This message spoke of the sun and what to
expect in the days just ahead. They said there was another round of
solar flares that were about to begin. I am aware that we are having
them right now but they still are not the intensity and the regularity
that we will have them in the next three years. The year 2012 was of
particular note. They said to watch direct sun exposure during that
year. Its not about how much you get but about how much you are
accustomed to getting. This is the second or third channel recently
where they equate gravity to magnetism but I will say that our
sciences do not agree with that as of yet.

The spoke of
the recent earthquakes and how it has shifted the earth to a new
rotational axis that has changed our experience of time and
gravitational pull. They said several interesting items that they said
our sciences believe in and some they don’t yet know. It will take us
years to uncover all the event s that took place in that series of

What they did say is that the sun is
aligning to once again shower us with a pelt of solar flares. The
events that were originally scripted to put a final end to earth are
about to happen on a scaled down version with the energy redirected.
In fact this coming event has all the ear-markings of the perfect
storm in 2012. Only this time Scotty is yelling to Captain Kirk that
the shields won’t hold as the protective shields of earth known as the
magnetosphere now have large holes in them and they are still full of
plasma from the last attack. This means we will feel much more of the
effects of these flares in our personal world and bodies. They said
the emotional bodies we carry are magnetic based and they will vary
the most as these fields shift. How much fun is that boys and girls?
Can anyone remember why we signed up for this human thing?


 (You can watch the video version of this channeling)

from Home

So much is changing on your planet. Your
evolution has now reached such levels that it is even difficult to
predict what will happen in the next few weeks. We wish to tell you
about a situation taking place on planet Earth that would be very
helpful for you to be aware of. About three months ago we shared with
you a message called Magnetics
in Motion
and during that message we discussed some key
points that we would now like to re-visit and explain in further

Magnetic Flux for Three Years

of these key points was the changing magnetic flux of planet Earth,
and how that represents change because humans have been accustomed to a
steady magnetic base.  When the magnetic fields on planet
Earth—-including gravity—start to fluctuate in the years ahead, it
will have a direct affect on each and every one of you. Quite
honestly, humans do not handle change very well. Often you panic when
you hit the change button. Instead of embracing change you freak out
and say, “Oh my goodness, there is a change coming! Wait….” Perhaps if
we tell you about the changes ahead of time and you be aware of what
is coming, you will anticipate them with joy, passion, and excitement
rather than experience fear. So, what we wish to tell you today is
about some of the changes that each and every one of you will be
addressing over the next three years. The next three to four years are
going to bring huge changes for every person on this planet, even
during and after the magical date of 2012 which you are all looking
forward to so much. Integrating all of these new energies afterward
will also involve a tremendous amount of change and adaptation for
you. Most of what we are going to speak about today has to do with
magnetic energy, because that has a direct influence on your emotional
state. Many times when the magnetics of the planet are steady, your
emotions can remain steady. You have a base emotional energy, or
foundation, upon which you can build. As that field  begins changing
and fluctuating on a daily basis, your own emotional stability seems
to be thrown out of balance a little bit and you have more difficulty
just finding your center and grounding. This will become very
apparent, especially in the year 2012. Let us explain why.

Set Up

Between the years 2001 to 2006, there were a
huge number of solar flares experienced during a normal solar cycle.
The flares are basically light energy in the form of magnetic plasma
being distributed through the universe. None of those explosions on
the sun were pointed directly at Earth. However, if they had been it
would have knocked out enormous portions of the grids that allow you
to distribute electrical power on your planet. Although many key power
grids now have safety measures in place, some of the grids can still
be overwhelmed by photon energy coming in through solar flares.  This
is a form of photo-magnetic plasma that can build up in the outer
magnetic shell of Earth called the magnetosphere. Basically, what
happens is the shields of Earth are weakened and have not yet
sufficiently recovered from the last attack. Even though you
experienced numerous extreme class solar flares during those years,
you did not have any direct hits. That is about to change because the
solar flares are going to start again; they are on a normal cycle
currently and are re-activated approximately every 11 or 12 years.
This specific cycle was originally designed to put a final end to
planet Earth. Although the energy is being redirected it will still
have huge effect, because after entering Earth the energy will be held
within the planet’s tectonic plates.   

