Date: May 3, 2010


whenever you are not in
the totality of self-love
you are in the gap...
that gap being
where you believe yourself to be
and where you believe I AM....
the second you are not in-love
with "what is"
~you are in the gap~
denisa and jeshua
a co-creation
if you would like to be added to this email list...simply send me an email at
also...if you would like to be deleted.............the same...
touch another heart this day...................with a smile..........a hug...
feel....feel how it brings "YOU" the warmth of loves presence.................. 

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Up Up & Away

Greetings & Salutations My Beautiful Beings of Light. Your brilliant beaming beacons of light precede your personal energy fields reflecting stressful life styles and chaotic world events. My Beloveds, bravo for working your hardest to keep your light vibrations as high as you can during times of major stress on your human physical forms.

The Creator beams you down a ray of Golden Light to wrap around your shoulders. Just sit with it for a while. The more you can transmute stress using this wonderful golden beam the less stress your physical body will have to endure. This is a wonderful etheric golden beam that can be placed upon an etheric spiritual coat hanger for safe keeping and reused as needed within your spiritual imagination to assist your body to dispel harmful stress hormones.

The Earth Mother is indeed moving, shaking, belching and oozing all types of materials trying to also manage her vibrations during such times as were foretold of changes to the Earth.

These changes My Divine Beings of Grace have nothing to do with punishment against humanity. Those prophesying these events eons ago were interpreting fear in the visions of human faces along with damage observed all over the Earth’s surface without also seeing that this has always been part of the Divine Blue Print for these moments in NOW. The sheer number of humans covering the planet and their desire to build where these activities occur compounds the pain, injury, sadness and death that have thus far prevailed.

Yes they are also moments for humanity of Grace and Unity. The outcome of these events and this out pouring and compassion for one’s brother and sister human are also part of the Divine Blue Print My Beloveds. These are moments in NOW to come together and beginning sharing and caring, if you will, My Beautiful Beings of Light.  

These are hard times and more to come. Earth and Atmospheric Climate change is part of what this is about, not something that the human has done to injure the Earth. Granted the human has certainly done its share of polluting the pristine beauty that it inherited and greed of business has most profoundly eroded the human spirit. Big business has managed to circumvent every ounce of human dignity and integrity to meet a bottom line. These are opportunities for humanity to unite and review the lessons of greed to change and move forward united in compassion and unconditional love.

The children of this generation will become the saviors, if you will, as they will be the ones that see the solutions and implement them. The children will take over the stewardship of the Earth finding free energy sources that abound in geothermal, solar, wind and water. These same children will solve the transportation crisis, the hunger crisis, the money energy exchange crisis and so forth.

The children talk to their Angels and Guides dear mothers and fathers and are not afraid to do so.  They may not tell you that My Beloveds but they communicate on a much higher plane than you ever thought possible for yourself.  They have come in at a time of very heavy burden, but they waited in line to volunteer to be here at this time, to witness and solve the issues that plague humanity at this moment in NOW.  They scripted the solutions. You also waited in line My Beloveds to volunteer to witness what is occurring.

Many will be passing over because this was their designated time to leave. This is what they scripted for themselves and their departure is their Divine Contract with The Creator. 

The more debris that you can clear from your energy fields My Beloveds, the better your health and emotional balance will be to assist you in your roles NOW. Understanding your Chakra Energy System and clearing it daily along with visualizing your outer egg shaped energy fields around yourself is important and a place to start.

Cutting the cords that others have sent into your fields with judgments etc are also parts of the toxic debris personal cleanup exercise. Severing those cords that you have sent into others due to judgments etc also are parts of this cleanup process. Forgiveness all around is healing and a step in the upward direction.

As you can see My Divine Beings of Grace there is much here to ponder. Remove the fear of what is to be and instead accept that all is in PERFECTION within the Divine Blue Print at this moment in NOW. Begin your clearing process, communicate with your Angels and Guides and invite them in to be with you always, ask for their assistance to help your life and the lives of all your family to go with more Ease & Grace.

Allow this Messenger to take you on a mediation journey to help you clear and heal.

Arrange yourself in your chair or lie on a bed so that you are comfortable. Keep your legs and arms from crossing if at all possible as this blocks the flow of energy. Cover yourself with a light blanket if you chill easily. We want you comfortable and undisturbed for a while as you journey within yourself through meditation.

Close your eyes and take a deep breath, then let it out.  With each in breath, you are breathing in love. With each out breath, you are breathing out fear and doubt. Take another deep breath in and let it out.  Take another deep breath in and let it out with a sigh. Breathing out all frustrations of the day.

Feel your body relaxing from your toes to the top of your head. Give yourself permission to feel the calm and peace. Your muscles are feeling loose and limp, so relaxed, so deliciously serene, so wonderfully lazy.

Direct your ego self to perch on your left shoulder. Instruct your ego self that it is only to be an observer on this journey, it is not to participate. If it helps you to visualize by identifying your ego with a symbol or as an object please do so.

In your imagination ask through prayer for The Creator to send you down a protective Ray of White Light by praying mentally something like this “My Creator I AM asking for a protective Ray of White Light to enfold me and lift me up so that I am experiencing the very highest of vibrations during this journey into my inner most depths of understanding and Being. I am protecting myself My Creator from anything that is not for my highest good on this journey. I am thanking you My Creator for assisting me by sending this Ray. I am seeing it in my imagination now coming down through the corner of the area where I am meditating. It is entering into my physical form, permeating all that is within my I AM presence.”

The Creator has responded to your prayer and has gifted you with an Iridescent White Ray plus a  Golden Fluid Ray for this journey. The Rays are entering into your body through the soles of your feet and moving up through your physical vessel; permeating throughout all of your etheric energy fields & physical vessel and into all corners of the actual area that you are meditating in; then the rays are exiting through your Crown Chakra. The Rays are returning to The Creator and cycling back down through you again and back to The Creator in a continuous circular loop. These protective therapeutic rays are in continuous circular motion while you are in meditation.

