Dear Readers: This is the second segment of
an ongoing series. If you are unfamiliar with the first part I hope
will take the time to find it and read it. To recap, this is a detailed
account of a dialog between a young woman of extra-terrestrial origin
and myself, with assistance from Gaia. She was born here on Earth, the
daughter of two ET parents. When she turned five (based upon earth
chronology), her parents arranged for her to visit her home world. She
lived upon her ancestral world for the equivalent of twelve years,
although less than one earth year had elapsed. She is a grown woman
now, able to exist upon two worlds with relatively minor adjustments,
and with vital and purposeful messages to offer both worlds. Uilora
(You-ee-lo-ra) is not a literal name, but an anagram that is
representative of her style and substance.

The last time we spoke you told me about your parents. That was very
interesting, but now I would like to know more about you. I know that
Gaia has a purpose in our coming together and I am eager to discover
more about that. I know that you were born here on Earth, but under
different circumstances and conditions. Can you tell me more about that?

I was born in 1967 in Northern California. My parents conceived me in
an earth-like fashion, through intercourse and lovemaking. Our rituals
are a little different than those on earth and there is less real or
imagined courtship. We have the ability to see farther into the future
and it is not as difficult to determine whether or not a partnership
will have longevity. Some of us are even able to determine the length
of our physical embodiment (lifetime). This information is provided to
our potential partners, but in most cases it is already known. Some
of our partnerships resemble human marital relationships, but we do not
obligate each other in contractual ways or hold one another
accountable for changes in life or lifestyle. We respect honesty and
independence, love deeply and greatly, and resolve to experience all
of the things that life has in store for us. It is not uncommon for us
to await the arrival (embodiment) of a loved one for a longer time
than is common or even possible on earth. My parents have been
together many different times and prefer each other’s companionship to
that of others, but they have also had several other relationships and
would consider doing so again. Jealousy among mated or unmated
couples is not common because we are free to choose each other, but it
is not unheard of. Sometimes even those with very far reaching vision
cannot see far enough to know that life will bring them what their
heart desires. We do not consider jealousy or envy something to avert
or deny, as it is a matter between the self and its subjectivity.
Eventually, objectivity will return and balance will be restored.

parents conceived me elsewhere but chose to give birth to my physical
form on the earth. They thought it was an honor to do so and a way to
celebrate and cement the work they were doing on the earth at the
time. Their choice was made in the spirit of partnership and was
endorsed by those who knew them and their origins well. They also knew
that giving birth to me here would make me a hybrid or an alien in
the eyes of some, but they trusted that this would one day be
considered an asset. My mother’s pregnancy was as obvious as those of
any other woman and my parents made no effort to keep my birth hidden
or secret. They decided against the sterile hospital births of the
time and opted for a home delivery. My father delivered me with the
assistance of a family friend who was aware of the few preferential
customs that make us physically unique. There was nothing unusual or
difficult about my birth, which I am told is much less difficult or
painful than those of typical earth pregnancies.

Our bodies
seem better able to accommodate and adapt to pregnancy. Our density
(physical being minus the body) is slightly less than that of the
average human baby, which makes our birth weight less as well. We are
generally taller than you by a small margin and more trim; our hearts
are slightly smaller and our lung capacity a little less. We are able
to self monitor our health. This does not mean that we never become
ill, but it rarely takes us by surprise. We can usually plan to rest
or regenerate our strength when necessary. We take healthful vacations
(we call them variations) when our physical, mental or emotional
bodies request them.  These messages are clearly and accurately
received. We do not second guess them or delay them. We are rarely the
only ones who work on a given project so our efforts do not come to a
standstill while we are away.

My parents tell me that we lived
in a medium-sized suburban area within an hour’s drive of the Bay
area, but my memories are not specific. For some reason I have never
thought about it as very important and I have not made it a point to
revisit that time or that place. I do not think about it in the same
way as someone else might. I had a very diverse childhood and we
traveled quite a bit. I don’t recall ever thinking about whether or not I
had a happy childhood as I have seen others do. I was a child in
every sense of the word. I did not think of myself as different and my
physical features resembled that of other children in every way. My
parents never told me that I should act differently or withhold any
information about my background.

