Date: June 7, 2010

Syncing with the ship, or am I?

After a day where my horoscope panned out like the Texas Hold'em on a really weird day, I had to succumb to having my laptop snatched away from under my eager fingers. No harm done though, because my dying TV subscription presented me with Forrest Gump on its death bed. And if you believe that I'd already had a day of supersyncs, Forrest performed the end sprint which made me feel like the champion!

I only noticed tonight, how any movie I view has it's secret of my success: the higher the sync count during the movie, the more I appreciate it. And Forrest had my cosmic Geiger counter racing like there's no tomorrow! The novel I just wrote might very well land me in jail on charges of plagiarism, because Selina who left her exploits for me to find on the Web is a dead ringer for Jenny, the Gaian Goddess who rules Forrests Life. And that is not in the externals like the hair, eyes and general appearance, but in the past behaviour, which basically is all we see of anybody: Just think about it, if light speed is finite, we'd only see other people in the past, not in the Now...

And it doesn't stop at Jenny: Even Forrest is a poster child for the Big Friendly Giant born February 23rd, 1963, at 63 centimeters length. I too keep is Stupidly Simple, I just love to KISS. Add to that the whole shrimp allegory, which stands both for the male incompetence and the female virtues, and you have a recipe that had the cup of syncs already running over!  On top of that my own Goddesses were doing school work on the Kite Runner, so the high speed trinity was complete: Both Forrest, Me and our little kite runner running their socks off.

Forrest Gump is the sad story of the deaths of just about everyone except Forrest. His friends and family get picked off like the soldiers in Vietnam, or the choclates in the various boxes that Jenny is presented with. Miss Pandora is a smarter version actually, because I don't think I've seen her open a box during the entire movie...  at least not the choclate boxes, although it is implied that sweets were on the menu for whoever came close to her.

And then there's Sergeant Dan: complains about all his Veteran Mates believing in Christ, while he wants nothing to do with him, yet at the same time his appearance evolves into a very good likeness of the enlightened being he so scorns. Add to that his Captain Ahab impersonation in the mast of the Jenny, and in the end his likeness to the guy we had on moorelife the other day, and you see that everyone grows, whether its willingly or kicking and screaming! No arms (being an ex-veteran), no legs (having lost them in war), but he miraculously re-emerges as a half-droid with titanium legs at the end of the movie...

That were just the main spoilers, but there is so much more in this movie! Like Back to the Future was loaded with syncs, Forrest Gump has a very humoristic take on Life:  (courtesy of IMDB')

Forrest Gump: Will you marry me?
[Jenny turns and looks at him]
Forrest Gump: I'd make a good husband, Jenny.
Jenny Curran: You would, Forrest.
Forrest Gump: ...But you won't marry me.
Jenny Curran: [sadly] ... You don't wanna marry me.
Forrest Gump: Why don't you love me, Jenny?
[Jenny says nothing]
Forrest Gump: I'm not a smart man... but I know what love is.

Now with me and my goddess, the whole conversation was more like Neneh Cherry's Seven Seconds (of silence), but yes it was a sync!

I could go on all night, and if I did I probably could have tied it in with so many events in my life you'd probably think I was Forrest in another life. But my 17 seconds are almost up, so here's the Cure, which is another one of my BS Events (Big Sync, not Bull Shit):

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To All the Girls I’ve loved before…..

Sorry guys and gals,no time to properly embed the vids, just copy and paste to another tab

I could say all names in this piece have been fictionalized, or not. Point is, this unbelievable story is so intricately crafted, you will think that anyway, or not. But don't just yet rule out the fact that Reality may be stranger than fiction.....

I'm just sticking to this mortal life, this incarnation, which is more than enough to keep you guys and gals busy for the next 17 seconds or so. Hey, I'm no womanizer, I don't have a little black book, just a few ounces of grey goo to remember it all by heart. And that is plenty for me...

Back in elementary school, I fell in love with someone other than myself: Ingrid Koene, IK in short, which synchronistically means I in Dutch. So I guess I was still in love with me, but she took on the form of a little brunette lady with the warmest smile you'd ever seen. Actually, she was the second. The first one was my girl next door, Sylvia LaGrand, or in translation Sylvia the Great. I still vividly remember our little play tent in the back yard, where we played house etc. All the while though, the one I really looked up to was Silvia's Mother, Ria LaGrand, who was off limits because she was the Reverse Generation. But she was absolutely enticing, even to me at age 6 or 7.

