Teacher: motorhead

Just wanted to share some mindfreak here…  (lol)
My favorite quote we just came up with:  "It’s not to be mean, it’s just
to be me!!!"

All you never wanted to know about electricity…

I recently found out there are at least 2 types of electricity –
labelled positive, and negative.

So positive electricity, when it meets a resistor, meets with
positive resistance (opposition, impedance, to retard).  This causes
entropy (scattering or dissipation of energy), which shows up as heat,
light, etc.  Scattering or dissipation of energy basically means that
there will be less energy downstream of the resistor than upstream. 
(Less usable electrical output from the circuit than your personal
input)  This is what causes variety & diversity in the universe! 
(left brain?)

Negative electricity, on the other hand, when it meets a resistor,
meets with negative resistance (or the opposite of resistance, which
would be a source.  So the resistor acts like a source – instead of
impeding flow, it accelerates and adds to the flow.)  This negative
resistance causes negative entropy (converging energy), which shows up
as cold. Converging energy basically means that there will be more
energy downstream of the resistor than there is upstream.  (More usable
electrical output from the circuit than your personal input into the
circuit.)  This is what causes peace & unity in the universe! 
(right brain?)

So applying this to metaphysics, it makes sense why everyone has been
saying "What you resist, persists!" for a while now.  I think that
statement is applying only to what we would term ‘negative’ energy in
our lives.

If you resist a specific negative energy in you, you (the resistor)
become a source of that specific negative energy!  Therefore, there is
more negativity in and around you.  Ultimately, you’re not happy!

If you resist a specific positive energy in you, you (the resistor)
will dissipate and scatter that energy to the wind.  Thus, you will have
less of that positive energy in and around you.  Ultimately, you’re
not happy!

If you quit judging energy as positive or negative, you can become a
superconductor, and conduct all energies equally and in balance, simply
observing them and yourself.  Now you can move on to other dimensions
& play at other levels.  Ultimately, whether you’re in this
dimension or another, you’re happy!

This is very similar to Byron Katie’s views, so if you resonate with
this energy, check out her work!

Ascend away!