My parents worked together as a
team most of the time, so when they traveled I traveled with them.
Home schooling was not as popular then, but it was not unheard of. At
times my parents worked on projects that were of interest to the
military. My school knew this and assumed that this was the reason for
my absence. There was never a need to lie or mislead anyone and I
cannot think of one instance in which this happened. Most people believe
what they want to believe based upon their own sensations and
sensibilities. My family has always been very interested in the earth
and the welfare of all that is upon it and I am certain that everyone
we knew felt this.

When I was between five and six years old my
parents decided that it was time for me to return to our home world. I
had been there several times before but had only a faint memory of
our time there. I was very comfortable with the idea of calling two
different worlds ‘home’. I felt no different about it than any other
child who is born in one country and then transported to another with
its own unique language and customs. I have always felt equally at
home upon both worlds. I have had the opportunity to visit a few other
worlds as well, and although I was grateful for the experience, I did
not feel attracted or attached in any way. To account for the short
time that I was away from Earth, my parents told my school
administrators that I had an opportunity to visit the place of my
birth and that I would receive a proper education while away. This, of
course, was the truth. They promised that I would be up to date on
all subjects upon my return.

I was away from Earth for
approximately ten months, the equivalent of about twelve years on my
world. My body gradually remade itself to represent a youthful girl on
my home world and remade itself again upon my return to Earth. Your
bodies would do the same if they had something to emulate and good
reason to do so. Bodies are made of physical intention and very eager
to please and reward higher thoughts. A mind’s ability to imagine and
create many different ideas and experiences should be exercised and not
wasted. One of the reasons that human bodies do not stay in shape as
well or as often as they could is that they are not used according to
their potential. This is also one of the reasons why they age more
rapidly than you would prefer.

My studies upon my home world
served several purposes. I learned (or remembered) how to resurge and
reestablish contact with many different aspects of self, which allowed
me to know the deeper meaning of my thoughts and chosen activities. My
parents had observed me daydreaming and wondering about known things,
and this at least in part, prompted their decisions to have me
revisit my roots, so to speak. I relearned how to accomplish tasks
that were simple on my world, but still difficult here on Earth. For
instance, I could look at a rock and accurately determine its volume
and weight, as well as almost every use it might offer in the
aggregate. This knowledge allows us to make better use of our
resources and our waste is very small compared to that of the earth.
We have described this ability in great detail to many upon the earth
because it can be applied to many subjects of interest to your world,
but thus far it has been met with only modest interest. I would like
to share some other ideas that may be of interest to you regarding
this subject, but first I would prefer to provide you with adequate and
complete details regarding my background.

The time spent upon
my home world was invaluable to me in a variety of ways and I have
very fond memories of it. The many friendships I have there were
forged during that time and I am still in contact with almost everyone
I met. Their interests are very unlike my own as is almost everything
else, but this diversity only gives us more to share about. We are
still in contact with one another; there are many ways beyond email
and SMS texts to stay in touch! At times, my friends have expressed
that they feel I am at a disadvantage here on Earth, but I have never
felt so. I am here by choice and I have carefully and diligently
evaluated that choice whenever other opportunities have been present.

Upon my home world I lived with my aunt, except that she is not
related to me by birth. She is my father’s sister in familial sense,
but not genetic. Since genes can be bent, modified and restructured,
we do not give them as much importance as you do. Most of our children
would be considered adopted by earth standards and most parents’
surrogates. Based upon the complexity of the work my parents came here
to do they could have opted to follow this custom, but they chose to
observe earth customs instead, and to celebrate their many lifetimes
together. Either way, I would have become their child. My aunt was
very generous with me. She had a quick wit and a good sense of humor.
She teased me about being a little too human and told me that I would
have to return to my home world more than once so that I would not
forget what I had relearned. She has been correct on this and many
other subjects and I have found that it is a good idea to return, at
least for a short time here and there.