Core Issues

Even now you can start to see the sunspots forming, as
well as all the other activity occurring in preparation for the next
infusion.  Is it not interesting that your scientists have just put up a
new satellite to watch these extraordinary events unfold over the
next few years? They are very excited about it. So are we, because it
shows some of the important changes that are taking place. Let us
explain what will be happening on the larger scale.

takes place when you see an eruption on the sun? We tell you that the
sun is not what you think it is. It is believed to have a solid core,
while the outer edges are gaseous and moving in circles and belts
like rotating storms. We tell you instead that the sun is an energy
portal that re-directs energy from a multidimensional location.  We
call that location the central sun, which is the place of first origin
in the universe. In other words, when you come from infinity the
first place you arrive is called the central sun. When you travel
through that, it is the prism that splits you off into these beautiful
11 different rays of light which you experience as your 11 different
souls on the planet pretending to be human. This is the part that
works with you. During 2001 to 2006, there were so many solar flares
and such extensive plasma debris was thrown out into space that just a
simple calculation would tell you there is not enough energy
remaining within the sun to be doing that. This is about to happen

The Weakened Magnetosphere

particular solar storm does not need to be as difficult as the last
one was. It is currently being toned down a bit, because Earth does
not need as much of a magnetic push to reach this next level. There is
a magnetic push that is coming from the sun during each of these
explosions on the sun.  The Earth has a magnetic field, and you
already know about magnetic ley lines and how this works. You still
have not discovered the connection between magnetics and gravity, but
we will simply tell you that we have faith that you humans will find
it when the time is right. What we want to explain is that as this
energy comes in from the central sun through the solar sun and hits the
magnetic field of Earth, the interaction is able to charge the Earth
effectively while still deflecting the plasma. This protective field
is known as the magnetosphere. It is basically a magnetic field around
the Earth which has deflected many of the particles coming in from
the sun. In fact, it is like a net and has caught many of them. Even
to this day the net is heavy with those particles.

Quickening Pace

Your sciences are just beginning to
find out that there are holes and openings in this magnetic shield,
which will allow much more of the next round of solar flares to come
directly into Earth. We want you to be aware that your connection to
the sun is changing. Please be aware that even thought it feels
wonderful to be out in the sun, the sun’s rays on your body will have a
different effect than they ever have had before—especially during the
year 2012 when these solar flares start.

We tell
you the solar flares will probably even start before that and may even
begin this year. The particular ones that are going to be required to
correct the course of Earth and take her to the next level that she
needs will take place in the year 2012. We recommend that you monitor
your exposure to the sun, especially during that time. One effect of
overexposure will be less control of your emotions, but there are many
more. The pace is quickening. Everything is beginning to rise very

Last Call for Life Lessons

It is
because of all these events taking place that we are telling you that
now is the time for each and every one of you to go within yourself,
clear up and release all those old issues that have been repeating in
your life over and over again. Until now it has been perfectly fine to
hang onto those issues, and even nurture and hold them dear as some
of you do because they are part of who you are. However, when these
magnetic ripples start coming through Earth and shaking up the base
foundation of your emotions, those things will get in the way so
quickly. Now is the time to start working with releasing the old
systems. Now is the time to release your limiting thoughts about being a
human. Now is the time to start stepping into your power in any way
you can. Even in small ways you can start carrying the energy of who
you truly are, and carry more of your own light in the physical body.
This can be done quite simply through your eyes. It can also be done
through the sexual energy that you carry in your physical body, for that
is the expression of your soul looking out of a beautiful body. So,
part of what you are starting to do is to see that your place on planet
Earth is changing.

During the 2012 opening of the
magnetosphere, solar flares will again charge the core of planet
Earth.  The earlier round of solar flares basically heated up the
center of your planet, and this next one will charge and activate it
to a higher state that will permeate every living cell of every being.
 The planet itself is built on an iron core; around that iron core
there is flux, which is energy similar to a liquid iron or liquid
metal. It is exactly what you see spew out of the Earth’s volcanoes.
The energy from the solar flares has gone all the way to the core and
helped to heat it up, making it move at a faster pace than before. The
center of the Earth has always traveled at a different pace than the
outside of it which is completely independent. Although the Earth’s
exterior has a different rotation but because it has sped up, even
more of the Earth is starting to expand outward. What you will see is
that this liquid area will start expanding outward, and when it hits
certain pockets it surfaces as volcanoes. There will be more
occurrences as the Earth makes this transition. You will also learn how
to fly through them, so they will not cause as much difficulty as
they have before. You are still going to see a re-arrangement of some
of the tectonic plates, particularly in the Pacific Ocean where an
underwater eruption will open a cosmic door and many portals  to help
planet Earth.. You will see this happening in the years just ahead.

