Apart from a day where all went unexpectedly well, there was this tiny matter of deciding what to eat on an empty wallet. But even that turned out to solve itself magically:

Voila, my macaroni minestrone for this week, or at least three days of it….

Looks yummy, right? And believe me, it is! But why do I call it fringe food? Because it is a sign of so-called just-in-time Abundance. Here’s the story:

Last saturday I bought a pound of meatloaf, which was on sale at the local supermarket. Add to that a bag of elbow macaroni, and all you really need is something to give it some taste. While working I figured I could use the two cans of minestrone soup I still had in my cupboard. Thinking about it on the return trip home, I figured this would be one of those successful intuitive cooking jobs, so by the time I got home I couldn’t wait to try it out. Sorry for the delay in the evening update, but some things take precedence….

So, I opened the cans of soup, and threw them in the strainer to remove the more watery parts. That left a mix of various vegetables, vermicelli, and various undefined ingredients, that taste good in soup. Put on some water for the macaroni, and stirfried the meatloaf to a crumbling mess while waiting for the water to boil. It was nice and crispy by the time the water boiled. I threw the macaroni in the water, could have added a pinch of salt, and had to wait for another eight minutes to get it done. Drain the water off, throw in the meatloaf and minestrone ingredients, and stir until it’s nicely mixed. Anybody wanna try?

Come to think of it, that may have been one of the last times I really need fringe cooking: this morning, I got a mail about a ‘Brand name dispute’. Sounds ominous, right? Apparently some chinese company wants to use ‘Moorelife’ as a brand name at least in China and Asia, and they detected that I hold the domain moorelife.nl….  Talk about a fortunate synchronicity. I’m not saying we’re moving yet, but did send them a nice reply to indicate willingness to vacate, should they figure they need that. Probably a scam, but stay tuned…..

Love your Light, 
