Thursday, July 22, 2010

Bearing Down

"We’re in the thick of it" is what the unseens said the other day
while I was frantically trying to balance myself in the shrinking space
between electrocutions.  While on some I level I felt semi-relieved to
hear those words, the smaller, less reverent, and
definitely-more-frustrated-part of me couldn’t hold back a "yeah, no shit."

I mean come on…these transitions are far from subtle and we can all feel the thick of it...but what we are all violently screaming to know is: where will we land and whennnnnn?

And here’s what those voices in my head said:  there are two major portals left to walk through…one arising at the end of this month and one in the beginning of August.

These two major gateways are purportedly bringing us in deeper harmony with the "master creator within"…"the
reconnection of your inherent creational powers will come forth through
these gateways and in doing so, the next level of transformation and
resurrection of physicality will commence."

If you’ve been on this journey long enough, than no doubt you have been
stripped down to either complete apathy or cynicism…or both…but
either way you should have enough wits about you to realize that those
words above are always much prettier than the physical reality we will
most likely experience….so consider this fair warning that though we
are close, we are still climbing…and if it’s not obvious, I despise
that fact more than you do.

Here’s what I am being shown… and please bear with me as I try to find clarity amidst generous amounts of vertigo and fatigue:

In the coming 2 weeks, there are magnanimous energies flowing toward
earth as if some miraculous force of God is landing to ressurect the
planet and her people.  This energy, which culminates in the full
expression of major planetary bodies will directly and indirectly
energize all forms of matter to step further into the realm of oneness.

Unless you live under a rock…which I guess accounts for most of
us…you have most definitely caught wind of the astrological foreboding
emanating from astrologers and metaphysicians in relation to the
cardinal T-Square alignment involving Saturn, Uranus, and Pluto—a rare
alignment and profoundly suggesting societal and socio-economic

Well, according to the Pleidians, July 26  is one of those major portal
days when Saturn opposition Uranus becomes exact, which also
incidentally falls on the first day of the 13 Moon Calendar-Mayan New
Year and directly following the full moon in Aquarius on July 25-26.

Then, soon after, on August 6-7ish a cardinal grand cross is activated
between Jupiter-Uranus, Pluto, the Moon and Saturn-Mars-Venus…and, if
all that weren’t enough, the Lions gate opening directly follows on
August 8th.

Now I am no astrologer…and barely know what any of that means… but
it sounds & feels like some big forward moving stuff.  Truthfully, I
am hearing that these astrological events will be especially impacting
on the outer world, but we are experienced enough to know that we will
also need to anchor and stabilize these energies within ourselves as

Luckily, I am also hearing that for those who have cleared the bulk of their karmic-goo… peace of mind will accompany this passage of great change.

Collective Rebirth

No doubt we are smack dab in the middle of birthing a new reality….and
it hurts like hell…but I am told that the contractions over the next
two weeks of labor are the impetus for grand physical restructuring by
which we will merge into deeper union between spirit and matter and
which will initiate a restructuring of all physical bodies of matter,
including the planetary body.  This usually amounts to upheaval on one
level and breakthroughs on another, where some (those aligned with love)
are able to climb ahead and others (those still unawakened) will fall
deeper into the abyss of cause and effect.

This merging of polarities, which peaks on the 8/8 gateway, results in a
deeper realization of our god-self.  As these masculine and feminine
energies merge, the left and right hemispheres of the brain unite to
form a bridge between worlds and a flow of new-level information streams
between physical and spiritual reality where we are able to see and
know things we didn’t before and which will also give us the insights
needed for creative solutions to clean up our messy lives…and as
always, just in the nick of time.

As a result of this incoming energy of merging worlds…which,
incidentally is already beginning to seep into our personal energy
fields…in the next two weeks there will be a resurgence of divine love
which the unseens are referring to as "a uniting of your inner-god with your outer-form."

For us to become complete through this transition…to move beyond
karmic creation and into resonance creation… requires that we are able
to absorb the encoded light quotients cascading down from the great
central sun into our pinneal and pituitary glands.  Unfortunately, our
physical bodies are recoiling at the thought of downloading ANY more
light, so it is imperative to remain neutral to these energies, let them
flow through you, and not attach any human thought to their

Using Discernment

For those of us who have been working toward the actualization of our
divine potential, there is much to be considered during this time…
especially as it pertains to our thoughts.  The most influencial aspect
of these astrological, solar and galactic forces will be our ability to
initiate change…to come unstuck…and to realize our capabilities as
co-creators of divine intent…and this begins with the increasingly
more powerful energy of thought.

The quarantine that each of us has been protected by over the last
several years is beginning to lift which means manifestation is becoming
nearly instantaneous… the space between thought and procurement is
disintegrating and we are slowly beginning to see signs of this in the
physical. (think phone calls…do you really need that caller ID
anymore?)  Though sudden miracles are appearing, ironically, this is mostly true for things we don’t need right now….but an indication of what’s behind this clearing cycle nevertheless.

All in all it is very important that we use discernment and
self-responsibility by not giving our power away to fear based
thinking… especially during these gateway periods when collective
frenetic thoughts moving up and out and are swarming us. You may find
that you need to lay low for a bit, stay in a safe space or with friends
and loved ones to regain your composure or to steer clear of these
energies during transmutation periods.

