11 May 2010 01:16 PM PDT

Channeled for Life Tapestry by Brenda

Dear Ones,

In past blogs, we have discussed items in your new tool kit. Today we wish to
help you start implementing one of your tool kit abilities – Experience Travel.
Unlike our other blogs, this  one is experiential.

Before we provide you with your Experience Travel instructions, we wish for
you to remember that each of you is a unique individual. Perhaps you will access
this information visually, but not via the written word. Or one or more of your
senses might provide you with information that is unique to your being. Brenda
has found that she most easily accesses her Experience Travel key via her word
processing equipment. In the near future, she will be able to combine her word
processing skills with her inner sight.

As with any new skill, you will find that practice increases both
your skill
level and your number of access points. Let us begin with this brief and
relatively simple explanation.

Please find a place that is quiet and comfortable. You may prefer a
that provides access to your computer, note paper or you may merely need
close your eyes to obtain the sensations and pieces of information that
are most
pertinent to you at this time.

There are no rules for accessing this information. And you are
neither a slow
nor a fast learner if you access the information immediately or need a
bit of
time to process your beliefs. Please remember that you have hidden this
information from yourself for eons so your belief patterns may have to
adjust a
bit before you allow yourself to Experience Travel.

You have the tools to access any time period, any state of being or
information throughout the Universe. Think of your Experience Travel key
as the
cut and paste keys on your current computer. Those of you familiar with
typewriters, must remember when replacing a paragraph or erasing a
mistake on a
long document was extremely difficult and time-consuming. Using razor
white out and carbon copies to correct typing errors are of the past.
processing your documents is so much easier now – especially with the
tools that
are standard in almost every software package.

And so it is with your Time Travel of the past and Experience Travel
now. As
might be noted by the title, Experience Travel is a more sophisticated
of Time Travel – much like the difference between typing a long document
with a
standard typewriter and word processing a document with the appropriate

Let us begin.

  • Find a comfortable and quiet location.
  • Gather materials  (paper, pens, your laptop, crayons, magic
    etc)that might be helpful to you as you initiate your Experience Travel.
  • Contemplate what you wish to explore: a particular time – past,
    present or
    future; other planets – past, present or future; other galaxies; times
    your lives; Universal knowledge of a specific nature or whatever piece
    information appeals to you today.
  • Then write or word process the following:  what you wish to
    explore; the
    vehicle or transportation system you wish to use (automobile, time
    magic carpet, steps, special animal, etc); what you would like to look
    like or
    feel as you are exploring; what results you would like from this
    exploration; if
    you wish to participate in this exploration or merely observe and
    finally, why
    this information is important to you (“Just for fun” is as important as
    other reason!)
  • Once you have completed preparation for your exploration, get
    and allow yourself to access the resulting information in any fashion
    that feels
    most correct for you. Perhaps you most easily smell the information. Or
    visualize the information. Or dictate the information. Or draw the
    It does not matter how you do so. Just know that you are now able to
    information you probably did not feel comfortable accessing before the
    introduction of the New Age energies.

You are no longer limited to the information you access on earth with
five senses. Nor are you a god who is so unique that others need to
worship you,
as was often true in the past with those who allowed themselves to cross
barriers to Universal information. You are merely you with a new tool
kit. A
tool kit that allows you to more easily implement aspects of your being
you were
afraid to access in the past, because you needed to tie yourself to the
of the earth.

You are of heaven and  earth. Allow yourself to explore the spirit
world as
you once explored the earth as a toddler. Poke your fingers in the water
of the
spirit world, pick up the tiny creatures of heaven and explore them
taste, sound and feel. Listen in joy and wonderment to future words of
that have been collected for you.

You are comfortable with your earth skills. It is now time to
initiate the
same comfort level with your Universal skills. Play with your new skills
and by
doing so, become a master of heaven and earth – as long has been
heralded by all
who have tuned into the energies of the New Age. So be it. Amen.

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