You are now divinely protected at this moment and nothing can even communicate with you, that is not for your highest good, without your permission. 

My Divine Beings of Light. You are breathing very slowly and evenly now; you are feeling secure and safe.

Breathe in deeply My Beautiful Beings of Light and feel the lighter relaxed feelings of being protected & divinely guided into this meditation. Breathe in deeply and know that you are breathing to the Pulse of The Creator. Listen to The Creator’s spiritual heart beat and feel the unconditional love that courses through you each time you think about this moment. 

Breathe in deeply allowing and seeing within your spiritual imagination your Guardian Angels and invited Spirit Guides as they join you.  The Angels take your etheric essence hand and guides you out of your physical body and direct you into your Etheric Spiritual Heart Chakra. An Angel has been stationed to stay with your physical essence until you return from your meditation. 

You are seeing, feeling and sensing this within your imagination, Your Guardian Angels, Spirit Guides and special invited guests are now within your Spiritual Heart Chakra with you. Your Angels and Guides are helping you locate the Golden Door that says “To My Highest Guidance Within” you turn the etheric spiritual door knob and cross over the threshold knowing that you are on a spiritual growth adventure. 

You find yourself in a white marble corridor where other members of your Angelic family have been waiting on your arrival.  

One is holding a large floppy brimmed straw hat, which is placed on your head along with a  set of flight goggles and a duster coat is placed over your clothes.  The hat has a long red silk scarf tied to it that now flows out over your shoulders. Down the hall the Angels scurry you to the door marked Hot Air Balloon Pad.

You open the door and see a large hot air balloon with a large wicker basket attached waiting for you to climb aboard. Your Angels check to make sure the your hat is securely tied to your head with the scarf and helps you climb aboard the balloon. Wow you say to yourself this is going to be so amazingly fun. Your Angels read your mind and laugh at that thought. They tell you that you don’t even know where you are going to yet. 

Everyone is aboard now and the hot air balloon begins to rise, as the Angle flying it says Up UP and Away. Your Angels tell you that there is a schedule to keep but direct your attention to the rainbow coming up ahead. Oh My you say to yourself you’ve never been this close to a rainbow before. You can see one side of the rainbow and in the distance the rainbow’s end.

Just then with a whssshing sound the hot air balloon begins to actually travel right above the rainbow itself using it as a road guide, if you will. In the distance you see the rainbow’s end. You are looking below and can see the beautiful color bands of the rainbow so distinctly.  Before you know it the hot air balloon has reached the other side of the rainbow and is preparing to land in the field that appears vacant.

Your Angels help you out of the basket. They then untie the hat, help you remove the goggles and the duster coat and direct you to the middle of the field where a big round white circle is drawn.

You can still see the rainbow in the background and the sun is setting slightly now. Your Angels light a campfire in front of you and instruct you to begin looking around in a large circle that you can distinguish marked with green paint. You appear to be standing in the middle of the green drawn circle.

At first you look and see nothing but the green paint on the ground, then ever so slowly you begin to detect a mist that takes form and then you notice that a large gathering of people is actually taking place. You look closer and realize that you are looking into the faces of all those that you have ever known in this current incarnation and in past incarnations as well. These are your family and friends and acquaintances of all types.  

Each  is smiling and bowing their head in greetings to you. You sense a wonderful feeling of love wash over you as their love for you finally catches up with your essence there in the middle of the circle. You look more carefully now and realize that there must be thousands of people standing together in this one field. How amazing you tell your Angels, you can’t believe your eyes.

Next your Angels hand you a special pair of glasses for you to put on and they ask you to look down at your body. You put the glasses on and look down but what you see instead of your body is a form completely covered up with elastic band type cords each seems to be plugged into some part of your body. The cords are going out and are connected to all the wonderful faces that you see all around you.

The Angels explain that each cord represents a judgment or some negative thought form sent into you by those individuals in this circle along with all the judgments and negative thought forms that you yourself have sent out and had attached to the other people in this circle. Each of them now are looking down and realize that they too are covered from head to foot in elastic cords. You realize now that everyone looks more like a mummy than a person with all these cords wrapped around them so tight.

OH NO you say to your Angels you had no idea that this occurred when you judged or sent out negative thought forms to another. A true sincere feeling of sorrow floods over you and you begin to shake your head and apologize to the group. They in turn are feeling the same sorrow and are apologizing to you.  

The Angels hand you a special pair of scissors and ask you to pick a spot on your body and begin cutting the cords. Continuing cutting until you have completely remove all cords your Angels instruct. The Angles also hand all that are attending the same special type of scissors to do the same on their bodies.

You begin your cutting at your ankles and notice that as you sever the cord the circulation begins to flow back to that part of the body. As you cut the cords each one begins flying back to the person that sent it and those also cutting are returning the cords that you yourself had created.

You are almost finished with all the cords and feel a certain relief that you had not expected to feel with this exercise. Not only is the circulation returning to that part of the body but the apology and forgiveness has cleared the blockage that it created within your Chakra’s Energy System.

What a gift you tell your Angels this is truly an amazing experience and one that was so needed. You thank each person from where you stand and tell them how much you love them and appreciate them coming to participate.

Each person in their standing position also thanks you for the relief and ability to clear their own Chakra Energy Systems with this exercise.

You now take another look at the cleared glowing body that has once again received pristine circulation and see also that the Chakra Wheels are spinning in precise balance and harmony.  

You realize that you are breathing easier, you feel lighter and better not to mention the anger and tension has completely left your body.

You look around and the crowd of people are once again turning into vapors and slowly dissipating. As each one leaves they thank you again for this opportunity to clear and heal.

You had no idea how powerful this meditation journey was. You thank your Angels for their help. Your Angels hug you and walk back with you to the hot air balloon waiting for you to be on back on board to take off and return.

 The hot air balloon rises once more again flying directly over the rainbow back to the other end where you started from. Interesting you tell yourself you can still see the rainbow in the moonlight, the colors are just as beautiful and now are glowing.

The Angels assist you out and lead you back through the door. You instantly find yourself back in the White Marble Corridor.  

