Site icon Dimensional Bliss

Seems we’re taking off…

When I woke up this morning, I literally jumped out of bed to silence the alarm clock (like always), and then took that daily moment to stretch out to the Cosmos, and allow it to balance it’s influx of energy towards me. Next normally comes the set of intentions for today, which included a ‘very satisfactory moorelife update’, and good progress on the software testing procedure I’m involved in at work. I don’t want to find many errors, but it should be obvious that I actually tested all of it, if you know what I mean….

Well, coming downstairs, and firing up the laptop, I could almost immediately mark ‘Strike One!": the moorelife article list already shows SIX articles since my last update, which for the first time in this site’s history tops the four or five I usually place there twice a day. Seems like I’m actually going to land in the caretaker role after all, instead of the sole provider. And I do say I like that, noorelife becoming a group effort, like some sort of group consciousness. We always were that, but before it seemed the throat chakra was just little ol’ me…

So Thank You All, for this beautiful gift on a cool spring day, it is greatly appreciated. If my day turns out to be like this all around, I’ll be the luckiest guy this side of the Galaxy. Heck, as if I wasn’t already……

Love you Brilliant Light,


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