Is a Dutch saying which literally means ‘Bringing it to a head’, making the bomb burst. But you can take it even more literally, and at least partially translate it as ‘Floating on the Spits’. Given the preferences of most of the dutch audience, SP!TS is the newspaper founded years ago by Frits Spits, a famous radio DJ from the seventies and eighties.’Want to see how you can float on a newspaper?

According to the header they are powered by NewNews, and sometimes lost in translation by us [That would be me @ now].

According to this header from todays paper, they have their big ears pointing upwards, so let’s listen to what the stars are saying for me. I mean, this would safely be considered a quotation, but doing it for all twelve signs of the zodiac would probably be called plagiarism, which to us Dutch has a far more playful meaning, because of the Dutch word ‘plagen’ which means ‘to tease’:

For those of you who don’t speak Dutch, let me explain how this sounds, and how come I am quoting it. I don’t normally read newspapers, am more of a incidental headhunter than a serial killer. My friend Leo however is an addict: he reads all the dutch train papers every day, and even brings his non-training colleagues their own copies. He read me this out loud this morning, when I was already in an A-positive mood:

It is an ideal day if you need to fulfil a delicate assignment, if you wish to claim what is rightfully yours, or if you wish to rethink your strategy. Don’t worry, your partners in communication will completely understand you.

Now this already felt awfully good when he read it, but as the day progressed I got inspired to formulate two stories for tonight, one about industrial espionage (delicate assignment as I later realised), and about my most ardent desire, which yes, I DO think I am entirely entitled to. Then as the day proceeded, a dirty little bug had me chasing it all around the R&D room, frequently having to combine my strengths with those of my able-bodied colleagues, to rethink our strategy….. which happened

More on that later, first I have to deliver a crashed laptop to the hardware-specialist, and I thank God (and myself) that my luck is such that the laptop isn’t mine….. but Melanie’s.

Love your Stars,
