Date: April 27, 2010

In the Moment Between the Question and the Answer

Beloved ones, the world is changing. This you already know. What you don't yet comprehend is the scope of the change and what is really happening. In the truth of the greater perspective of the cosmic awakening that Love is, here in the world your lives are based on an idea that is not supported by life. Therefore, it cannot be sustained.

What you must come to understand is that everything is Love and consciousness. The substance of Love -- that which I Am -- is awakening to itself, eternally, in this Now, this timeless instant. This world is an implosion where the question was asked: "Can that which is not Love be sustained?" This question arose from the mis-perception of some of the cells of My heart, thinking they had been turned away, "kicked out" of Paradise, rather than the truth -- that they had been given the greatest of all gifts -- the gift of fully conscious creative life.

In your perceptions as a human being who believes the world is real, there are eons of evolution in this world. But from the vast perspective of the timeless Whole of God, it is one moment… question asked and answered…and the question and the answer happen simultaneously in one instant.

So, you are experiencing the wave of change that is the moment between the asking and answering. It is the wave of awareness that goes forth and says, "Not Love?..." and holds its breath waiting to see what the response is. The wave of Love says, "Love is the only truth and Love is life, is God. That which is not Love has no substance and cannot truly exist. It must always be held as an illusion created by a mind, held apart from the breath of Love."

When you come to understand …and this is what I am opening for you now…that everything is consciousness and Love, then you will realize that the waves of change are not only constant but they are effortless as consciousness shifts and changes and Love knows itself in more and more fullness.

This is exactly what is happening now. The consciousness of Love that is humanity is coming to recognize that the mis-perception, the illusion of "not Love" has no substance, no depth, no riches, no treasures from the Cosmic Treasury.

Thus, it opens itself to the reality of Love and instantly has access to the Kingdom, the Queendom of God I Am. As you experience this awakening of the heart, this birth or re-birth of the consciousness of Love, what you are witnessing is the shift from a life that is at best three-dimensional to a life that is truly ultra-dimensional. Every dimension of the hologram of God is thus available in this Now, this instant with a richness of life that you cannot comprehend when viewing the world through the prism of "not Love."

Even the tiniest acceptance or belief in Love's absence is the belief in Love and something else. It is the acceptance of a duality that, in the truth of life, is not possible. The difference between the two… between living a life as a human being accepting the premise that Love can be missing, that there is Love and Love's absence, that there is Light and there is darkness…creates an experience of life that is thought creating the perception of movement on a flat screen of experience.

But the instant that the heart is fully engaged and consciousness of Love reasserts itself, then life becomes an amazing cosmic experience lived fully in all dimensions at once in which you are Love's creative force completely met, acknowledged and supported in every moment …or…in the one moment, the only moment that is.

So, prayers rise to Me now by the millions for the ease of suffering, for the answer to confusion, for endless physical help in creating solutions to life's conundrums, when one shift to the awareness that all is consciousness and Love and the density, the limitation of physicality is gone.

Then you are free to move, to breathe, to be the life of God and to greet God everywhere that Love might know itself expanded and reaffirm that the only life of reality, richness and depth -- the only life that is supported by Me -- is life as the expression of the One Love of God that is everyone and everything, and is ever fully awake in Me.

The answer to the questions that are before you is a leap to freedom that is Vertical. It is not searching for solutions through the physical dilemmas. It is the recognition of a shift in the very mechanism of life and the fundamental premise upon which it is built. Love is always gentle, always revealing itself. Love is life supported from everywhere by All That I Am. It is like a shoot rising from the soil into the sun, brand new, accepting its full nourishment is ever and always coming.

Those things that are occurring that are traumatic or difficult or creating the scenarios of havoc -- these are the areas where "not Love" is holding on, and where Love is meeting resistance. Thus, in that resistance there must be movement. This is an energy released and that energy is consciousness and is interpreted through the vehicle that is used to see by.

If one is looking at that moment …where the truth of Love asserts itself and "not Love" must fall away …through the perceptions of the ego mind or the vehicle of duality, it is seen as a clash, as a war, as a drama. As long as the resistance to Love is held in place, the energy released continues to be interpreted by the ego mind through the filters of its conditioning and the consensual agreement of humankind.

But this same energy, as Love opens the way to the truth, when perceived by the true "eye" of the open heart, is the most exquisite ecstasy of the truth of Love revealed. It is everything that life is being affirmed and supported, and it becomes the most amazing miracle of awakened Love that transcends the duality of this life on Earth. It opens the field of conscious Love that it might flow again, that when all resistance to Love is healed, all that clings to "not Love" has given way.

