Date: May 22, 2010

Abraham-Hicks, a recent workshop

Abraham and Estherlay it down soo simple.... Thanks Guest!
But I still need to find the other parts......

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Denisa: BEING ~ IN JOY~

greetings unto you....beloved
and "wholly" friends...
~wholly~ meaning
you are whole and complete ~ now~
we bring this day a very "timely" message
it is given this day to bring "peace"
the "peace of Christ"
ever more deeply and ever more deeply
into your consciousness...

dear one...
you abide in an eternal "state of joy"
joy meaning celebration !!!!!
a celebration of the "truth"
that you abide ~in love~ always...
no matter what is going on around you
in your world of form
you can step back in any moment
"i abide within the kingdom"
i am ~in love~    now....!!!
what would love have me do
in this moment???
for you see
my beloveds
you are in truth a field of awareness...
an extension of the creator source
yet ~one~ with that source
whose only purpose is to extend the
love of abba...god...all that is
thru you ..into the world of form...
having no attachment to outcome..
no attachment to "the thoughts of the world"
simply abiding in your truth...
being that one who turns within
allowing each moment of arising
to be "as it is"
asking of that love...
how would you have me extend your presence
into "time" thru this body????
~as you stand "outside of time"
by your choice to be one with love~... !!! are as i am..
breathing that love into whatever
dimension of creation
you happen to find your self in..
you are in a very unique position...
you are the one who allows the love
of abba to flow thru you...
you are the one who receives the love
and you are the one who witnesses
the presence of love
as you allow the voice of love to extend itself
thru you..into the dream of time...
you are eternally
extending the radiance of love
wherever you find yourself to be..
as ~you~ choose to allow it to
be so..!!!
you are one with this love
a healed mind
is a mind that knows it is one with love
with abba...with god
it knows itself to be that one
thru which the very power of love itself
can flow freely into all dimensions
of creation...
so...dear heart
dear...dear heart
you abide within this love always...
no matter where you find yourself
to are eternally in
a state of love...
the forms arise and pass away...
being of time they are of themselves
an illusion...
and yet...within the illusion
the very power of love
calls all of itself home
thru you...
it is a lovely dance...
in is the only dance in town
if one would choose for it...
the joy...the peace that fills you
knowing that
you are bathed in the love of home
in every now moment...
that in never left
this love has been with you always...
i often speak thru many
that I AM with you always... understand the "meaning"
of the phrase"
i am with you always
because i am you...
what i are !!!!
with each choice to "extend love"
as love would move thru you
by asking of that love
"what would you have me do
in this moment"
right there...right there
you bring "heaven to earth"
love to a "space" of non love...
so...celebrate this day...
know that the "world" itself
means nothing...
yet...the love that can be revealed to you...
the mystery of loves presence
that reveals itself to you
within each choice to allow that love
to move and breathe as you...
now...that is a dance worth dancing...
to know this truth
is to walk in peace...
simply a conduit where love itself
can be extended and realized
be "in" peace this day
by your choice to remember
you are ~ONE~ WITH ALL THAT IS...
your journey here is to re-discover
this truth for yourself
by being ~in joy~
the joy of knowing you are always
one with love..
no matter what appears to
be dancing in front of you
in the illusion of time...
now that...........that knowing
is the "peace of Christ"
that i taught to many
yet many "misunderstood"
with that..
we bid you adieu
denisa and jeshua
a co-creation
if you would desire to be added to this list..simply send me an email at
if you would like to be the same..
touch a heart with a simple smile this day.........know you are deeply loved...

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Zero Point Energy Extraction

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