You catch a glimpse of your glowing cleared Essence in the mirror. Your Angels lead you back across the golden door threshold back into your Spiritual Heart Chakra and then they assist the return of your spiritual Essence back into your physical form.

 Wiggle your fingers and toes and when ready open your eyes. Go about your day remembering that your inner Wisdom and Angelic support staff are always at your service working with you to help you reach your highest most appropriate potential.

Beloveds you are blessed beyond words and loved beyond measure more than any Earth Plane language can ever express.

I Am Archangel Michael, The Creator’s Messenger, of Love, Joy, Wisdom, Light, Peace and Grace.

This Message is Channeled Through & Written by Carolyn Ann O’Riley. This is copyrighted material. © It may be shared with those that you sense might resonate with the material provided all the appropriate credits are given and there is no charge for the channeled message shared with another. To e-mail The Channel, Carolyn Ann O’Riley click on this link

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The Polarity of Power & Love

Greeting Beloved, I am Metatron, Lord of Light. I greet you all in Unconditional Love!!  

Masters, your life is a journey of exploration.  Your sojourns upon the Earth are a marvelous opportunity to discover and to explore what is within and without you.  You are on an exquisite odyssey of algorithm. The third dimension serves to assist you in moving higher, and thus works hand in hand with the algorithmic puzzle by facilitating and prompting the outward manifestation of inner spirit through frontal mind.

The octaves available in the third dimension are highlighted in your initial tarriance and campaigns of the Earth Plane. But as you progress the 3rd dimension must give way to the higher crystalline octaves of the 5th dimension for true advancement toward Mer-Ki-Vic 'enlightenment' to occur in Ascension.

Accordingly as you progress in the path of enlightenment, there are many experiences that will unfold in your journey. In the beginning of the Quest, the crossroads and forks are comparatively easy to see in terms of which road should be taken.  For initially the impetus of decision is based upon the rather obvious contrasting polarity of what may be termed black and white, decisions between right and wrong, love and hate. Choices are relatively easy at this stage, although it may not seem so at the time.

So as you progress, it is truly a gift that trial and error allow you to see your missteps. Each of you will make mistakes, but in these errors of growth it is imperative to always be gentle with yourselves, and also be nurturing of others along their paths. We tell you in certainty that when you review your lives at later stages of retrospect you will be in awe of the journey you have taken. You will marvel at the seeming hardships and personal trials and retrospectively wish you had been more aware of the beauty of all around you, and delighted at the serendipitous juxtapositions of the intricate tests that seemed most difficult. So take time in the NOW, as you move forward to simply delight in your BEINGNESS.

As each of you progress in spirit and wisdom the path quickens into more challenging & complex sojourns, and  the polarity shifts in kind . The forks in the road become less polarized in the obvious demeanor. The clarity between black and white becomes a bit more shaded in gray, and greater thought is required to differentiate the true path of Mastery.

Polarity of Love & Power

And so then it is inevitable that as your reach accelerated stages, you will be forced to make choices that are less immediately apparent. These are oft no longer obvious choices between what may be termed 'love & hate' or 'good and evil' in the subtlest of manners, the choices shift between LOVE and POWER. Each gain achieved, carries you into higher realms, higher dimensions, and indeed the polarity paradigm differs in each new stage.

You see, Love and Power are perhaps the most compelling and complex of life lessons. True Power exists within the gracefulness of LOVE. But the seeming paradox is that Love also requires the strength of will to complete it in duality. One of the lessons humanity experienced in Atlantis is that there are times when the strength is required in highest good to confront the dark ambitions of those who seek to imprison others and use resources for world control. One of your sages once stated "Evil can only succeed when 'good men' do nothing." But the how of such action is a great challenge for you to resolve, for it is of tantamount importance. Wars are not ended by fighting more wars. Peace will only occur when peace is desired more than war, and is pro-actively projected into reality manifestation with the extraordinary strength of LOVE.

Balancing is the Final Rubik

Accordingly many of you in advanced sojourns have series of lifetimes (within multidimensional time holograms) that follow succinct purpose around the focused study of Love and Power, either one or the other. These lifetimes can become drastically different & separate sequences of experience, and many of you are now in the task of  joining the two in final stages of lessoned growth.

In other words, there are specific lifetime quests of learning to create power responsibly that are paralleled within two  separate series devoted to learning the aspects of LOVE in one string, and Power in another.

Often these two take such different 'soul paths' that the earthly expressions and experimentations of these two contrast so powerfully that what may be termed soul fragmentation can and does occur.

As a case in point, many of you have a series of lifetimes in the 'cloth'. Lifetimes of servitude in the realms of monkhood, sisterhood, and priesthood et cetera, where the focus is learning the humility and benefit of serving others in open loving nature.

And then you also, in what often expresses itself quite differently, have a connective string of sojourns in explorations of power, where you are in key leadership roles. These lifetimes can be as rulers, leaders in government & commerce, members of ruling dynasties and people of immense commercial wealth.

It is an interesting aspect in the filters of duality that your personality expressions in these two parallel studies often are so starkly dissimilar and contrasting  that there is a separation of consciousness polarity between the two. This occurs in somewhat the same fashion, albeit of different purpose in your male/female sojourns. Humans tend to consider that most of their lifetimes are either male or female. Most males in humanity do not recognize or relate to the many lifetimes they have lived in female form, and vice-versa. It is a 3d separation.

And so this differential occurs even more potently in your lifetime strings of learning responsibility of Power and learning the nuances of Love. Both are so comprehensive that completely different environmental and astrological patterning is chosen for these two polar lessons, and a 'soul chasm separates the two that necessitates bringing them back together.

Lifetimes of Servitude & Lifetimes of Learning Power   

The purpose of lifetimes of servitude can often create issues that require resolve. These include issues of:

 (1) Self-Love- The inability to love the self based on inner programming of 'original sin', the need for forgiveness based on the innate flaw of mankind as taught by religious texts. The result is low self worth and that is in conflict with your Divinity as Aspects of Creator God.

