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A Divine Turning Point

Hi my extraordinary friend, How amazingly intense where the few
weeks leading up to the June 21st Solstice and June 26th lunar
eclipse? After the lunar eclipse, much of the intensity began to lift
and many of us started to feel a sense of connection again to our core
essence after feeling so disconnected for what seemed to be a good
amount of time!

Right now, we are in a major lesson learning
and cleansing period before the next big personal and planetary
transformations continue after the solar eclipse on July 11th. During
this current window between the two eclipses, we are receiving
celestial energy waves that are instantly teaching us the positive
lessons and gifts we’ve spent lifetimes trying to learn around every
limiting pattern that has prevented us from expanding into our greatest
and most Divine Selves.

The exciting thing is that all these
energy waves are being anchored on the deepest core molecular and
subconscious levels for every living being on the planet, even those
who are unaware of what’s going on at this time. With these life times
of lessons being learned so quickly now, we will no longer remain in
the holding patterns that have kept us in the same fears, struggles,
and challenges we experienced for millennia.

This is
This means the rate people awaken to remembering their
greatest most Divine Selves will now multiply at lightning speed! And
when we awaken to our greatest most Divine Self, we naturally begin to
recognize and honor the divinity in others. Wow, imagine what our
society will be like when love, peace, respect, and unity become the
most common part of every day life. Well my amazing friends, it IS
happening and there is absolutely no denying it at this point, even if
the current cleansing period seems to appear a bit challenging and
convincing, it’s all just a part of the Divine Process. Since it’s all
happening naturally, all we need to do is ‘allow’ the process to

Right now is an excellent time to re-evaluate how
well we have been taking care of ourselves physically, emotionally,
spiritually, and mentally. It is absolutely imperative that we make it
our number one priority to nurture and love ourselves deeper than ever
before, as this will allow us to show up in the world feeling
completely satisfied and whole. When we operate from this space, we
begin to contribute so much more to raising the vibration of our planet
by just showing up and being ourselves.

As we continue
receiving many powerful celestial energy waves that are shifting us
personally and globally on a daily basis, it is completely normal to
experience some physical or emotional shifting as well. If you are
experiencing digestive issues, headaches, feeling tired, are more
emotional than usual, a shift in appetite and sleeping patterns,
sensitivity to foods you usually eat, and lots of crying and/or sudden
bursts of laughter, it’s normal and all will balance itself out, as long
as we are eating nutritious foods, drinking plenty of water, and
taking time to deeply nurture ourselves.

We are fully in the
miraculous times we’ve dreamed about! It’s here and now, no longer
just a future idea, and I am so deeply grateful for the opportunity to
share this journey with every single one of you!

Till next

Miraculously yours,

Emmanuel Dagher

©2010 Emmanuel Dagher, All Rights
Reserved – You are absolutely welcome to share these forecasts with
others as you feel guided! Thank you!

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