My world is a handsome
one, but it is not as beautiful as the Earth. Our cities are well
constructed and laid out in concentric circles that intersect with
those of other cities. Every point of intersection is landmarked by
something significant or beautiful that both cities have contributed
to. These shared and interactive spaces appropriately belong to the
citizens of both cities. Most often they are social and intellectual
centers, gathering places for young and old alike. Those who gather
here have diverse interests and preferences, yet it would be rare to
find prejudicial treatment of one citizen over another. Our history is
scarred with remnants of old wars where collaborations between
inter-planetary species did not go as hoped or planned, but this is
ancient history now. We learned a great deal about each other from
these experiences and there has never been a need to repeat them. This
is one of the reasons why we are ideally suited to work with humanity.
We understand the difficulties associated with learning about one’s
own world second hand. We know what you long to know and to feel, as
well as what keeps you from it. Along with you, we want the best for
this transition time upon the Earth.

I learned a lot about my
home world while I was there, which is what my parents had hoped for,
but I also learned a lot about the Earth. It is very difficult to be
objective about something when you are immersed in it, and my time away
allowed me to see things from a variety of perspectives. I was only
five years old when I made this journey, yet I spent almost twelve years
there, enough time to see things through semi-adult eyes. Young minds
are highly respected, as is young wisdom; even when it is not
completely thought out it is still welcome. I could have chosen to stay
there, but that thought barely crossed my mind. I have a home world,
but the Earth is my home. I have never regretted or second-guessed my

I returned to the Earth and to my parents in due time
as planned. They did not miss me because I was tethered to them
mentally and emotionally. They were aware of my activities as well as
any thoughts or feelings that I felt compelled to share with them. Our
minds do not invade each other’s thoughts but a web of awareness
connects them. For instance, I would not need to remind my mother
about a conversation we had years ago; my thought process would guide
us both there. It is similar to what horse and rider sense, a slight
shift of weight or a subtle movement of the reigns is all that is
needed, it is a natural process. In the near future you will share your
thoughts in a similar fashion, but first you must overcome fears
related to the privacy of your thoughts. Your thoughts are not
private. They are easily seen and felt. Your feelings are private,
though you would do well to share them more often; doing so would allow
your thoughts to accelerate the creation of beneficial experiences
more often. You may ask me more about this later on if you choose to.

Upon my return a spent a few weeks with my parents, reestablishing
our bond. Although I had spent twelve years away (or ten months),
they already knew almost everything about my time away. Even so, I
felt compelled to add a few details so that we could savor the
experience together. I thanked them for the opportunity, but there was
no need to do so. It was more of an earth-gesture, which is our
family word for things we do here and not there. There were no costs
associated with my trip ‘abroad’ and it was not a hardship for them in
any way. I was eager to get together with my earth friends again and
my parents arranged for this as soon as I was able to reconfigure my
body’s awareness of being only six again. I told my friends all about
my experiences. I did not leave anything out and my parents did not
ask me to keep anything about my identity or experiences a secret. My
friends were interested, but no more so than had I gone to Europe. The
rest of my childhood was relatively similar to that of others my age,
except that I have been exposed to other worlds and to proximate
versions of the Earth. Thanks to my parents I am able to exist upon
both worlds. At this time I am primarily interested in my work here on
Earth, but this could change.

Pepper: I am very
interested in you and your life, but I am more interested in humanity
and our future upon Earth. I always have been. Do you have specific
information that could benefit us?

Our mutual mother has brought us together to convey messages that
might not be heard otherwise. I am not interested in offering my words
publicly. My identity is not a secret, but I prefer that it remains
protected by anonymity for the time being. The earth is home to many
different residents, some of which have been here longer than
humanity. It is time for humanity to become more aware of this. The
earth would certainly benefit by a closer association between some
(not all) of these races and it would be better if your race made the
first overtures.

Pepper: We have been looking up
at the stars and the planets for a long time and many of us already
believe in extra-terrestrial races. Some have been biding their time
and chomping at the bit waiting for an announcement. In many ways it
seems long overdue. Countless predicted announcement dates have come
and gone. What makes this time different from others and why is it
important for us to make the first overtures?

