Date: April 23, 2010

How the past looked onto the future…..

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Receiving Assistance from the Star Elders and Pleiadians

Channeler: Aluna Joy Yaxk'in

Thursday, 18 March, 2010  (posted 23 April, 2010)

We were standing in a circle inside the palace courtyard of Palenque… this is what I saw…

I see chords of light radiating out of the heart centers of everybody in this circle (and those reading this) and merging into a large beam of light in the center. So these chords of light are connecting all of our hearts to this huge beam of light. When they let me look where this beam of light is going out to, I see that it is going to the Pleiades. I am receive a instant feeling back from this area of our galaxy… from the ones watching us here right now. It feels like a really deep sense of gratitude, an appreciation that we are here with this intent, an appreciation for our focus, and our heart's calling to be of service to the earth. It is clear to me that they are our family. I know a lot of you in this circle (and those reading this) already feel this, but I don't see a single thread coming from any heart that is not connected to this place in the sky that the Star Elders came from, the Pleiades.

The Star Elders and Pleiadians are sending us a feeling of thankfulness that we are here because it took courage for us to come here. This reality is dense, it operates in linear time and has gravity. This world we live in is operating from a geometry, chemistry, and laws of nature that is not natural to who we originally are. This is why, even from a young age, we felt a little different from everybody else. We felt like our family was not our family. We felt like outsiders, because we actually are. We came here to anchor our beautiful energy to the Earth. Many of our ancestors had to leave because it was too dangerous for them to stay here. When this happened nearly all the rest of us went to sleep for awhile because it was too dangerous for us to stay awake. But there were little alarm clocks that began to go off, and with each alarm clock that went off, you began to remember again that you felt out of place, that you didn't belong here, that you were from somewhere else, and it made you start searching. These feeling taught you to be compassionate to people that didn't have the same opportunities as you, that had less than you, that felt like outsiders in other ways.

So our alarm clocks are going off in us, because it is safe for us to be here now. It is safe for us to have the knowledge and the wisdom that we went to sleep to protect. It is safe for us to be here, because the world is ready for what we have to offer. The collective consciousness is ready to wake up and to move into a new reality. There is enough awakening people now on Earth to create a tsunami that can't be stopped. It is a process that is already on its way.

The Star Elders and Pleiadians say that we stayed behind because we were the ones that had the most courage. We forgot how challenging day to day in 3D world could be, but yet we are still here. We are still standing up, we are still walking, we are still traveling, we are still talking, we are still writing, we are still doing our art, we are still doing our music, we are still finding ways to express what is deep in our hearts, and the world is ready for it now.

When I was a little girl, and I was talking to the buddies, and I asked them when they would come back, and they said in my life time, and it feels like that time has gotten a little bit closer because of the things that are happening in the world and because of how many people are waking up, and because how many people are seeing through the illusion.

The Star Elders and Pleiadians want to remind us that it is not bad that anyone on this planet was asleep. They almost had to be to unconscious be able to tolerate the linear time and having to manifest step by step instead of doing it instantly, spherically like we remember in the past. The more we wake up, and the more we merge in the sacred space on Earth, it reminds of our homelands and the further we help awaken Earth and all life upon it.

What we do for ourselves, like this pilgrimage, we do for every human being, because we are connected to every human being. We always have been, but now we are becoming very, very aware of it, and with that awareness, ONEness becomes more affective. So The Star Elders and Pleiadians are sending us gratitude, and watching very closely, because something is about to trigger in us. Then they will know that it will be time for them to come back home to Earth. It will be safe for them come back with their fully awakened energy. They won't return until we are so empowered in ourselves that when they arrive we won't make them gods. We won't look up to them. We won't make them our teachers. They will be our friends. When I was a child, I didn't know any better. I called them "buddies", and they liked that the best. I call them Star Elders now because who is going to listen to Buddies? I named them that . . . they didn't. They have no names. When we become friends with all of our brothers and sisters in the stars, we won't give our power away to them when they arrive.