Then the flow of cosmic life can claim its own and you are, then, fully aware. You are citizens of the cosmos, awakened hearts of God, fully consciousness. You are using the springboard of this moment when the question asked has stopped and the answer just begins to make contact to be the jet propulsion of the rocket ship to freedom from all the limited perceptions of duality and all the ways the three dimensional dream of "not Love'" has held you.

Whether you understand these concepts or these words, your heart understands freedom and knows itself as ready to behold and hold the truth that everything is flowing, open Love. Thus, beloved ones, in your lives I ask you to let every resistance to Love fall away. Drop it like a hot iron! Release it, for it has bound you. Let your heart come out to play with Me as the joyous shout, the answer to the question posed by life on Earth: "Only Love is Real. Love is conscious and free."

All of you are feeling the waves of Love pushing at your boundaries, opening boxes that you have been held in, knocking on the doorway of your heart and saying: "Let me in… that you might fully live, that you might understand the Cosmic Christ that you are…" Open wide the doorway of your heart of Love, wide enough to hold all this omni-dimensional resonance of God and to hold this truth as indelible -- so firmly, so strongly, so joyfully that this can be magnetic center for the swirling movement of change for others to cling to… to give strength, clarity and the essence of the Vertical… that I Am One. I Am Love. I Am Everything, and you are the conscious heart within Me.

So may I encourage you, My beloved ones, to rise above the trauma, to open your heart's wings and fly to freedom, for it is the heart of God you are that will be the answer for everyone. By the power of entrainment, the Law of Resonance, if you hold the highest truth, then others must align with you. It goes far beyond, "You can't solve a problem from the level of the problem." It goes to the deeper truth that the question has been answered. Only Love is Real and all that is not Love has already given way and simply must realize it now. The confusion on the level of the world is simply resistance to this recognition.

Come and fly with Me, the heart of freedom, the Light, the consciousness of One in full awareness, that you might light the world. Open to Reality, that the power of Creation itself is alive in you. Only when you are aligned with truth can this power be made manifest, for power and Love together are the most gentle and yet, infallible creators of new life and Love's extension. This is what you are here for.

Your heart will guide you perfectly and I am always here with you in this sweet and tender communion that is never ending. When you understand the freedom that the consciousness of Love is everything, then if you find yourself experiencing traumatic drama, you know, beloved ones, that there is still resistance to Love. All you have to do now is release it and lift above the vibration of duality to participate in the glory of Creation, the fully conscious hologram of the endless Love of God I Am and you, the conscious heart, the center, the pure heart of God, the Christos are fully alive, conscious and free.

Holding this resonance, the truth that only Love is Real, you can stand then in the world as this beacon, as the answer to the question that is asked by every circumstance in which human beings find themselves beleaguered or in difficulty. Hear the living Spirit whisper in your heart, asked and answered, "Only Love and freedom…"

The world has been created on a limited plane, a reality that skims the surface of life, but your heart is bringing the recognition of the glory of this rich life within you, and I Am here to show you how to access it right Now.

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Living Mindfully

I was relaxing on the beach yesterday reading a good book. I saw myself in the main character. I was rooting for her, wondering how she was going to resolve her challenges. I thought about my current issues and I sat for a moment wondering how it would all work out. I am unable to see how it will unfold, although I trust that all will be good in the end. I reminded myself of all the insurmountable issues I've overcome. All of the times that I thought, how the heck will I ever accomplish that?! So why wouldn't my current situation resolve itself?! Whatever necessary steps I needed to set things in motion I've taken. Once we do what needs to be done we must let it go and leave the how's and when's to the Universe.

I listen to my intuition and guidance. I follow my heart. I live in a mindful state of awareness and when certain people, situations, or opportunities are placed before me, I find I connect with just what I need, when I need it.

I choose to live my life filled with conscious awareness. It is a vow I took many years ago to mindful living in all ways, always. It is not something that occurs over night, it takes cultivation and awareness. It is a process that encompasses all aspects of our life. From the foods we eat, the places we go, the people and things we surround ourselves with and clearing out what we do not need or use in our life.

I find I speak far less than I used to, and listen far more. Oftentimes I hear what someone is really saying not by the words they utter but by the energy they emit. When we get still we find we don't require as much of anything. We find contentment in the little things in life. We are connected to the natural rhythms of life.

