Site icon Dimensional Bliss


The Deloriumeniun Dance Club

“The Deloriumeniun Dance Club” by Seth A Dennon
(Click on artwork to view larger view and see the detail)


We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful what we pretend to be.  ~Kurt Vonnegut


About Cosmos III

The next star ship(portal) in the ‘Cosmos’ series is here.  This ship is one for the soul and all the other parts of you to use when any one part of you wishes to shift it’s awareness from one aspect to another.  All of you, in all the dimensions in all the universes is connected through this ‘now ship’ which controls which parts of your consciousness are able to perceive what, where and when(in the lower dimensions). 

..:: So take a journey and Enjoy ::..

COSMOS III by Seth A Dennon

This is also an evolution in art piece where I am proactively evolving my artistic style and doctrines, any feedback would be appreciated.  <smile>


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