Messenger Kris-Won
Translators: Steve, Gloria
A message from Commander Sohin of Alpha Spaceship
April 11, 2010

“To do this, in the next few hours we will begin the preparations so that the Mother Ships, medium and small, who were fulfilling their respective missions elsewhere in the galaxy, can temporarily leave their activities and immediately join our forces of Light already present in this quadrant of the Milky Way.”Greetings from Alpha Spaceship!

We are very happy to make an announcement, that is sure to make all of
you tireless workers of the Light very happy. With the clear intention
to increase the number of safety and defense mechanisms against the
opposing forces of the Dark, the Galactic Federation of Light has
decided to increase the number of Mother Ships and vessels of medium and
small size, which will be added to those that were already orbiting the
Earth or in fixed positions and dormant at some point in space. The
number of orbiting and dormant spacecraft will be increased to a number
equivalent to 10% more than those already available for protection,
purification and upliftment of all fauna, flora and humanity of your
beautiful blue planet.

To do this, in the next few hours we will begin the preparations so that
the Mother Ships, medium and small, who were fulfilling their
respective missions elsewhere in the galaxy, can temporarily leave their
activities and immediately join our forces of Light already present in
this quadrant of the Milky Way.

This decision was taken by the Council of the Intergalactic
Confederation and transferred to the Galactic Federation of Light in
order to become effective, who addresses this Milky Way galaxy in

So, you can receive this news with great joy and satisfaction, since
this can mean an advancement in time towards First Contact, which will
result in an unquestionable acceleration of the process of Ascension for
humanity on Planet Earth, as well as all of your related kingdoms: the
devic, elemental, animal, vegetable and mineral kingdoms. It is a matter
worthy of celebration, that all souls will finally see their elevation
to higher levels (as a tangible fact) even earlier than expected!

We would also like to inform you that the efforts of all those who are
working towards the upliftment and awakening of all your brothers and
sisters, amongst the humans on the planet who we are proud to consider
our allies, have had much to do with this decision taken by the Elders
Council. Your momentum and faithful dedication has successfully
convinced its wisest members that the outside help you have been
receiving is well deserved, as is the increase in the number of forces

So congratulations, because this increase in our forces of Light is due
entirely to the hard work and the dedication of all of you, dear
lightworkers of peace, love, and justice. You have managed to convince
the finest minds of the local Universe that the timing for your
Existential Upliftment, through your own merits, be advanced forward,
which will more quickly sentence the fall of hegemony and control of the
opposing forces of darkness upon you.

For the unstoppable advancing of the Light against the diminishing and
regressive forces of Planet Earth! For our victory will be achieved
after the combined efforts of you and us!

Peace, Love and Light

Source: Commander Sohin of Alpha Spaceship

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