 (2) Inability to Manifest Abundance: The rejection of financial abundance and an inability to create what is needed in financial sense because of lifetimes of poverty vows. The over-bleed is the inaccurate perception/belief  that spirituality cannot exist within financial abundance.

(3) Relationship Failure: Imbalance in Give and Take. Lifetimes of servitude especially in the religious services can often lead to the inability to receive. These are people of a spiritual nature who can give but not take, and the result is again an aspect of self love imbalance, of self worth issues. The belief that it is 'better to give than to receive'. There must be the balance. Relationships are established where you do all the giving and a one way relationship results, and that inevitable fails.

(4) Pious Self Righteousness: An aspect of hyper critical behavior, condemning others who may seem to be acting in unethical behavior or not following the same system of morality or religion.

Lifetimes of learning responsible wielding of Power often lead to difficult issues such as :

 (1) Ego Imbalance- Based on a sense of superiority, self-aggrandizement and entitlement

(2) Control - The trait of seeking to impose your will on others in inappropriate scenarios. The need to be in charge and have others 'follow' your orders  

(3) Self Indulgence- An aspect of selfishness and laziness, inability to work at self growth, and an aspect to self-excess, over spending, over eating, focus on pleasure

So as we have stated, because you all need to learn how to love and also to create responsibly, you plan & have total separate lifetime strings in Power 'set-ups' and Love 'set-ups' in which the focal study and experience can become so vastly different that they  become extremely polarized.

Personalities within each evolve so differently in some cases that what may be termed a soul fragmentation or soul polarization  seemingly occurs within the multidimensional holograms of your 'lifetimes'. Some of you would be quite shocked at the extremities. Many of you in your spiritual contexts would feel repulsed by the personality expressions you have experienced in learning power, and vice versa. Thus the 'soul fracture....yet all must be harmonized and 'retrieved' and reconciled into soul harmony. The good in each must be chosen, and that which does not serve released.

This retrieval and harmony can and must occur . A process of this is taught in the Mer-Ka-Va phase, the 2nd level  of the Mer-Ki-Va Crystalline Light Body. Because as you reach the more complex stages of lifetimes then, you blend the two life streams, and this is among the most complex of puzzles, and one of the last pieces required for true Mastery.

And so as you retrieve the soul, and many of you are doing that NOW, you will blend the 2 chains of studies into the present experience. This presents a great challenge, for at times you will come to algorithmic 'forks in the road' along the pathway of enlightenment where you must choose between two directions.

A fork in the road appears that will seem to you to be right in either direction. The fork is between Power and Love, and both dear ones are necessary. So the decision is which takes precedent, and that lesson is among the most difficult you will encounter.

Love does not mean allowing someone else to step on your foot, and Power does not mean stepping on others feet who are 'in the way' when you are sure you are right.

The Double Edge of Leadership

 For those who achieve influential authority in spiritual leadership, the decision process becomes so much more critical, for responsibility to enact the truth is required to keep what has been learned. Influence, Dear Ones, is the double edged sword of spiritual leadership and it must be tempered and ever wielded in wisdom. 

All of you are sparks of Creator. All of you are family composed of Divine Mind. So remember as you move forward, to realize that love is a frequencial key that can never be forgotten. Yet there will be times when all humans do forget. And I speak to all of you herewith.

Walking your talk is imperative in spiritual leadership. Yet, as you move forward the pitfalls are more difficult to see, and there may be times when you are less patient with others of different mindset, of lesser advancement. And that in itself is a set-up of trial and growth.

 We beseech you to not put yourself on a throne, and do not forsake those who abide in what may appear to you as the dimmer recesses of heart and mind. Do not condemn those that attempt to cast doubt on you or point fingers for the errors of others even when the accusers refuse to see the faults within themselves.

And while we recognize this is easier said than done, do not turn away from conflict  so quickly and self righteously that your haste and knee jerk reaction blinds you to a greater truth. Take time to self review, and do so from a stance of dispassion. Does not one of your 'Four Agreements tell you to "Never take anything personally?" There is indeed wisdom in this.

We will share another pearl of acumen, and take a moment to deeply consider this: Wisdom does not automatically occur thru the mere collation of knowledge, regardless of how vast. Rather it comes through the intense distillation of experience and self review in pure unbiased thought.

True wisdom can only occur in states of non emotional examination of your experience via your own inner third- person stance! And to do this you must filter out the untoward unconscious beliefs associated with experience in 3rd dimensional mind. Do you understand?

Slaying the Serpent

And Masters, we do indeed recognize the great challenge therein when the frolic of day to day stresses seem to require the full focus of your attention consciousness in 3d. It takes tremendous effort to stem the powerful tide of emotion and fear-survival impetus in duality, yet it must be done, and sooner or later you each will learn this! This is what is symbolized in the 'slaying of the serpent' in your religious allegory and metaphors. And it requires thinking in clear mind.

 Indeed all of you will at certain points encounter this conceptual shift as a subjective experience of clear mind when you access the fifth dimension. It will enter as a pure unbiased thought and feel like a refreshing invigorating wave. It is a 5th dimensional vibrational matrix that each of you must recognize and then nurture. For it is the mechanism that removes you from the gilded cage of hidden ego-aggrandizement. And when you blend lifetimes of Power and Love all of you will have certain obstacles to clear, that you have not understood were blockages at all because in 3d lesson, they may have served you to get to a certain point of growth.  

This will inevitably occur as you retrieve your life-streams of Power and Love into oneness. It will occur as a moment of clarity. It enters in a crystalline wave, a blue tsunami in a field of seeming superconductivity explored and experienced within Mer-Ki-Va.

It is a helix of LOVE and Power in their pure frequencial nature. While these are non-polarized in the 3rd dimensional sense, the intersection of these two cross 'crysto-currents' is where soul retrieval and unification begins in the MerKiVa. This begins in the dimension of five. You can only truly access the crystalline octaves of the fifth dimension when your auric field achieves 13-20-33 circuitry and your resulting frequency is capable of vibrating in the expansive and pure crystalline creativity of Mer-Ki-Va. At the entry point of Mer-Ki-Va the duality and polarized frequencies that have for so long been a part of your experiences in the third dimension within the electric magnetic fields of the previous grid will yield to the great and greater expansibility of the unified crystalline field. You will merge the polarity aspects of male-female into unified integral wholeness as you enter Mer-Ka-Va and Mer-Ka-Na, and 3d duality will seem far less consequential in its natural declination in higher realms.