The End of the End

For the time being, the pressure is definitely still building and we
feel all but ready to pop, yet we are still wrapping up much of the past
and any old business in need of resolution.   So much to tend to, so
little energy.

"The completion of all wayward elements is drawing nigh and there is
only a short window of opportunity left to finalize details….arriving
in mid-August is an influx of energies that will need space to land…to
fill up the vacuous void of your past lives and carve the new
potentials for your future."

This preparation period…like the rest of this relentless journey….
seems to go on foreverrrrrrrrr and tho it is all completely necessary to
take full advantage of our new beginnings, it is exhausting to try to
work within these dense energies of the old paradigm when so much of
ourselves is firmly planted in the new.

A perfect example of this in my own life is a seemingly never-ending
bankruptcy finalization.  In order to save my home from foreclosure last
year, I filed bankruptcy to apply for a much-needed loan modification
and restructure.  This was first supposed to be finalized in March, then
got adjourned to May, then got adjourned to July and today was just
adjourned AGAIN to September.

Even tho I just. want. this. to. be. over. with…I also know in the
bigger picture that everything is undergoing a major vibrational
upgrade….readjusting, restructuring, and realigning to match the new
energies so that when the time comes to fully move forward, everything
will be in sync with my our new and completely authentic lives.

This energy of the old with the new pushing through is apparent
everywhere right now…important things keep getting postponed, moved
ahead…then behind…then ahead again.  Plans (if u can even make any)
change at the very last minute, we think we are going one way then
suddenly we are not…well aligned opportunities arise and just as
quickly, disappear.

Its pure insanity really…yet, many good things do come from these
universal adjustments.  For instance, because my bankruptcy kept getting
postponed, I was miraculously able to align with the timing of the
government equity adjustment plan and my loan…which was $100,000
upside down… qualified for a market value adjustment saving me
thousands and thousands of dollars in the end.  This was COMPLETELY
unexpected at a time when I had NO IDEA how this situation would resolve

Moral of the story?  When in doubt, get out the way. 

So yes, this waiting and uncertainty is the pits, and letting our
higher-self take control has been sooooo boring…but I promise it will
all be well worth it in the end when we are smooth sailing in our new

Physical Happenings

As usual, purification symptoms abound.  We are still integrating the
energies from the recent eclipse period as well as some new symptoms
that are arriving from the influx of the next incoming wave.

The most uncomfortable changes seem to still be taking place from
eclipses and are manifesting in the base of the neck/head/shoulder/upper
back area with tons of pressure that can feel like your skull bones are
fusing together.  I actually said in a recent post on the TWYH forum
that I felt like Neo being plugged into the new matrix through the base
of my skull.  The jaw (TMJ), teeth, ears, throat and gums are all
healing from this intense download in a major way so you may be having
all sorts of related issues in these areas.  But that certainly doesn’t
mean we are relieved of all the other symptoms like heartburn, middle
back pain, nausea, intestinal discomfort, etc…no siree Bob…they just
get piled on top and counted as bonus symptoms.

Also, the Cancer/Capricorn eclipses were challenging all of us at the
base levels of financial security and physical safety which kicked up
TONS of fear and stress around mortality and financial failure.

You know that stress I am talking about…the kind that keeps your jaws
clenched when you’re not paying attention and makes everything in life
seem impossible.  This was evident everywhere and in everyone (even if
you don’t have financial challenges) during that potent portal period,
and the physical body really took a toll.  Insomnia, restlessness,
jitters, vague anxiety, soreness in muscles, cold sweats, rapid
heartbeat, palpitations, etc.

And now we have the lunar energy of the full moon on Sunday coming at us
and kicking up increasing levels of anxiety coupled with the solar
energy of the Lions gate piercing our pituitary/pineal glands as they
attempt to merge in sacred union, so the usual Leo sun
sinus/allergy-type symptoms are slowly creeping in.

The pituitary/pineal glands govern a lot of bodily functions and
hormones including body temperature and sleep, so this is some unfun
stuff….these detox symptoms vary in intensity and can include hay
fever type symptoms, feeling really cold, then hot…sometimes with
sweating, vertigo, dizziness, unsteadiness, feeling spaced-out, deep
fatigue, sinus congestion & pressure, itchy-watery eyes, sore/dry
throat, congested ears, headaches, etc.

If you are challenged by these symptoms (or any others), self-nurturing
will obviously still be required as is the need to rest and ground these
powerful surges of energy into our lives and bodies for a bit longer.

What’s left?

To complete this journey, there is only one thing left that is required of us…full presence in love.

This means that it is beyond crucial that we continue to remain neutral,
clear and keep ourselves centered in love each time we feel a spike in
earth’s electromagnetic field.

The amount of love and fearlessness that we are able hold within our
bodies will determine the level we are catapulted to through these
remaining portals.  This simply means that in order to fly, we must step
off the path of known in full faith of the unknown…wings
outstretched…and with the absolute knowing that the wind will support
our flight.

These next two weeks will collectively bring us to a point of jumping
into seas of untold depth where at any given moment we will have two
choices: we can get swept up in the undercurrent and fight to stay
afloat, or we can relax into the momentum of the swells and body surf
those waves with pure excitement as they guide us effortlessly to the
shores of our new lives.

In the end, we are all exactly where we need to be and at this stage of the game there is nothing left to DO but BE.

So I guess we’ll do what we always do…BE patient.

Until then….

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