We begin by clearing out the clutter in our lives. We tend to have far more "things" in our lives than we need. Relationship that are not serving us any longer, people who bring us down or leave us feeling downright lousy. Clothes we don't wear anymore, things we don't need, expired food and medicine, drawers jammed full where we can't find what we need, more obligations than we can handle, and objects that take up space that are devoid of meaning and usefulness.

Cutting back on making too many commitments and giving ourselves enough time to do whatever it may be we need to do, in a less hurried, less frantic way. Whatever we are doing deserves our full attention. When we are spending time with someone, really focusing on the person we are with and what we are doing. When we are eating, enjoy the experience of the food and the people we are with. Pay attention to who or what is in front of us. It seems we can get so preoccupied with what needs to get done that we miss the most significant of moments. Making time for quiet solitude that gives our soul and opportunity to connect in deeper ways. It is a way to nurture our being and nourish our soul.

We are in a very physical part of our growth or ascension process. All of us are going through restructuring in one way or another. Whether through issues with where we live, mortgages, finances, health, and security. We are having to really pay attention to what is in front of us and take care of our basic needs.

It can be a very sticky mess dealing with our finances and oftentimes we will ignore or avoid it until it is out of control. The Universe is pushing us out of our comfort zone so that we are forced, at every level, to deal with this stuff. I found as I clear up my financial situation things become less complicated and easier to handle. I become more peaceful and less stressed. When we live within our budget and really utilize our resources there is a feeling of empowerment. I find that when I make a purchase it is for something I really need and want. I connect with the energy of what I am buying and feel the worth of it. Not just in dollars and cents but in its usefulness.

Our country's predicament is due to the fact that we have spent more than we have for far too long. It's catching up on us. Its a good thing that we are reevaluating our finances individually and globally!

Our bodies are adjusting to all of the changes on our planet. Those who are sensitive feel the intensity at a cellular level. We are feeling the shifts and it is effecting us energetically, emotionally, mentally and physically. I am finding I need to drink far more water, get plenty of rest, take many more supplements and spend plenty of time in nature. I have been so affected by the natural disasters that are occurring. I wonder what's going on with me, only to watch the news and find validation.

I have many inquiring about dream interpretations as our dreams are sending us strong messages. Taking time to honor your body at this time is very important. Waves of fatigue, lack of motivation, and a deep desire to go inward is prevalent. We are internally adjusting to the waves of light coming to our planet through these occurrences. In order to sustain this time we need to be flexible and bend in the wind like an old oak tree, rather than trying to hold on for dear life to the old ways.

Being mindful creates opportunities for a more authentic way of living and connecting. We are in the process of a major turning point individually and globally as we gear up for 2012 and beyond. It is not about the scary predictions of the end times, it is clearing out the old to make way for the new. A way of life that is more harmonious and in alignment with all that is. In order for that to occur we must be the consciousness we wish to see in the world.


I am ready to live in conscious awareness.

I choose to be mindful of my thoughts, my actions, and my reactions.

I pace myself in my daily activities so that I don't over-commit and therefore prevent myself from completing any of my goals in a thorough, complete way.

I give my full attention to the person I am with, the food I am eating, and the task I am doing.

I make time for myself to relax and do things I enjoy.

I connect with my body, mind, and soul to listen to what it needs and thus nourish and nurture myself.

I am one with all that is.

And so it is.


View Article Here Read More 2010-04-27 16:06:00

I already skipped Hawkings dire warning, because I figured it would not go down well in this place. Apparently Steven Greer thought along similar lines....

Please post and circulate widely!

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Response to Stephen Hawking Comments - April 26, 2010

It is unfortunate that Stephen Hawking has added his voice to a growing chorus of xenophobia and fear regarding what he terms "Aliens."

Secondly, as a scientist, he should know better: Any interstellar civilization would possess such technologies that the meager resources of Earth would be unneeded. If you can travel faster than the speed of light, you can manifest what is needed. Period. Moreover, IF they were hostile- since ETs are already visiting Earth (see this would have been made crystal clear when we detonated the first atomic weapon in 1945. To date, no place on Earth has been invaded or attacked or colonized.

Hawking should refrain from stirring the war-mongering fear pot that attends all things "alien." And one might ask: Why would he make such statements, unless he is carrying water for the military- industrial-financial complex which profiteers off of the wars that fear breeds?

Steven M. Greer MD
April 26, 2010

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