So our job is to become so self confident in ourselves that we know that we are whole and complete without anything outside of ourselves. When we understand this we are living masters. When our star family arrives we can walk with them, not behind them, or bowing to them, or kissing their feet, or gathering to be near the holy ones, because we are holy. We are as sacred as they are. They are our ancestors. There is no difference except we had the courage to stay here on Earth. Or sometimes I think we were pretty naive to stay here. I question this sometimes. None of us read the fine print before we jumped to get here. That big old contract that says come to Earth and help with the shift of the ages, I know I didn't read the fine print . . . I jumped.

So what the Star Elders and Pleiadians are going to help us do is they are going to help us have amazing unwavering self-confidence . . . this isn't ego . . . this is self-confidence. There is a difference. A self-confidence so strong that you really know how to listen to your heart and trust it 100% no matter what the outside world is telling you. You will trust that unfailingly. You will know who you are when they show up to be with us again. They will be someone to hang out with, work with, and have a good time with; not someone to get something from because you will already be full and know that you already have everything you need. It is already IN there. You just need to remember. It is as simple as that.

Each one of us has our job to and our Star family are going to help give us the courage to do this job. Some of you create music, some of you are artists, some of you are healers. My job is to read sacred sites and help other to do the same. We all do our thing, and if we each do that piece, the puzzle comes together and we get the whole picture. Once we do that, we add to that huge tsunami of energy that is awakening the planet, and it will accelerate it so that we get to the promised lands faster. Because I know that you all want to get there. We are all speed freaks or you would not be here today. No one comes to these remote places on earth without some inner calling to get somewhere. That some where is in side of you… right now.

So, how the Star Elders are going to help you, if you so choose to be helped, is that the places inside you that you don't feel strong about yourself, or insecure, they might trigger those weak spots a little bit. And I apologize for this already. If you don't like the sound of this, you tell them "No". OK? If you are not ready for it, and it doesn't feel comfortable, you tell them "No. Back up. I am not ready to face that." You are in control of your awakening.

They are going to help encourage you, and it might be that they lift you up too. All of sudden you might feel more like yourself, and that you feel ten feet tall and you feel strong and vital. Or it could be that the places that are weak, they might trigger those so you are aware of them. So we are going ask right now, I'm going to ask, that this help they offer be really gentle, because we are in the very, very gentle place of Palenque. So I am going to ask that the Spirits of Palenque make the awakening process very gentle and kind and supportive, so we can all be supportive of each other while this is happening.

PS… the Star Elders have a volume control on this process that they are going to do with you. If you want more, you just dial it up. If you want less, just dial it down. If you need complete space, you can turn it off. OK? So it is all up to you. There is no right or wrong here. Do what feels right to you and let's see where this journey takes us in the next few days.

I want to thank the guards for not interrupting us. Several guards have come through and it is obvious sign to me that the world is ready. Usually when we even look like we might do a circle or something spiritual, they will blow the whistles at us and make us stop. This time even a guard even took pictures of us and smiled. So you see, it is time.

I also want to thank our ancestors for watching over us, and Pakal for anchoring his energy here to keep this place alive, and each and every one of you, I thank you for coming here and adding your energy to this place. So be it.

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SaLuSa 23-April-2010

Channeler: Mike Quinsey

There are plenty of world events to occupy your mind, and if you follow the news you will surely admit to there being a lot of unrest. This is due to the higher energies that are moving people out of their old mindset, and are seeking a new way of life. Many have little idea of what they seek, but suffice to say that they are aware that a new approach must be taken. The old ways are no longer able to provide the promise of anything that will establish a new paradigm that caters for peoples needs. Leaders come and go and promises broken, and the dark forces have been able to prevent any changes unless they first approve of them. Over many years their tentacles have reached out and infiltrated places of high authority, and their policy of fear has kept any opposition to them in its place. Bribery and blackmail have been their hallmark, and successful for many years. However, they reckoned without the awakening that has been taking place, and the Light has taken a firm hold on Earth. Suddenly the mass consciousness has risen, and the people have taken back their power.

Now you stand at the helm and are guiding your ship towards Ascension, and your focus is firmly on your goal. Nothing can now stop it speeding onwards, and as it does so, it gathers more souls that are awakening to the Light. A new day dawns where everything will be powered by it, and the problems of the past will be eradicated. Already the energies are moving you towards completion, and long awaited benefits that are to lift you up are ready to be implemented. Be aware that much work has been put into ensuring that this period makes good, the many benefits that have been denied you. Whilst it is true you have created your own reality, nevertheless it was hoped that by now you would have changed it through your own efforts. It was not to be, and you were overwhelmed by the darkness that engulfed your world. With a concerted effort where we have worked together, in a very short period we have grounded the Light on Earth and set up a powerful grid system. It has grown in strength in a matter of just a few years, and acts through powerful beacons of Light at the nodal points.

You have Dear Ones, achieved what at one time was thought as impossible, and successfully defended yourselves against the dark Ones. Where you may have suffered the same fate as the fabled civilisations Atlantis and Lemuria, you have risen up just in time to avert another major catastrophe. Whilst there will still be incidents that cause damage and loss of life, it will not be allowed to engulf you. Cleansing is necessary anyway, but will be carried out in a planned manner that will take into consideration your well-being. Once we join forces you will be informed of the actions we are directing, and made aware of exactly what is to happen. Your safety will be paramount in our minds, and we have a number of options if it is necessary to move you.

You are patiently waiting for an announcement that will admit publicly to our presence, and we are pushing for it, as we desire to get started on the mission we have come to carry out. It is nearing such an occasion, and we do have many friends who carry much influence that can bring it about. Those who still try to prevent it will not succeed, and it is indeed quite pointless because we have the highest authority behind us. We know it is something of a game that you all play in duality, but it still has value as a means to become experienced in handling the dark Ones. The experience has severely tested you, and here you are now awakening to the truth of who you really are.

The curtain is gradually coming down to end a long period darkness, which has sorely tried your ability to overcome it. You will toil for a little longer but in the end your sovereignty will have been restored, and you will proudly align your Light with the coming of Ascension and move into the higher dimensions. It sounds simple and it certainly is not difficult, and we continue to advise you to focus on the Light. Live by your new understanding of what you are, and give of your self wherever you can. By your example others will follow, and you will help them also uplift. Lightworkers are known for their peaceful countenance and their service to others, and many have already achieved this level. You are the pioneers of the New World and your presence paves the way for our arrival.

You may wonder what we have been doing all of the years since we have drawn close to you. The answer is that we have never gone away, and the Galactic Fleet has been permanently stationed around Earth, with our larger ships in the outside ring. There has been much to do in monitoring your Earth and ensuring her stability, as she does experience the “wobbles” from time to time. Also the tremors are registered, and adjustments made to lessen the likelihood of severe earthquakes. We have also carefully applied our technology to keep pollution to the lower levels, and have been particularly concerned with the effect upon your atmosphere. By doing so we are always aware of what state the Earth is in, and able to predict any changes. These have however, been interfered with through the ability of the dark Ones to control your weather. For them it is a weapon that leaves little in the way proof that they are involved, but we are aware of their plans and act accordingly. You may ask why we do not stop it altogether, and we have to tell you that we are not allowed to interfere in your karma and your freedom to create for your selves. If you make the wrong decisions it is your place to deal with the results, and it is the Law of Cause and Effect that you invoke.

Naturally in the Creator’s realms there are many laws that maintain harmony and balance, and it is through experiencing them that you become responsible citizens of the Galaxy. It is only in recent times that you have for example began to understand the Law of Intent, and it has helped you where Ascension is concerned. As we often take pains to tell you, it is where you place your focus that attracts results. You are in general very easily distracted but then again you have so much going on around you, and that is all the more reason to keep focussed on what you want.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and note how much you yearn to be our friends. Those wishes shall soon be fulfilled, as it will not be long before we are joining hands together in friendship.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.