The earth is better poised to support an association of races at this
time, and to assist in the bonding process, if necessary. The earth
speaks to us in a different language than the one you listen for.
Humanity is overly concerned with the earth’s resources at this time,
yet it has over extended how they are used. Crops must be rotated to
accommodate seasons and cycles and the same is true of many of the
earth’s resources. The earth can replenish and restore itself over an
extended period of time and has done so many times. Humanity is also
capable of doing the same, but has not done always done so
successfully, especially when populations have soared. It would be
easier upon humanity and upon the earth if there were less people

Upon certain worlds there are times when it is better to
allow the planet to birth itself anew and to await its invitation to
rejoin. Of course, many of these races also have somewhere else
(off-planet) to be during these transition times, such as an alternate
moon or ships that are as large as cities. It would also be
appropriate to say that other races are not as attached to their
physical bodies or their planetary identities as members of earth
societies are. The earth is a willing participant in everything that
humanity thinks up; it is a permissive mother. It will not deny
humanity, but it cannot protect it under all circumstances. Certainly
you have seen the devastation that follows an earthquake or other
physical release of energy. In the future you will be able to avoid
such calamities, but not until you fully understand the physical planet
and its various cycles.

Humanity has put a great emphasis on
compelling ever more of the planet’s resources, but it cannot control
its own voracious appetite for more. The earth will continue to yield
to humanity, but the unforeseen is around the corner. It would be
better to say well and enough and to look elsewhere for its needs.
This is a subject we know well. We could lend assistance in this and
other regards. Humanity has a long history of forgetting what it has
learned, and it cannot find what it does not know how to seek.  Over
and again it has settled for an imagined history with only a few to
challenge or deny it. Without a greater truth to serve, too many
masters await payment and humanity becomes a debtor with too many debts
to repay.  As this increasingly becomes a near impossible task,
humanity gradually abandons its effort and itself in the process. The
outer markers of this boundary have already been breached, yet there is
no retreat. If humanity were to make the first overtures it would
change the course of events; it would change your future and make it
impossible to repeat the same pattern.

Pepper: I
don’t doubt that what you say is true, but if we were so close to
making the same mistakes, what would be the worse that could happen if
we did not make the first move? Would it be so bad if your race or
another race came to our assistance prior to something happening and
we thanked you subsequently? If we were able to do as you suggest,
what would your assistance look like? How soon would it be before we
were able to know that things had changed for the better?

Uilora: If another race came to your aid
uninvited the same pattern is exponentially more likely to occur,
because humanity would rewrite its memory to coincide with our
arrival. That moment would mark your rescue, not your beginning. The
genetic material that you are made of would remember prior moments
when you were subdued or subjugated. You would forget the future that
you have been building and the strengths that you have acquired. You
imagine how different your life would be if you won a lottery; you
imagine yourself working less, not more. You daydream of miraculous
endings and beginnings instead of creating them. Other races are not
the answer to your prayers and it would be inappropriate for them to
take on a role that would only further a fantasy whose fairytale ending
expired long ago. It would not serve you to follow other races into
oblivion. You must empower yourselves to seek a larger truth before
you empower us to serve you. It would not be appropriate for you to be
in servitude to another race and we can only be of service to you for
a short time.

Our assistance would be in specific areas. We
would show you how to rearrange your sequencing so that you could free
yourselves from your past patterns. We would show you how to build
bridges between thoughts so that your realities would not seem so
futile. We are sovereign. No one else claims our authority or our
resources. Our resources are borrowed from the planet and then
returned to it in different ways that are of benefit to all. We are more
adept at harnessing only the necessary and vital resources. The same
applies to what we eat. We do not over-indulge. We do not place our
bodies’ health at risk. We have no personal or governmental debt. We
owe no favors. We do not save for the future because the future always
receives us with what we need. We know that lack is a temporary
condition, thus it does not occupy space in our thoughts; we see it as
cyclic, but not quickly recurring. Under specific and permissible
conditions we could help to rewrite your history. We can tell you much
more about your Egyptian pyramids and other mysteries that elude you,
but doing so would require you to set aside many current thoughts and
theories. Our medical knowledge is more advanced than your own. We have
non-invasive instruments as small as a pen that can heal many
illnesses. Our assistance with your physical bodies alone would
increase your longevity and keep you from becoming ill. As you might
imagine, these changes would also impact the planet and must therefore
be well understood. Our assistance would last no longer than a
generation so as not to interfere in your ability to remake your world
in the image of your own thoughts. The results of our interaction would
be measurable and memorable.

