the first and third Sundays of each month. All rights are reserved.
You are welcome to share this information; we just ask that you keep it
intact. For further channels and information on both the Goddess and
Shelly please see our website: