this is one of my facebook friends.


I have never been one who believed that human births are accidents, or that we are little more than random concentrations of stardust. I believe we are all here with a divine purpose at the heart of our birth. As we deal with the challenges, pressures and distractions of daily life, it is all too easy to lose sight of this purpose and become spiritually unimaginative, momentarily forgetting that there is a well spring of magnificence laying in wait within us. This week, I invite you to remember.

Sacred Dynamite

Jeff Brown Delivers Weekly Inspiration

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My divine purpose first appeared like a distant flute, hints and whispers of something deeper that called to me in the night. And then it became clearer, a little voice that whispered sweet somethings in my inner ear whenever I dared to walk a false path.

I heard it when I was planning to open a law practice, involved in an unhealthy relationship, sitting in traffic on the way to work: "No, not that way Jeffrey, walk this way." Although it challenged my seeming stability, the voice had an odd sense of authority to it, as though it carried the blueprint for a karmic destiny I had long forgotten. The little voice that knows…

I somehow trusted this voice and followed it home, embarking on an intense spiritual journey through challenging emotional and economic terrain. Fifteen years later, with trial law long behind me, I found myself in the back room of my house writing a book I was destined to write. As I wrote, my soul’s voice rose to the rafters of consciousness and I learned that who I had previously identified as Jeff was only a small part of my story. Below my misidentifications was an essential self, bridged to deeper callings and eternal rhythms. The voice was right. I had found my way to true-path, my in-power point, my place of purpose and meaning.