The New age can be closer than you think? PASS this around like wildfire!!

OFF the Grid suppressed alternative, exotic technologies, inventions & ideas….

FREE download: practical guide to ‘Free energy’ devices

FREE download: practical guide to ‘Free energy’ devices

Chapter one: Magnet power
Chapter two: Moving Pulsed Systems
Chapter 3: Motionless Pulsed systems
Chapter 4: Gravitational Pulsed systems
chapter 5: Energy-tapping pulsed systems
Chapter 6: Battery -charging pulsed systems
Chapter 7: Aerial systems
Chapter 8: Fuel-less Engines
Chapter 9: Passive systems
Chapter 10: Vehicle Systems
Chapter 11: Other Devices
Chapter 12: Electronics tutorial
chapter 13: Doubtful devices
chapter 14: Renewable Energy devices

Another GREAT website YOU need to save in your favorites!!!…

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Wave (Ocean)
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PowerPediaBetaVoltaic, Nikola Tesla, Arther etc ……….

Always check for fraud claims before buying alternative excess/free energy devices, and ask professionals in the green alternative energy fields as well.

***Free Energy Another Inconvenient Truth

The Orion Project is a non-profit foundation created to transform the current energy, environmental and social crisis into a world of sustainability and enlightened abundance.

In this video, project director Steven M. Greer, M.D., answers the question: "How have these alternative energy technologies been suppressed?"
***The Orion Project – The Suppression

Forbidden Science
From Ancient Technologies to Free Energy

Edited by J. Douglas Kenyon;jsessionid=F9D499B83AC8DC8E1569A4447621FE36?action=displayDetail&id=3582&searchString=978-1-59143-082-7

Suppression, Censorship and Dogmatism in Science

The Tesla Prophecy and Suppressed Science


1/9 Top 10 Exotic Free Energy Technologies – Sterling Allan, Hawaii

PLEASE post far and wide

Forbidden Science
From Ancient Technologies to Free Energy

Edited by J. Douglas Kenyon;jsessionid=F9D499B83AC8DC8E1569A4447621FE36?action=displayDetail&id=3582&searchString=978-1-59143-082-7