As the sands of time slide through the entrances and exits of
all that is sacred, seen and unseen, humanity’s future is unveiled as
it is seen in a full spectrum of possibility that has not existed
before sequence of energy. 

As each person walks forward in
their life, there is a set of energetic time prints, that they
announce to the world.  As earth walks forward into newly formed dunes
of progression it will seem and feel as if one is left completely
alone. No one beside them, to hold them, to help them, to assist them
or ‘sew it seams’.  The energies of the Angels on high come to lift
you into a place where you can not fall or falter. The restless flight
ends as the angels on high escort you into a safe harbor

asks you to not give up on what lives in your heart and lives in your
dream.  The Universe has placed within you a seed that cannot die,
that cannot be sown over.  The Universe has placed in you a time
imprint that asks to be viewed under the microscopic eye of your

Earth herself wades through a deep level of fear, she
processed as we process. fear that She is to drown in the tears and
fears of humanity, fear that outside forces will interfere in her path
of ascension.  Humans fear the war, the debt, lack of money and loss
of control.  Earth herself and all her inhabitants are at a turning
point that asks everyone to be explicit in the expression of every
passing thought for they all count.  No more excuses for the mistaken
choices of those in power as they look for ways to polish their own

As of the summertime of 2010, higher echelons of light
will be integrated into the soul patterns of those that have asked. 
Every individual upon Earth has an opportunity to ask for Divine
assistance, for Divine acknowledgment, for Divine intervention.  Many
allow themselves to be washed about in a tidal pull as the
waves crest pushing them about. 

Each thought that humanity
has is more important than the thought before.  Within Each thought
wisdom either increases or decreases exponentially. Every interaction
with every person gives you food for thought to be digested at your own
discretion.  When you hear sad news move your heart and your energies
up to a safe place where one can see the totality of the situation
and chose action accordingly.

Those that wear the higher
patterns of light and time without the constraints of Earth will be
asked to go beyond what they deem suitable for their experiences as
well as commitment to the cause.  What this means is that you will be
given deep soul insights that will ask you to fly higher, move more
mountains and dance through space as well as  time.  You will be given
instructions from the Universe within your heart that ask you to
surpass any limitation you thought you had. You will be asked to
become one with the legions of light, the legions of God that have no
fear.  the legions of heart light that hold the heart of humanity
within the very palms of their hands. 

So many of earth have
chosen not to change, not to move forward, not to believe and not to
trust, even themselves.  So many of Earth have given up, have not seen
their absentee landlord God in many moons, have not felt the presence
of holiness, have not seen the manifestations of miracles. What
humanity seeks as the proof of the pudding is so animated that it
actually has taken form and walks upon earth disguised in humanity and

The energy of miracles desired may have taken the
forms of raindrops that were deeply prayed for on one street but not
another.  What you seek as a planet now has more mass to it. 
The biology has changed and shifted in the land of the supernatural,
the land of the unseen.  The belief system of Earth has faltered
because many do not see with the eyes of Faith. 

Most have given
up being rescued, most have given up on the angels, and many have
given up on God.  As a planet you are asked to believe in what is
invisible, what cannot be seen, what cannot be felt or touched or
smelled or tasted.  You are asked to believe in a supernatural being
that has placed you here for your highest good and your highest growth
and then walked away to another project.  You have been asked to
believe that every loss, every death every dark day has a divine
opportunity wrapped within it – a chewy center that you often stick

We come to tell you that the miracle that you seek walks
amongst you.  It listens when you speak, it dances in your dreams, it
sees the patterns of your heart.  The miracles that humanity so needs
is guaranteed by the universe if one will only believe to the final
hour.  for single a miniscule pattern of doubt creates a lethal
toxicity.  As the planets line up and the eclipses stake themselves
out, deep emotions, come to the surface – angers and hates, loves and
tears. Life is circular of nature and this too shall pass. We are the
Sirian Council of Light.  

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan – PO box 217 – Dandridge, Tennessee 37725-0217 –