Each and every one of you has an emotional structure
that you love to remain stable, but that structure may start
fluctuating. The other thing we wish to remind you about is that
several years ago we told you there would be a huge wave of sexual
energy on this planet, so much so that it would make the 1960s look
tame in comparison. That is still coming in a very big way. What is
happening is that in places where it is felt, it has been used
appropriately. However, in places where people are uncomfortable with
this sexual energy running through their being, it will get stuck and
cause problems. It is part of the reason you are seeing someone in the
news almost daily who had an affair, was unfaithful or had a sexual
experience outside of their norm. A lot of this is taking place on
planet Earth, as this wave is being felt by the unaware. Now your
sensitivity to sexual energy in general will grow and the same
energies will be felt. 

Your Light from Home

We tell you first of all to be aware of the energy,
because that which you perceive cannot surprise you. That which you are
expecting will put you in a position to be the light and to hold the
door open for other people. Fear is the only problem you are going to
have on planet Earth, and you have a tendency to always be afraid of
new things. That is human nature and it will be the norm, especially
when the multidimensional doors start opening. When they open, if you
are looking at the wall and someone walks through the wall because to
them there is no wall there, you are going to say, “Oh, this is cool! I
need to call my friends to come see this.” But if other people see
it, there is liable to be fear and problems experienced on planet
Earth. So hold those doors open and speak about them. Let your own
energy and light from Home come through every chance you get.

. .

You are the ones that wanted to be here at
this time no matter the cost. No matter how many lifetimes you tried to
do this, you are here now because you have the greatest chance of
making a difference on planet Earth. You have a tremendous amount of
help behind you waiting to assist in any way and at any chance they
can.  During this time when this magnetic hole opens up and all this
magnetic energy comes into planet Earth, it can shake the foundation
of many humans because the emotional structure is magnetically linked
to the Earth’s. This is a time for you to be in place with a steady
light and a smile on your face, because you know what is coming. You
are aware of what is happening and you can be one of the people that
hold the energy, or sometimes just one of the people that is there to
smile in the midst of all the turmoil. You can help to ground a firm
understanding of this energy and take your rightful place on planet
Earth, as the teachers and the healers that you truly are. This is
what you came here to do in this lifetime and you are right on target,
for you would not be in reach of these words if you were not. You have
been placed in exactly the perfect position to be in service exactly
the way you wish to be and it is taking place now.

Fear is a
Four-Letter Word

There will be changes in all
levels not just during these three years, although most of the drastic
changes that you will experience will be. Understand that different
vibrational levels will experience these ripples throughout our
reality at different times. Consequently, there will be many
adjustments in businesses, corporations, organizations and collective
vibrations after that period. Most of them these groups will have a
difficult time finding a base energy to build on, because all of your
emotional energies will be both so high and low.  Now is the time to go
in and find those pieces you have been holding back, because they
will simply be amplified as this ripple goes through every part of it.
Now is the time to take a serious look at things you have been
denying yourself, or things you have known deep in your heart but have
not spoken. Now is the time to find your truth and who you really are
on planet Earth, because when many of these changes start to
happen—and of course, there will be fear—it is the reason you have
asked to be here at this moment. It is your grace, it is your greatest
gift, to be here to be able to do the work you had hoped to do.

Dear ones, we are counting on you.

will be much fear at any time there is change. Even though you are
walking into this whole experience of 2012 with great excitement and
anticipation instead of fear, there will still be changes. As those
changes happen, re-member that fear can hold back the collective
vibration of all humanity. This is the time for you to hold that smile.
It is the time for you to hold that light. When these emotions are at
their highs and lows and you feel the energy moving, just be aware of
them and what it is happening. Hold your knowledge and you will be of
service on planet Earth during this great transition.


There is so much that is taking place, dear
ones. We wish that we could tell you about all the pieces that are
happening. We wish we could tell you exactly what it will be like when
you step into 2013, 2014 and 2015, but the truth is that you have not
yet decided your destiny. We are not creators that create your world
and tell you about it. We are only reflecting what you have created,
for you are the greatest teachers, healers and angels that have ever
walked this planet. There is a collection of masters walking in
physical bodies and most of you do not have a clue. It is about to be
evident very quickly, and when it does own your mastery. There is a
reason you were given those gifts. You have probably developed them
many different lifetimes and worked very hard at them. When you
discover them, you will all have a tendency to deny them and to think
that it is someone else, not you. When you find that piece you are
really good at, own it and make it yours uniquely. Own your mastery,
for yours is needed now more than ever before.

is with the greatest of honor that we leave you with three little
reminders. Treat each other with the greatest respect. Nurture one
another every chance you get and re-member that it is a beautiful
game. Play well together.


The group

can watch the video version of this channeling)

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