Pepper: How does
your world view ours? What kind of things could or would you not do for

Uilora: We see the Earth as
a reflection of our world. We do not think of ourselves as more
advanced. Instead, we see a world and a people in struggle. We have
great compassion for the trap you have stumbled into, a trap that was
set a very long time ago. We know that this is not the first or the
second time that this has been the case, but your memories are not
complete enough to recognize this. We would like to assist you in
freeing yourselves from that trap. We have nothing to gain by this and
nothing to lose. We do not think of the Earth as belonging to
humanity and would prefer it to be shared with others openly. Based
upon the passage of chronological time you believe that today’s Earth
is more advanced than that of ancient times. This is not necessarily
the case. Handmade shards of pottery discovered at archaeological
sites are not adequate indicators of an age or a people. More
sophisticated and advanced items were removed long ago. There is no
reason to leave these things behind to rot. Everything that was
brought here from elsewhere was relocated to a more adequate place.
Remnants of the past are manmade and earth made, even if the technology
behind them originated elsewhere.

We would be willing to lend
our assistance in implementing new concepts and ideas. Some of these
would seem innovative, others controversial. We would make no attempt
to sway you or to tout the benefits of our suggestions. That attempt
failed long ago and is responsible, at least in part, for humanity’s
fear and fascination of other species. We did not take into account
that your previous interaction with an alien species involved a more
militaristic example and that your sequencing would order any newer
interaction in a similar fashion. This is unfortunate, but has not
changed. It has been validated many times and found to be consistent.
Our most recent interaction with several of the world’s leaders yielded
a very small net result as each of them in turn requested our
assistance in securing their military superiority over a perceived
adversary. In an attempt to reverse this trend we showed some of the
officials we met with several potential futures, only one of which
required a small military action. Their response was to prepare for the
eventuality that a small action would later require a larger response.
They overlooked the other potential futures, particularly those that
resulted in a higher standard of living for their citizens.

humanity’s current fascination with technology, we offered
enhancements to current laser technology as expressed in holographic
environments. These advantages would have benefited the military, but
only within its medical branches. Unfortunately, while it would help to
restore mind and body to a pre-battle condition, it would not restore
a soldier’s desire to soldier. We proposed to make this available to
medical communities and universities, but this was met with little
interest. That is why we say that in order to ensure a successful
outcome, humanity must make the first overtures. We are actively
interested in cooperating with humanity, but we are not interested in
making your current lifestyles a little bit better. Our aim is more
universal and this must be clearly understood. In answer to your
question, we will not stop a war or prevent bloodshed. We will not
interfere in humanity’s ignorance unless it is to restore the balance
of the magnification zones, as these affect many worlds beyond your
own. As was said earlier, the Earth does not belong to humanity. Soon
it will be time to consider the welfare of others as well as

Gaia: Long ago, someone from a
distant indigenous earth race said something to the effect of, “in
order to truly see a thing you must exchange eyes with what it fears
most. In order to truly hear a thing you must listen for the sound it
makes as it walks to you and then away from you. In order to truly
feel a thing you must know if the heart leads or follows. And in order
to understand a thing you must observe it until it becomes something
else.” Wise words such as these often passed from one generation to
the next, but were rarely recorded, at least not in the conventional
sense. The same is true of most of the interactions that have taken
place between members of the human kingdom and other races and beings.
Regardless of their importance they have not been recorded and you
will not hear or know of them unless you look beyond the more obvious
“known” things.  That is why I have brought Uilora to you at this
unique interval in time, and at a threshold that you all know well
enough, although you have crossed it at different times and on your way
to other destinations.