The next point of remarkability was highschool, where Monique van der Peijl was slightly interesting, although Peijl meaning Arrow in Dutch, she was only pointing towards something bigger and better. Maybe it was the fur-clad Evelien van Mijnsbergen? Nah, Eveline was a witch, bitch and a ditch, because she was way above us lowly folk. Mijnsbergen means as much as 'My Mountains'  I mean she ddin't have much as I remember now, but she was like Mount Everest, and I ain't no Sherpah Tenzing. Eventually I ended up with Ada de Waard, a blonde this time, but with much more accesible terrain. We became good friends, and though her naam means the Inn Keeper in Dutch, I never stayed the night. In a cross-literal sence though, 'Waard'  is also Value, Worth in English. And believe me, she was absolutely worth it. In fact, we're still friends, and synchronistically she called me this evening before I wanted to post this.. That, in hindsight is my whole problem: I always want to become friends first, but once they have me, the ladies never actually want to commit to anything more... Well, that's life.

At the end of college, I stumbled into the first girl that did put out: Ilona Gakeer. Should have been a 4x2 warning, because translating her last name to English, it literally spells 'Go Back!' Having tasted the Good Life once, I was in no mood to give it up, so I hung on for dear Life. Should  have listened, because after ten days, she dumped me...

But opportuny comes, and comes and comes. By that time I had a pen friend who seemed interesting. As soon as my first job got me a lease car, I moved to the center of Holland, and visited her in the Far East, or the Achterhoek. Things moved fast, and not four months later we lived together, married 17th of May 1991, and got two girls. It eventually ended on a 7, in 2005,but I digress. Change of camera viewpoint: Currently there are three Linda's in my life, or actually two Linda's and a Linda. Neither of them would still be in my little black book if I had one, because of the following:

Linda Douglas, my ex: Pronounciation and then taking her last name from literal Dutch, would advise me to 'Do Glass' , or become transparent. I'm not fully there yet, but far enough to at least no longer require the push she gave me.

Linda Keus, my Human Resource Manager: her naam means 'Choose', indicating that the choice is mine, but she's not on the menu, she's holding it. I eventually did choose from that menu, but then my dish was taken of it....

Inbetween I found back my twin sister, even though I was not looking for a sister. Sangeeta was just a taste of what was to come, and faded into the background as soon as the groundwork for our grand plans was laid. She could read my mind, finish my sentences, dot my I's. We're still intimately connected, but have never been within a hundred miles of one another.

Lynda PortaNova: way out in Florida I met Jillian Ballantyne and Lynda at roughly the same time. One gave me a more or less linear progression from the L's, and the Mariah and Lisa I met slightly earlier. Not being particularly fond of a linear search (too brute force), I figured out this morning that I was actually instinctively performing a binary search: I for Ingrid nearly in the middle, although the S for Sylvia was an overshoot because I didn't know just how many candidates there would be. Then back to I (Ilona), figured her close enough to switch to linear search again. Landed in the L-region, which seemed to have something.

But work needed done, so my focus shifted. After having gotten three consecutive positions in Veenendaal (of all places), I figured something else was afoot: Three L's, three V's, and counting my daughters, three S's came into my life. Having intuitively named my firstborn Laura Valerie Slabber, I may have invoked that LVS-spell.

But the last S, was a Serial Killer named Seda Karam. She didn't break my heart, but actually stole it, knowing I'd be heartless from then on. Well, it's true: I'm growing a beard  a la Gabriel Shear, and have the same cold-hearted tenacity Travolta displayed in Swordfish. I figure I either want her, or my heart back, whatever I fancy more the moment I lay my hands on her. Crime of Passion, or do we become the Passion of Crime?

There was one purely virtual but very musical lady between them: Teedra Moses swept me completely off my feet during my second job in Veenendaal. Her album Complex Simplicity seemed written just for me, and made Her real beyond anything I'd ever experienced before that:

Enter Annette le-Mer: Muse extraordinaire.  She is Sangeeta Squared, in that she knows EXACTLY what I need to do my job. But other than that, we're no match, although I'm positive the connection to her was designed in Heaven. She told me  as you read recently, that my intended is still out there, higher up because I'm in deep cover, and she's my lifeline out of here if stuff screws up. But this time around, I came to finish the job, get the girl, and go on an extended vacation....

