On this very relaxed Father’s Day that everyone seems to have forgotten here, me and my youngest filled some of our leisure time by watching James Cameron’s Avatar again…

Most of the Na’vi viewpoints are well known to us moorelifers, but it is good to see this portrayed in a blockbuster  of this magnitude, aimed at the mass mind which is still not quite up to speed in areas where the ubiquitousness of life is concerned.

You can look at this with the intent of figuring out how Cameron did this, in which case I wish you good luck: having seen lots of special effect movies, I cannot for the life of me determine where CGI ends, and real acting begins. The many indigenous species move very realistically, as do the twelve foot Na’vi. Not to mention the many technical ‘creatures’, and the various flying machines.

The story itself is far more intriguing, and shows that even well developed races like the Na’vi will be hesitant at first. But their view on life gives them the edge in accepting other races as belonging in their environment. To me at least, it was good to see that even among the Hollywood visionaries, there exist those that share our views…

Love the movies,