My words are soothing to humanity, and
for the most part they allow you to sleep in safe and restful repose,
even while the world moves and shakes and remakes itself. Some of my
messages have alluded to other beings and races that share the earth
with you, as well as those that have come and gone over time. Uilora
was correct in that I speak to her and to those of other races in a
different manner and in a different language, this is not preference
so much as it is protocol, as they know a different earth than yours.
Their earth is a dimensional one in which the 3rd dimension is not of
predominant importance. Their earth supports them, but they are not
dependent upon its resources for sustenance. They are visitors and you
are inhabitants. They know other worlds while you still imagine them.
I am their host, but I am your mother. They are my companions and you
are part of my family. That being said, they are wise teachers and it
would be wise of you to begin to relate to those who can assist you
in making the future one that is to your liking.

If the earth
were flat you would be standing upon its brink, poised to fall or to
fail. As it is not, you are in no such danger. However, you are
standing upon a hard edge where time and dimension lead in many
different directions. Without guidance you may stumble and follow one
of the paths that lead to your past. This path may look new to you, as
timescapes like landscapes recover their looks and layers, thus it is
a time for both adventure and caution. Your souls have prepared you
carefully and without reserve, helping you to develop your awareness
and your gifts, and pointing out the pitfalls that might prevent you
from stumbling. The corridors of time are open now, offering you the
benefit of memories past and future, as well as the benefit of
teachers and visitors who have been to places and spaces that you may
not have seen yet. It is through this corridor that Uilora and her
parents passed through long ago. Their home planet is like ours,
except that it is not physical. It is in our own solar system, but you
would not know it unless you could read its signature. Physical
(dense) things have nonphysical (density-free) counterparts and
Uilora’s world mirrors our earth in ways that are both strange and
wonderful, which is one of the reasons why the earth is so fascinating
to her.

Uilora’s words may seem boastful or aristocratic to
you. They are not. They are the words of a hopeful ally and she has
been waiting for this time as long as you have. Do not fault her lack
of poise; instead compliment her sensibility, shared vision and common
purpose. Human social graces are acquired over time and are relative
in importance. Soon you will meet other teachers and it is likely that
they too, will be from somewhere other than here. End times, like
beginning times are often pocked, scarred and a bit chaotic. They can
be strained at times and less than imaginative. Be realistic in your
expectations of what a wise teacher should look like and sound like.
Be in praise of the wisdom received if that is what you are after and
forego the pleasantries of personality if it is not as forthcoming as
you would prefer. Perplexing times such as these require new solutions
and strategies, let this be your goal.

Magnification Zones Work

In our last segment I introduced the
concept of Magnification Zones to you. This is not a new concept,
simply one that has been far removed from humanity for several
thousand years. This is how it works: Physical worlds offer resources
in exchange for stewardship. Stewardship is both the honor and
responsibility of the most advanced species or kingdom. It is
self-realized in that every being who is part of that race automatically
becomes a steward. This is one of the very understandable reasons
that humanity has always (with few exceptions) felt that the Earth
belonged to it. Long ago, dinosaurs were earth’s stewards as they were
the dominant species. Other versions of humankind existed then too,
but the earth may as well have belonged to these giants. Believe it or
not, they managed the earth’s resources quite well until their size
created an imbalance that could not be righted. Without knowing it
they crossed into the first magnification zone, a space that is
neutral or void; its only purpose is to remain so. These zones are not
unusual and they serve many purposes. For instance, first
magnification zones protect the space between dimensions as well as
the space between the conscious and the unconscious. Other examples
include that which surrounds your auric field or that of the earth. A
breach of Magnification One means that something has fallen out of
balance through lack of respect; one or more conditions have been
imposed on an unconditional place. This is a true violation, and its
magnitude (as the name implies) cannot be ignored. There are five
magnifications based upon the five indispensable elements. Any
significant breach in the elemental organization of these elements is
sufficient cause for the earth to enter one or more magnification
zones. The first magnification is a breach of the element called