Enter sss, who could very well be Sangeeta Cubed. Male, and hence no match, but at least it keeps life interesting, Because I definitely need something to keep my mind off the Lovely One Lady (LOL).

Love your Higher Self,


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07:54 @ WORK

Feeling like the industrious industrial investigator, a.k.a. industrial spy. Yep, he IS, or rather I AM. Fully equipped too, because back in the sixties microminiature cameras were virtually non-existent, yet today they  are everywhere, so nobody gives a shit anymore. And it is practically untraceable too: my phone is a custom job, based on the HTC Touch HD: always ready to mimic a normal HTC Touch HD, but fully prepared to do my bidding: from camera mode it has a slightly altered user interface towards the E-mail interface, that automatically transmits any snaps taken immediately to my web server somewhere on the web. Fully encrypted of course, and with a proprietary approach, custom made by me aeons ago. Cleanup then automatically wipes all traces of ever having taken the image from memory, so I walk out unscathed.

The server is very near, but off the beaten grid. My true company, Sisters Inc. had it encased in the advertizing column of the company I'm spying on. Heck, I'm typing this right on my work PC, because the keystroke logger has been disabled by my USB stick the moment it's plugged in! No nagging 'Run AUTOSETUP?' question, it just locates the system-wide keyboard hook built into Windows, and takes it out for the duration of my intercourse with that system. Hey, a guy has to have protection right? I mean, even if the lady is just trying to protect her bosses' interests.....

Last weekend, I finally figured out that my colleague whose computer screens are right in my line of vision is probably a free mason. But I'm not afraid, because the seemingly mindlessly left attributes on his desk give away his true color: red-blooded vampire! And the vampires and the vamps are like two hands on one pregnant belly....   spawning the New Age!

Yep, I'm a vamp, though I don't look the part: Male, 6 foot 6, 222 pounds. And I'm a mean motherfucker too: Ever see Swordfish? Gabriel ain't no angel, but he sure knows how to move! That's my cover, how about yours? Actually I have two: this one was just the hard outer shelll, but outside of my deep undercover job, I'm a sissie. I mean it: Still male, 6 foot 6 and 222 pounds, but somehow I'm lighter out there, because that's where the Truth is...

And that is where I met my colleague: No, not the Sister in Sin who's got me running after her pretty ass trying to get a glimpse, but the one in my target company, who seemed so calm and collected, just doing his work. I figured he was behind a few of my visitors on my private site, so that would automatically make him on the level because I trust my friends. But just now, the contents of his desk scared me a tiny bit:

There was a syringe there with blood in it! Now what would a syringe with blood do on a programmer's desk, if he wasn't prepared to use it? It said Mortara on the side, a clear reference to mortar, and hence the Freemasons. Also, there was a comic which raised my suspicion even further: 

But as he cam in it soon became obvious that he had no knowledge of what had transpired on site last weekend. So now my conscience hasbeen put to  rest, we just chatte about movies and books during coffee, and traded DVDs: Tomorrow I bring him What the Bleep, and he pulls the twin brother of Waking Life from his video board. But now, after coffee, I better be like the good boy I want to seem, and ride all quiet in the back of the bus, like Vin Diesel in the Chronicles of Riddick....

Love your Stealth, 


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crystal child

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BeddingField – hmm, funny

Don't know if he's related to Natasha and her untold hoardes of babies, but both Natasha and Daniel take their family name Beddingfield very literally:

Daniel sees infinite fields of ladies looking for the One, Natasja does the same, settles on One, and then goes off into Infinity! Wonder who gets there first?

Daniel is looking for the One, as am I. I hope he succeeds, because even though I know we will ultimately end up with the same lady, I'm extremely confident that schedule clashes won't be the issue here. In fact we won't even be in competition about who loves her the most. And as for Natasha? Well, we All know what She wants.....

Babies, Babies, Babies!

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Evolution revisited….