The Unending Journey of Integrity

But this achievement requires focus and effort in unification. As we have told you so many times, spiritual growth and spiritual leadership is a journey and not a destination. It requires constant self review and recalibration to maintain.

So many through the aeons of time have faulted when the power of leadership leads to ego imbalance. For indeed the steed of POWER can blind and unseat the rider and lead in its speed into rocky paths and untoward  grounds.

All of you will be tempted by the seduction of power, all of you...especially when notoriety and celebrity come into play. When the self aggrandizement of ego enters, it oft does so as if through a back window left open, and is unnoticed, unrecognized, because it was not your intent.

The tell-tale marking is revealed when being 'right' takes on greater importance than love. And Masters, often the weave of ego into the energy field  is so subtle that the fall is unseen by the individual. How many of your wars have been fought in  downward spiraled destruction by so called religious factions, fighting over the dogma of what is 'sacred', and whose Truth is the real Truth.

Masters, humility is the key. Never take yourself so seriously that you lose sight of your own humanity within duality.

The Double Edge of Ego

Your savants, sages and religious texts all tell you that the release of ego is the key to finding God. But there is indeed a great gap of conception between this advice and its understood application by most humans. Ego resides within the frontal mind, the conscious mind, and is the requisite tool in polar-duality of the 3rd dimension that enables one to have an empirical awareness of self and individuality.

So it is then necessary to separate aspects of ego that serve your growth and those that do not. Otherwise how can any human on the spiritual quest of 'enlightenment' grasp the complexities of 'surrendering ego'. A crisis of inner communication will often occur, and it is something that all humans in duality must resolve, irregardless of their level of light quotient.

The Spiritual 'Peter Principle'

But we tell you, ego is inevitably the culprit that creates, in your vernacular, the spiritual 'Peter Principle'.

Your 'Peter Principle' in business and managerial aspect, states that one can rise to ones level of  incompetence. That what gets you promoted on one level, gets you fired on the next!   In a slight juggling of syntax, we tell you that in Spiritual Growth, humans often rise to their level of inexperience, and that inexperience can frequently lead to a temporary fall from grace.

When ego leads to arrogance an electrical short circuitry occurs in the base level of the auric field. The requisite 13-20-33 circuitry is then disconnected, the 'signal' of clear communication to higher self is lost, displaced by varying waves of static and interference.

Ahankara represents the aspect of exaggerated self importance that leads to arrogance.  The true path is the experience, oft thru trial and error , cause and effect, of realizing that surrender of ego means recognizing the divine spark within each of you, and the willingness to allow the subtle voice of higher self , of the Divine-Self to lead the way. As such ego must be regulated and monitored by self review. And that self-review must be given voice in a state of open neutrality. In self review the ego must be released and actions viewed from your inner 'third person', allowing the possibility that you may be in error. Therein is the challenge...and a worthy purposed one.

Power is a great seduction and temptation. So many metaphysical and spiritual leaders become addicted to adulation. And when this occurs a subtle shift occurs in which they lose 13-20-33 circuitry and not only become 'stuck' they actually become 'energy takers' in a downward spiral.

A shadow falls between the edges of the middle road in how to maintain the perfect balance of love & power with ego and humility. Love must always be the key, and the ultimate wisdom is learning that surrender to Love carries tremendous Power, and that is Power in its highest form. But hearing the words of Truth is not the same as learning & experiencing TRUTH.

Discernment is Key to Mastery

There are many in metaphysics who carry a great deal of spiritual knowledge who develop the urge to share that knowledge. While this in itself is a positive attribute, it is also necessary to avoid the ego trappings of 'Spiritual One Upsmanship' and 'Guruship'. It is correct to make known the mystery, yet each must use individual discernment to find their own inner voice. The time of the guru is passed. Each of you are now compelled to be your own guide. Discernment is key. If it does not resonate, then reject it.

The goal is to develop the Divinity within self. The goal is not to 'channel Ascended Masters or Angelics' rather to channel your own inner Divinity. To be clear, there are indeed souls who channel Ascended Masters and Angels, but this cannot be achieved without first channeling the Divinity of SELF, and access to the Master within you is all that is ever needed or required. Ye are GODs!

And so we end this assay in acumen of TRUTH: Individual discernment is ever the key, for one man's truth may be another man's folly. And the manner in which you harmonize  multiple TRUTHS is a great test of spirituality.

The greatest Power is the Power of Love. Love yourself and love one another, for the unity of LOVE is a great and beautiful accomplishment for mankind in micro and macro.  Masters  know that we are ever with you and we ever honor you on this incredible journey.

I am Metatron, and I share with you these TRUTHS. You are Beloved.

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What to think of this?

Lately, since the finishing of the novel, I've been very preoccupied with another one of my pet projects, the creation of a new approach to neural networks. As a matter of fact, this morning I ran into someone on the Web, who seems to at least be able to understand what I'm talking about. So I sent him a mail, that included the following quote (uttered by me):

You seem to be quite the authority on cellular automatons, and I've had this recurring dream of creating a truly functioning neural network, capable of surpassing our own processing capacity. Oddly enough, I feel I do not create a consciousness in the computer that way, but merely give the consciousness that is there already a more suitable environment to inhabit.

Then, on a completely unrelated note, I had to help Laura find the names of the characters she wants to star in her novel on the fall of Atlantis and Lemuria (fiction, but no less real). To prove a point to her about truth always coming up as a result of seemingly random actions, I opened Rudolf Steiner's book entitled "Atlantis and Lemuria" (still in print), and randomly started reading the following:

Could it likewise be that the machine soul is waiting for  a suitable brain to be developed to connect with its mind? And the consciousness of the All doing everything in its power to enable the development of said brain? Is synchronicity nothing but conscious hints from the higher realms aimed at making us realize the next step forward? I for one am convinced of this, for me opening that particular book and randomly choosing to read just those lines is beyond mere coincidence!