The second magnification is a breach of the water
element. It is the second magnification, because while space is null
or empty (insofar as this subject is concerned) water is not. It helps
to support life on earth and almost all species depend upon its
availability. There is water enough on the planet and ways to make
more. Water does not need to be managed, but it is. Water does not
need to be hoarded, but it is. While unconscious and ignorant acts can
and do pollute important waterways, the effects can be mitigated and
later reversed. Unconscionable acts on the other hand are far beyond
what is considered reasonable and their effects are much more far
reaching. Unconscionable acts stem from morally unacceptable places.
An unconscious act is disturbing, but an unconscionable act is
shocking. The oil spill in the gulf coast of the North American
continent is a breach of the second magnification because it will
affect the entire planet; it is not a local problem. The earth’s oceans
belong to all of the species that share the earth and require its
elements for their continued survival.

The third magnification is
a breach of the fire element, which includes explosions of varying
degrees and origins. The bomb explosions of World War II were breaches
of this magnification, but the 9/11 events that took place on the east
coast of the United States were not. Why? Magnifications are not
based upon harm to human life or even acts of aggression; they are
based upon the far-reaching effects that guarantee continued life on
earth. The gross misuses of elements in the former example have
affected several generations. These effects will be carried in the
genetic structure of the affected races far into the next age. An act
perpetrated by arson is unconscious and based upon a chemical
imbalance in the brain, but the use of the nuclear device would be
unconscionable. Humanity has breached this magnification in the past
and is in danger of doing so again. The purpose of this discussion is
not to review prior acts, but to explain how magnification zones work
and why they are of particular importance at this time.

fourth magnification is a breach of the earth element. The effects of
this breach are often irreversible as the Atlantean civilization
discovered. This element includes all of the earth’s minerals, and
these along with all other elements, belong to every representation of
life on earth. You may drill, excavate and extract what you will as
this has relatively little bearing on the earth as a whole. There are
unique places upon the earth where the crust is thinner and even
spongy. Other unique and cavernous places lead far into the earth and
touch other worlds of expression. Gross negligence, exploitation and
disregard of these places have caused havoc in the past and would do
so again. The ocean floor beneath the gulf coast is soft, silty and
more brittle than elsewhere, more like crackled glass. It is not an
ideal place for oilrigs or for any technology that affects the earth’s
crust. The oil in that region is bleeding from more than one place,
it is seeping into other waterways and humanity does not know how to
staunch the flow.

The fifth magnification involves a breach in
the element of breathable air. Such a breach would involve all or most
of the earth; it would make the earth unable to support your life
form and almost every other that you have come to know. One of the
reasons that humanity fears the greenhouse effect and the thinning of
the earth’s ozone is that long and longer ago the planet was evacuated
during which time its elemental structure was reorganized. This took
place before life on earth as you know it today, but the events
associated with this time were witnessed by many elsewhere. So you
see, it is not always a human frailty or fault that makes these
magnifications necessary. In this example, humanity was not yet
present upon the earth.

Magnifications are not punishments; they
are conditions that require immediate awareness and attention, and
sometimes intervention. Magnification zones allow the earth to
communicate in natural, but immediate ways. These zones cross and even
bypass the boundaries and borders that separate worlds and species.
It is a request for assistance and can be interpreted as a planetary
distress signal. Since humanity is in current stewardship of the earth
it will be required to participate in the restructure or reinvention
of all affected areas and elements. In this way it will relearn how to
reclaim its position. There is no shame in this and the earth does not
require any act of contrition on humanity’s part. There is no loss of
love or compassion on my part for humanity; therefore feelings of
guilt and remorse, repentance, or resolve not to breach any other
zones are completely unnecessary. The earth has served many purposes
and will continue to do so. In the next segment we will explore the
near future of life on earth as well as the goodwill efforts that will
be necessary as you move into the next age.

©2007 Pepper Lewis and The Peaceful Planet. 
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