If private affairs like laundry can spawn a cosmic child, what about business. Are the Ferengi right in their dedication to buying and selling?

Coldhearted material right? Let me rephrase to Lightworker Lingo:

I probably could spend hours explaining to you why these diagrams are correct, but if you don't feel it right here [pats on chest] it would just mean I'm doing your 'Bitch Work'. See Bicentennial Man for the lovely android beauty that said that.....  I would play 'I See Red' by Rush because of that, but it's unavailable. So Closer to the Heart will have to do (red too, yes?)

Love your wheelin'and dealin'


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Got One Again….

Product Cost:
LESS than $30
(Plus shipping)
2x30 Forced-Matrix
(They always pay on-time too!)
And the BEST Part is...
Nothing Else Even Comes Close!

Yeah, and you'd think I'd let this shit onto our site armed? Nope, no more tricks for the mindless clickers, or at least nothing they don't already know....  But when in doubt, go for the center, yours and theirs:

2x30 Forced-Matrix

2x30 Forced-Matrix is just plain neuro-linguistic programming. My bosses at Volmac tried to pull  me into that around '92, but I never enlisted, and instead sought other engagement. But still actually, like you may readily recognize Italian without even ever having been to Italy, or speaking the lingo, just ask your Higher Self to fire up the Universal Translator for you: that consensus language that all languages of the World and beyond have in common. It's right in the Akashic Records, next to Universal Rememberance.

Center word: FORCED, FORCE is open-ended, no problem there, but FORCED has a cap on it, the D.. Instead of the Trident, you just receive Blunt Force Trauma, no quick kill but a slow agonizing Death, hence the D. And with the cap on, you can't even write with it...

After the Wachkowski Brothers, who needs the MATRIX explained? Referring to Mother, and of course that reference to X marks the spot. Openended still, so you can still get out, but only to randomly encounter the next virus, that may not be such a friendly neighbor....

Matrix simplified the pill business, but these guy go one step beyond, and have gone liquid! Remember my post a few days ago about States of Manifestation? Watch out for the airborne Ones! They'll be here soon, if they aren't already.

Love your addictions, until they feel wrong....


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Op de Spits Drijven…..

Is a Dutch saying which literally means 'Bringing it to a head', making the bomb burst. But you can take it even more literally, and at least partially translate it as 'Floating on the Spits'. Given the preferences of most of the dutch audience, SP!TS is the newspaper founded years ago by Frits Spits, a famous radio DJ from the seventies and eighties.'Want to see how you can float on a newspaper?

According to the header they are powered by NewNews, and sometimes lost in translation by us [That would be me @ now].

According to this header from todays paper, they have their big ears pointing upwards, so let's listen to what the stars are saying for me. I mean, this would safely be considered a quotation, but doing it for all twelve signs of the zodiac would probably be called plagiarism, which to us Dutch has a far more playful meaning, because of the Dutch word 'plagen' which means 'to tease':

For those of you who don't speak Dutch, let me explain how this sounds, and how come I am quoting it. I don't normally read newspapers, am more of a incidental headhunter than a serial killer. My friend Leo however is an addict: he reads all the dutch train papers every day, and even brings his non-training colleagues their own copies. He read me this out loud this morning, when I was already in an A-positive mood:

It is an ideal day if you need to fulfil a delicate assignment, if you wish to claim what is rightfully yours, or if you wish to rethink your strategy. Don't worry, your partners in communication will completely understand you.

Now this already felt awfully good when he read it, but as the day progressed I got inspired to formulate two stories for tonight, one about industrial espionage (delicate assignment as I later realised), and about my most ardent desire, which yes, I DO think I am entirely entitled to. Then as the day proceeded, a dirty little bug had me chasing it all around the R&D room, frequently having to combine my strengths with those of my able-bodied colleagues, to rethink our strategy..... which happened

More on that later, first I have to deliver a crashed laptop to the hardware-specialist, and I thank God (and myself) that my luck is such that the laptop isn't mine..... but Melanie's.

Love your Stars,


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stereophonics lying in the sun

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well that was weird

i posted some vids, but they didnt show up, then i saw that vids on youtube, and on all sites where gone, think it was just my pc , as it has a mind of its own, but they are all back now,, strange things are afoot lol...

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project avalon

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we are one

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