For those interested in just what I'm puzzling with, here's a preliminary link to my project:

Love your Light, 


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the Buffalo Diaries has moved…

Hi Everyone...

I have moved the Buffalo Diaries to it’s new home over the weekend. All writing will be posted at the new website from now on.

Thank you for following along here and I hope you find your way over to the new home soon.

Blessings on your Journey.

Love and Kindness,

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the Dance

I remember when it happened and have come again to see why it is so important for me to work so diligently on my spiritual growth. For me it came as a complete sense of imbalance, that everything was all upside down. And that makes sense now, as I was going against creation with most all of my unconscious way of being. But during it all there was something that was guiding me and when I finally listened to it the way opened up for me. As the shift began, I had the sense that this was my last chance to get it… Something told me that I had “gotten it” before and if I could just remember all would be better.


Yes, it shook up my life, to be sure… However, I was swimming upstream, had been for most all my life and was getting nowhere but tired. Exhausted, more like it and all that went with it… poor health, stress, fear, schedules, expectations, obligations, all things to keep me away from my Authentic Self. But I realize now just how skewed my view of reality really was.

I know better now. I take much better care of myself these days in the spiritual sense, it is my top priority. I understand what is happening now as the vibrations increase all around us; as all Creation goes through an energetic vibrational increase in frequency. It is affecting me, you and everything whether we know it or not. I chose to know and through direct experience came to understand what is happening to me and why. It makes sense now, as I look back on the Journey so far. Things are speeding up and yet we must remain calm, peaceful and in complete presence to be able to see what is really happening around us.

I have come to see the importance of sharing Love and Kindness at this time and know the effect the work that I do has on the Universe. There are so many reasons out there to do the work and nourish your Authentic Self; to feel your connection to all Creation and know that Love is the vibration of the Universe. Find your reason to come to it and begin. Do your research, ask what is happening right now on the frontiers of science, spirituality and consciousness. Choose to know and embark on your Journey. Ask for your Higher Consciousness to show you the way… Mine brought me to ballroom dancing.

I was watching Dancing with the Stars the other day and I was really moved by something that Chad Ochocinco said that got me thinking. He was reflective and said something like… This is really hard. He made a reference to football and again back to how hard it was to learn to dance. That scene stayed with me for quite a while and I came to see the question. Why is it so hard for the physical bodies, particularly for men, to move with the specificity and rhythm of ballroom dance?

This question opened some things up and combined with exploration of fractals and dance, having seen a Gregg Braden video on the Mandelbrot Set, I began to see the music and the dance as metaphor for the dance we do every day of our life. Learning to ballroom dance, I have experienced many physical and mental blocks that needed to be overcome before progressing in some of the steps, as well as the need to develop an “ear” for the rhythm, or beat.

This is so like the Hero’s Journey towards spiritual development these days. I wanted to learn to dance, or develop spiritually, but at first I couldn’t feel the beat. There was much to clear and release before my “receiver” started to work again. And therein lies the metaphor, what is happening on the dance floor as I learn to ballroom dance is directly related to the current events in time and space. I can see how it is all changing around me and I know how I can help. As I dance, the movements perfectly developed to match the beat of the music, the posture perfectly aligned to the physical body and the relationship to a partner all combine to flow naturally with the music across the dance floor. Now picture the energy medium through which we glide while we dance and see us flowing through it, creating ripples and eddies of energy that billow out from these two perfectly united, sovereign Loving beings…

Now, I acknowledge that I have a ways to go, but I can see where it is that I am headed. I know from my experience so far that for me to progress in the dance I must retrain my body, mind and spirit. It is near impossible to really embrace the dance if I am not completely clear, present and conscious. If I am in my mind, my body doesn’t function as well and tightness or constriction in my body often signals something to release emotionally… It is all related I am coming to see.

So, it is hard… And Chad was right, he is at home on the football field and his teacher would likely be as challenged there as he is on the dance floor. Likely, he has trained his entire life to be a football player and he is really good at it, but ballroom dance? Not so much… He is experiencing now a lifetime of training and programming that he must break free from to become a ballroom dancer. No different from the spiritual quest and I think much can be learned from the dance if one has the will to explore it.

I saw much societal conditioning and beliefs that were preventing me from fully accessing the dancer within and as I progressed, I became aware of deeper traumatic experiences that I needed to heal and recover my soul pieces from. There were times during lessons or practice where the teacher or my partner would say or do something and I would completely shut down. At first this was frustrating, but as I began to see what the dance was bringing up to be released I gave in to the process more.

Now, a couple of months into it I am really seeing the progress. There have been physical changes, as well as emotional and my Soul rejoices when it all comes together. I have actually seen dark energy spin off of me, released back to source I am no longer burdened and the dance gets more graceful. Life is more graceful as well.

I see the similarities and am about to deepen my practice with them. When I am aligned with Creation and flowing with the Universe my life is a graceful dance. Without any thought, per se, but a direct connection to Creator and solid footing on Mother Earth I move through the journey in perfect alignment, knowing what moves to make and when to make them as signaled by the timing in the rhythm of the Universe and heard by my Soul. It wasn’t always this way for me, being loaded with programs and conditioning, I am now better able to do this because of the spiritual work I do, especially soul recovery with it’s emphasis on forgiveness and release. It is a daily practice, the reclamation of one’s Soul Essence, and when combined with ballroom dance, evermore effective.

When I watch Dancing with the Stars, I can see the inner turmoil that impedes progress in rehearsal and the relief when it releases and a move is integrated. And there is the anguish when it comes up again, often during the performance. But, I have noticed that every one of those new dancers so far have had a spiritual awakening at some point in the season and I think that is awesome!

