Date: May 30, 2010

Enjoying the Stilness

It used to bug me to no end, this Stilness: the fact that everything that needs to be done is done, and there is nothing left to do but wait, for whatever it is that you want to arrive. Waiting isn't going to do it, for that ceates an infinite loop holding off on whatever it is you want and know will arrive. But at the same time, nothing else seems more worthwhile anyway.

Beginning to get the feel for it, this Stilness of Being. Noticing how the urge to do is slowly subsiding into the relaxedness of this Sunday morning. Even Moorelife has taken on that savoir faire lately: it no longer urges me to put in the hours, because it feels content to just be whatever it is: not just about Dré anymore, but about the process of discovering More Life! A process that we are in together, willingly.

I could perform any of the domestic work that is lying around, and make this home more of a home for anyone to come home to, but at the same time it is my home, and I'm home already. I am not particularly bothered by the pile of laundry that needs folding, or the carpet that needs vacuuming. So those are kept until such a time that I am in the right mood, the mood of wanting to create order. But even then, it is done for the experience of it, rather than the end result.The end result is non-essential anyway: notice how, the moment you finish doing the dishes, and you reward yourself with a few scoops of yummy icecream, the new set of dirty bowl and spoon immediately starts off the need to do the dishes again? You could let this rule your life, but then where would the joy in all of it be?

No, I'm operating more from the stance: "And He Saw that it was Good". Actually, until just now, I never knew why that phrase was in the Bible. But I notice how I'm constantly looking for what's good, what feels good. And that my friends does definitely not mean that anything else is bad. There is no bad in my world, not because I don't allow it to exist, but because the Divine Essence behind everything is there, regardless of the atrocity it seems to be. And the weird thing is, the more I allow for the dark to just be, rather than resist it, the more I am privvy to insights on just how these mechanisms really operate, and what their true Nature is. 

We all see our own order in the World, and no particular order is anything less than another: after all, it is All Order, even the chaos. And any of it can lead us to new realizations, which then immediately get absorbed in the Akashic Records and retransmitted to Source. So yeah, I might do some domestic work today, who knows. But then again I might not. I will however be creating order, no doubt about that!

Love your Order,


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Gemini 2010: Change Is Good ~ Assimilating Radical Shifts Within & Without

Finish each day and be done with it.
You have done what you could.
Some blunders and absurdities
no doubt crept in;
forget them as soon as you can.

Tomorrow is a new day;
begin it well and serenely
and with too high a spirit
to be encumbered
with your old nonsense.

This month you will have to take many deep breaths to maintain your equilibrium. The pressure is intense and the speed of which information is coming at you, is continuing to increase. Always keep in the back of your mind, if you cannot control it, release it to the Universe ... and if you CAN control it, then this (whatever is activating your "control" or "survival" buttons) is just a reminder to inhale back your own authority and your personal power to choose ... your power to change your mind and thus, your circumstances. In the instant you commit to your choice, change can occur. Because it is Gemini time, I am inclined to think most of us have some major decisions to make which are going to require us to choose between two (or more) distinctly different paths. These paths are going in such new and different directions, that you can no longer 'straddle the fence' or 'serve two masters' ... you will HAVE to choose.

Sagittarius (wisdom) helps Gemini (intelligence) make meaning out of the information coming through at this time. Right now, all SIX of your senses are being bombarded with information. How are your "filtering" systems working these days? We need to activate our "human spam box" where all non-relevant info should go automatically. Your main task at this time is sorting through all this information. You will know the Truth when you come across it because it will speak to you on a soul level and you will be compelled to act on that new knowledge.

These are not "small" or "easy" aspects of life to undergo such a major transition. HONOR THAT FACT by taking the time to review how you have expressed yourself up to now ... and reflect on how you want to express your Self going forward.

~ Who have you led your Self (and others) to believe you were (over the last 6-12 yrs)?

~ Who are you today?

~ What parts of you are solid and structurally sound?

~ Which parts of you are completely worn out and need to be released or recycled?

Use the current Full Moon in Sagittarius to release anything that is no longer part of your personal Story and all that is no longer "true" for you and then, plant your seeds at the New Moon in Gemini ~ take a deep breath and express your Self in a whole new way. The story of your life is not done yet. You can still choose to "edit" and change the next chapter any way your soul leads you to. Open your mind and heart this month and connect with your Authentic Voice in order to express your deepest Truth. Pay close attention, activate your filters for this particular flow of information. Some will be Divine Truth, some will be petty distraction, delaying you on your Path. It is a NEW day, and like it or not, you will have to make some (seemingly) daunting choices that will determine your course (path) over the upcoming 6-12 months and 6-12 years. Backwards is not an option, and even if it were, all that used to be back there is gone / done / over / completed anyway. So you can CHOOSE - or you can get dragged - but either way, you're going (to the next level). Actually you're already there but some people are holding on to the door as it closes on their fingertips.

It really depends on what you want to create and what you want to be a part of for the remainder of this lifetime. If you are comfortable with the "light and airy" aspects of this Gemini season, then enjoy them because this is the best time of year for creative exchange of ideas; use social situations to learn (and teach) and share information, you have more options than you think. INVITE COLLABORATION AND UNITY ~ look for circumstances that your individual personality and skill set is *valued*.

On the other hand, if you have some heavy duty choices to make at this time, solitude is probably better. Tuning in around the Full and New Moons, dusk and dawn, the turn of each Sacred Season, when the channels of communication are wide open, invites the Invisible Assistance. Ask the questions, be still and the answers will come ... then you must be prepared to accept a NEW Truth.

Enlightenment must come
little by little ... otherwise
it would overwhelm!

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