To all my readers:

At the beginning of
May, I left the old shell of an old self behind. Like a massive
death and final ending, my time was up and everything that went
along with it was gone as well. As my star family continued to tell
me, “Your time is over now. You have finished what you came to do,
and it is time to come home.”

As with all endings, so many
of the doors around us close, never to open again. Backs are turned,
spaces will not open, and there is nowhere left to go. In these ways,
we become virtually invisible, as we are no longer residing in the
dimension we are about to leave. It was indeed time for me to jump
into the dimension above me, and to have a very different existence
than I had experienced up until then.

Many of my writings
explain how we get “kicked out” when we no longer belong in our old
spaces. These old spaces become so unbearable that we can no longer
tolerate their energies. In this way, we are shut out and encouraged
to leave by the very unpleasant behavior of the energies who are
still residing there.

For some of us, our next dimensional
leap is into the energies and reality of the heart. In this way, if
we find ourselves around anything that does not emit the heart
energy, we can become acutely uncomfortable and feel lost, not at home,
wounded, abused, and at best, be unable to communicate or connect
to anything that does not come from a heart connection.

on a “suit of amor,” a tough exterior, or even utilizing deliberate
“protections” in order to survive in the world does not work with
the heart energy, and for me, has never and will never be an
option. I came here to experience this planet as the soul that I
am, and I intend to continue to do just that.

My time for
writing the WINGS posts and e-books was over about two years ago,
but I was asked, like many of you, to continue on for a while until
the direction of the planet and the path was permanently set. In
this way, I continued on longer than I had ever intended, and even
came back at the end for this purpose. I will not be returning
again. I no longer reside where I used to reside, and I am
permanently finished with my prior role and all it entailed. As we have
now chosen as a planet to arrive in a new world in a way that
perhaps we had not envisioned, I will also then, no longer be
offering Soul Celebrations or creating Angels Rest.
I have been cut loose in all ways.

In Creating the New
, there is an explanation about soul infusion and what
it feels like to be embodying a form with your soul when you have
evolved beyond it. Very simply, we are not all there anymore. By
following our hearts, we will automatically be taken to our next
“form.” So although we may at times feel we have experienced a very
permanent death, because we are experiencing ascension times, we
frequently have the option of dying, but can take our forms along with
us. When our souls arrive in their new space, they come alive once

I did indeed have a death experience with all the
bells and whistles, a life review, a final farewell, and a
permanent end. One of my exit points was triggered. After the
beginning stages of the process began to snowball, I found myself at a
specific stage where I chose to keep my form here on earth in the
heart energy, as the heart survives all death. My star
family has offered me 24/7 access to home, encouraged me to visit
often, and told me that I am welcome to come and go as I please.
Currently, I am having a very needed time out for rejuvenation and for
learning some new things for my new space here on the planet, and
trusting that my needs will be met during this time.

As soon
as I knew with absolute certainty that I would never again write
another WINGS post, I cancelled all the subscriptions for regular
automatic payments, as I did not feel comfortable accepting money
for something I was no longer offering. This is why some of you
received a PayPal cancellation notice. If I have missed any of you
with regular subscriptions, kindly go into the history section of
your PayPal account and cancel your subscription. If you have any
problems, feel free to contact
and I will take care of this for you. For all of you who donated on
a regular basis, even though I thanked you each and every time, I
thank you again now…I cannot thank you enough for keeping me up and
going. And for those of you who sent me wonderful letters of
gratitude, I thank you as well. They were fuel for my soul each and
every time.

In times to come, my new space at
will be available for those who desire to experience the heart energy,
although the web site is nowhere near completion or even in its
beginning stages at this time….I am still in “protective custody”
for a while longer completing my process. In this new space of The
of the Night
, there is no agenda, no intent, no purpose,
no teaching, and no “New Age” energy or higher level information.
It is a space of center and calm, and full of the heart of the
ordinary and pristine moments that are available to us now, as we
wait for our mother earth to complete her endings in all ways. It
is also a space that perfectly reflects who I am as well…the
pristine, subtle, and more simple energy of my true and authentic
self. (For those interested, if you are on the Emerging Earth
e-list or choose to sign up
now, you will be notified when The Heart of the Night is
ready to be experienced.)

The Emerging Earth Angels
web site will remain up and running for anyone who wishes to access
any of the information here, or to order books and e-books, as
there are still many who are now asking for their next step. Everything
will remain the same as it is now, but with no new information
added on a regular basis.

In the very last WINGS post
for May
(for those of you wondering, for
various reasons it was not announced via the e-list), higher level
ways of living and being had not yet manifested to a large degree on
the planet. Once I left my old space behind, I immediately found
myself embraced by an unlikely group of human angels exhibiting all
of these qualities, ways of being, and more. I would never have
thought to find these angels where I did. Looking back now, I can
barely remember the person I used to be. And my new space at The
Heart of the Night
will give me the opportunity to be in the
best space with the best offerings I have yet to have experienced
so far. For me, my new beginning and re-birth will be as it has
been in times past…far beyond what I could have ever imagined for
myself in my own  mind. 

In the last WINGS post, there were
three possible options explained to me for my choosing. In the end,
I chose all three… What will you choose?

With much love and
gratitude and a heart-felt good-bye,

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