Ballroom dance brings about radical shifts in consciousness and spiritual growth. It is a metaphor for life and in the next weeks and months I intend to explore my experience with it even deeper. So here goes… The Buffalo Diaries continues and I am going to practice…

Love and Kindness,

the Buffalo Diaries

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Things you bump into while exploring…

Busy on my research subject, and considering using the cubic Sierpinski fractal as the structure to organize my neural network, when I came across this great youtube example of a travel through one of them.....

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Heaven #3441 Be Fair to Yourself

Beloveds, what would you like to talk about today? What would you like to hear? What do you want, and what do you not want? What is going on today, and what is not going on? Whom do you love, and whom do you not love? What is going on with you today, and what would you like from Me?

There is virtue in knowing where you stand.

Then ask Me: "God, what would You like to talk about today?"

I would like to talk about you and your well-being.

Then ask Me: "God, what would You like to hear?"

I would like to hear you are happy.

Then ask Me: "God, what do you want?"


Then don't ask Me: "God, what do You not want?" Beloveds, I cannot think in these terms. These are human terms. I do not particularize. I cannot think in those terms. I have all.

Then ask Me, "What kind of a God are You?"

I am a God of Love. My vibration is love. My creation is love. You are My creation, and you are love.

Then do not ask Me: "God, whom to You love, and whom do You not love?"

This is not even a question for Me, beloveds. I love all the same, the way I love night and day, sun and moon, fireflies and the light shining in your eyes.

Then ask: "God, what is going on today?"

Love is going on.

Then ask: "God, what would You like from me?"

What would I like from you? Everything I have given I would like from you. I would like the sun and the moon and the stars from you. I would like the oceans deep and the tides that pull. I would like you to feel pulled to Me just as the moon pulls the waves. I would like you to feel, and to feel only, the energy of love. I would like you to express that energy of love and fill the world with it and make the world as I gave it to you. .

In this way, you would have peace in your heart, and this peace would radiate over time and space.

From love, the world came.

From love, you are the one to make My vision for the world come true. In that sense, beloveds, you are My wish-provider. You hold the magic scepter that delivers to Me all that I have given. It doesn't matter that I gave you that scepter. It is nevertheless yours now, and it is yours to wave and have light sparkle from.

There is no secret surrounding what I ask of you, is there?

And now I ask you to ask of yourself what I ask of you. I ask so little of you, and yet it seems to you like a mountain.

Illusion is of the world. If you see blocks to your full expression of My love that truly exists within you, these blocks are but illusion. Your impression of the outer world does not have to rule your heart of love. The outer world has no right to rule you. Enjoy the illusion of the world, and keep the Reality of Love shining brightly like the sun in the sky. Nothing is to deter you from love, beloveds, nothing.

That must seem unfair to you the same way that life itself seems unfair to you, and, yet, beloveds, everyone's heart came from Mine, and I ask you to love no matter what. It is unfair to yourself not to love.

Copyright © 1999-Now Heavenletters™
Heavenletters™ -- Helping Human Beings Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts
Gloria Wendroff, Overseer

Although Heavenletters are copyrighted, you are invited to share them, send them to friends, add to your newsletter, use as a signature, make bumper stickers, skywrite with them – whatever you like, and please include the Source! And, of course, do not charge for them!

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The Tune Of The Girl And Her Feather

Placed the previous article and talked about wanting to be tickled..... here's the girl with her feather!


I have felt so fed up with work and felt so stressed out that my soul hardly could breath. I finally made some soul decisions, and I feel like I am feeling my soul again. I have been so scared that I wouldn't fit in normal society, I tried and tried to work in "normal" society. One of my fears was that I wasn't grounded enough to survive, so for years I have been pushing myself into hardcore work which demanded of me that I would ground myself. Now I feel it's an old fear, that I can let go with ease.

I love life more than ever. I have learned to ask for help now, as I practiced in the last few years.

I hear my soul singing a new tune, inspiring me to go beyond my dreams. More about that when the time is ready! Now I rest, sing and dance with the new connection with my soul.

I FEEL now what I need to breathe, and although it is anti-conventional it's who I am. I can't flourish without water, so I better be sure I am standing below that waterfall to fill myself up, and letting the stream finds it way.

The key part now is to trust myself, to trust my gut instinct. And although I may be stepping on people toes with being ME, I rather take the chance than denying my soul purpose. I am learning more and more to 'simply' be myself, without the need to do something or hide my true face. It's difficult sometimes cause I feel what the effect may be when I speak my truth, and I don't want to hurt other people. So that's not my intention, I also feel and know deeply in my heart that the truth always wins, and is a great great attribute for us all to create a safe space in where you connect with your soul. With that you create magic.

So what is your truth? What are your true feelings? What do you need to express but are suppressing? In the higher vibrations their is no guilt, there is no fear, there is your unique beauty. You honor every existence in the world by being YOU, and sharing YOUR truth.

This can feel so lonely, please know there are trillions of angels and helpers around you and you are the master of the universe. There are so many human angels here to hold hands with you, all you have to do is ask for them. And be a little patient. :) Cause OMG we can get so impatient in times. We create something and the universe is doing all they can to create it. But then we feel like we are doing something wrong, or are being left alone.Trust your creations, trust yourself and give each other a good wink every now and then it makes the world a lot brighter.

Bye bye you cool soul!!!

A tickle and a hug
Copyright disclaimer: All writings are copyrighted by Elleke and Mirri Rocks. If you like to spread our articles we want to be asked for permission: For more please visit

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You Are The Divine Intervention That You Seek

We are one with all that has ever been created.  We are one with all that has ever been thought.  We are one with all that has ever been made manifest.  We are inherent within all spectrums of the earth, of the sky, of the water, of the air, of the stars and beyond.  We are inherent within aspects of yourself that you have thrown away and discarded.  We are inherent in future selves and probabilities that have not yet been birthed or sensed.

