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Uriel’s Message — Live Through Your Heart~

Channeler: Jennifer

Through your ascension journey you bring forth new possibilities for
connection into the realities you call your life. For each reality you
know, there are countless others you have not yet considered. They wait
for you to acknowledge your potential, creative power, divinity and
mastery. Each new experience is simply new to you, as it has existed in
your field of potential for lifetimes, waiting for the right energy to
allow it to give birth. These new realities come into being through your
heart, as you move energies from the lower chakras into your high

Living through your heart is a new dimension of being, where all life
and every reality exists as a stream of energetic potential. On the
material plane and in lower vibrations your heart is experienced as
emotions. Within higher dimensions your heart is experienced as pure
potential awaiting form. The emotions are always shifting, expecting,
demanding and judgmental. Potential is light centered, unwavering,
loving, detached and joyful. The emotions are mirrors of the past;
potential is held within the present moment.

Within each of you is the light of God, the spark of divine presence
that is waiting to burst into the joyous expression of your true self,
that which is held within the still, quiet presence of your heart. When
this light is connected to your emotions they expand your reality with
the manifestation of your highest potential and you witness the birth of
your divinity in human form. Then every aspect of your reality
resonates with the light from your heart and you can know heaven on
earth. Without light, the emotions stay within their energetic cycles
and are limited to their own expression.

For each limiting emotion you feel there is a heart centered truth
you can use to transform it. Anger is lightened by peace, fear by love,
sorrow by joy and any limiting illusion into unlimited truth. When you
live through your heart you are living fully within your Self,
expressing the glory of your divinity and expanding the reality you know
into the truth of your dreams. Humanity needs the example of
heart-based living so it can see beyond the limitations of its illusions
of fear and into the truth of its divinity. Greet each person from your
heart, send them light and be the light for the world. As you expand
your heart you also expand the earth’s energetic matrix and allow it to
hold more light, providing human with an ascension paradigm that will
guide its unfoldment to the fulfillment of the promise of heaven on

Article Copyright ©2010 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved.

About the author

Jennifer Hoffman is an intuitive, spiritual healer, mentor, teacher
and author. She also channels the energy of the Archangel Uriel.
Jennifer has helped many people through the Shift through her unique
insights and counsel, facilitating their healing journey. Jennifer is
the founder of, an on-line spiritual healing and
growth center and dedicated to the messages and teachings of Archangel
Uriel. Information about Jennifer’s books, on-line seminars and services
is available at her websites, or email for
information. *

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