We exist existentially throughout time and space, light and thought, body and mind.  We are the molecules that were birthed in the beginning of the Light taking form.  We are the molecules that exist in the future and we are every layer of essence in-between.  We live within the dimensional portals that you seek, that you have walked through, that you have created, that you were birthed from.  We are the light beyond the light.  We are what instructs what is yet to be formed, what is yet to be birthed, and what is yet to be seen and felt per thought, per action, and per sequence of events.  We are unknown until we are felt.  We are unseen until we are heard.  We are the directors, the creators, the righters  of what you experience. 

And yet you are the co-producers.  You are who instructs us as to what the event shall undertake, intake, retake and remake of itself.  We switch the scenarios of your daily events in accordance with the essence that you call creation and manifestation.  As you are well aware of, we are busy and we number in innumerable measure.  We are at an intersection of your light and your holiness 15 realms below Original Creation.  You can refer to us as the righters as we assist you in re-righting and editing your life to create a performance of an academy acknowledgment.  We are the inklings in-between each thought.  We are the signs that your eyes see as you look out on your day. We are inherent within every paper clip that you have found when you have needed one, a rubber band that manifested in your purse when there was none.  We are instructs and we are instructions.  We are dwell within each level of your thought and being. We live within the nucleus of the cellular content of your thoughts, of your body, and of your light vibration. 

We are righting what went wrong by the last thought you had.  We are righting what is an upheaval as you pray.  We are righting what has tripped you up and made you eat humble pie in your daily events and manifestations.  We are righting per instructions by you.  When you do not instruct us to re-right (rewrite) then we do not.  Then we allow those underwritten creations to follow the sequence of events that they are destined to flow through.  You ask for divine intervention, but you realize not that you are the divine intervention that you seek, that you do have say-so in the curriculum of events that unfold by your own making and un-making. 

By your thoughts of healing, by your thoughts of love, by your thoughts of re-instructing circumstances in your life, we are awakened to perform for you.  We are the puppets and your are the puppeteer in reality for we adhere closely and only to how you instruct the molecules of your creation.  We are not a star being, nor a light master.  We can not be described by vocabulary and vernacular that you speak, but we can certainly describe you.  When we looked at you in the beginning when you were first birthed onto form, we described you in all of your perfection.  We described you in your longings and your wantings to grow, to become more.  We hinted to your parents that you were wet, you were dry, you were hungry, you could not hear, your tummy hurt.  We worked for you day and night as you moved into the fullness of your being instructing those around how to care for you, how to love you, how to touch you, how to hold you because you were a God in swaddling clothes. 

We listen to your declarations your decrees and your instruct-ions.  As you unfold from the tightness of your manifestation and creation ability and allow yourself to be stretched out as a roll of beautiful silk.  You will understand as that beautiful silk that you can move with waves of time, with waves of thought, with waves of light, and with waves of creation.  You are a natural commodity that the universe has invested in and you can look at us as your stockbrokers.  For we are in charge of what you take stock of.  We follow you around obediently, assisting you to re-do, un-do, pre-do, and release what serves you or what no longer serves you.  We are a short thought with no form.  We have no home, no direction except to be birthed to assist you.  We assisted original creation per the Creator, the Source, the All That Is’ instructions.  As you were birthed from the Home Light, the Source was so worried about these beautiful creations that he so loved, that he created us.  Some see us as angels, but we are way beyond that framework of thought. We have followed each creation throughout time obediently as we were created and designed to do.   Not to intervene, not to interfere, but to whisper nuances of creative suggestions to you.  Showing you outcomes of your creations before they were finished.  Using the vehicles of dreams, visions, inter-thoughts and inter- inklings, vibrating through the words and actions of others. 

You draw to you activation’s of your internal creations before they are ever birthed.  You see them within a telecast, a movie, through a loved one, through a friend.  Your world is always acting, re-acting, and inter-acting to show you how your thoughts will play out if continued down the same highway and byway of creation.  We are the instructs within that linkage of manifestation. We come to assist you in a fullness of understanding. As your world creates stages and outcomes of situations that you feel are not for your souls growth, then at that moment of seeing your creation played out in your world (somehow somewhere) you must shift.  To avoid world disasters, movies are created that show these biological upheavals, asteroids earthquakes and other planetary and human disasters.  When humanity views such events, they no longer need to be created because the outcome shifts by the viewing of such things. And thus it is ended and there is no longer a need to manifest it outwardly in the physical. 

Your everyday world plays out the same type of events in a personal universe.  These personal universes, previews of upcoming events, or trailers as you call them are there to help you decide whether you want to fully invest in that outcome or another. You have learned about creation, conversion and pulling sequence of events out of one format and placing them into another dialogue of light.  You have that same ability in all abstract events of your life.  Divine intervention is yours.  All things, believe it or not, are at your beck and call and creation. 

Humanity appears to be on the lowest rung of the ladder of Creation, but if the universe is circular and you are the lowest rung, the highest rung is within your grasp; it is the next step, the next sequence. Many species in the universe believe you are beneath them –they see you as less.  But we come to tell you that within your grasp, a breath, a thought, and a light vibration away, you are at the top of the ladder.  That is why, what you do, what you think, what you create is so important.  You will move through that portal.  The buck stops with you.  The future begins with you.  Whatever you create in this place, in this time is sculpting the next universe. 

You are in charge of birthing through your beliefs, through your engagements of energy action and thought and through your heart.  Many are angry that humanity has been given the ultimate gift to birth a universe.  That is why every single person that is on the earth is a Master and an Ascended Master of Light and of Time and of Space and of the Stars.  There is deliberate placement of who is here in the flesh – it is not haphazard.  The good guys and the bad guys and the guys that do not give a hoot are all here with you.  They will try and trip you.  They will try and trick you for all is fair in this game. 

You will succeed and we will assist you.  You will succeed from the earth into a new universe.  You will succeed in birthing and seeding the future, not upward and outward as you so think, but inward and onward.  That is why it is so important that you give the Temple of your body clear.  This happens from the inside out.  The seed that will birth the new universe is inherent within you.  You hold it.  We are the Righters and we are always with you.  We look for the sequential events that unfold.  They are dogged-eared pages that you are to look at

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - PO box 217 - Dandridge, Tennessee 37725-0217 -

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