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Uriel Heals: Emotional Wholeness

The aspect of our presence we are most aware of, even more than the physical, is our emotions. We judge everything in our life, including our body, by how we feel. When emotions are the predominant aspect, we can be completely oblivious to anything that is occurring around us. We believe we are emotionally whole when we have healed the emotions but one additional step must happen. Our emotions must be balanced with the other aspects of our presence or we will be out of balance and ruled by the emotions.

When our emotions dominate, we can be blinded by anger, depressed by sadness, overwhelmed by joy (or pain), focused on a goal to the exclusion of all else and immersed in drama. Emotional domination is driven by a need to feel our way through the world, believing this is how we can be grounded, instead of balancing the emotions with the other aspects of our presence. Can we be aware of our place in the world other than through the emotional senses?

Emotional wholeness is achieved through detachment but this does not mean that won't feel any emotions. Detachment allows us to pause and in that moment, choose the emotions we wish to express in a situation. So instead of a response of anger or sadness, we wait to see what else will happen and in that moment, anger can turn to laughter, pain into joy, and satisfaction into elation. With detachment we allow other aspects to contribute their balancing energies and our emotional response is grounded in all of our aspects.

Through our emotions we express our karma, soul wounds and fears. Through emotional domination we are bringing forward everything that we need to heal, without the helpful contributions of our other aspects, especially those of spirit. To be emotionally whole is learn to balance the emotions with our other aspects so we are in a place of power, choosing our emotions carefully with consideration as to what we are feeling, why and how we can best use that experience to learn, grow, heal and ascend into our mastery.

Copyright ©2010 by Jennifer Hoffman and Enlightening Life OmniMedia, Inc. This material is protected by US and international copyright now and may be distributed freely in its entirety as long as the author’s name and website, are included.

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Sailing Through The Sees Of Self

As spring pushes her way into every pore of our being, we feel a sense of expectancy like a pregnant woman in her 9th month.  The need to birth another level of our own being kicks and prods at us from the inside out.  Making life uncomfortable and tempers flair. All of earth mirrors this urge to move forward out of the long winter of waiting into a place that can only be seen by the beholder.

We look at ourselves seeing a newness that has not made its way to the surface as of yet. We feel compelled and driven to move out of our winter blues searching blindly for those rose tinted glasses we once wore. We are seasoned like a good wine that seeks a crystal goblet to fill. Every day life gives us another morsel to digest, an appetizer that keeps us from our intended destination.

People we know and love pass from the earth leaving a little hole in our heart. Regrets pile up like laundry that needs to be tended to, as we cling to what was and what could have been. We mourn for easier times and reflect upon what once was.

The element of time itself has quickened our pulse and our desires. like a speedway driver we go around and around never seeing the exit of our maze.  People are innately angry with themselves, the world, their choices and their governments. Earth herself heaves with fault lines as she points fingers at her stewards.  Everything comes to the surface just in time to be fed by the solar emanations and gamma bursts from deep space.  We are all changed; we are all becoming the galactic human that was talked about so many years ago. Many will want to leave the earth and not stay for the curtain call of 2012. Those of us that signed on for the duration do our best to inform those that still sleep, but it seems they have all pushed the mute button and do not hear or adhere to any information that will allow them to move thru these energetic minefields easier.

This energy is not about doomsday it is about a promise we made long before we came to earth. Within us lives a single rose, around it lives many weeds, do we focus on the rose or waste our time pulling up the weeds forgetting all about the sweet scent of the rose?  More and more situations will unexpectedly rise like a full moon that faces the early sun. More and more interruptions of our well intended plans taking us off the path  we are destined to walk. Everyday something will try to steal our light and our joy. Everyday we will stray from the course of light that we set sail upon. Everyday we will ask for forgiveness as we try harder and harder to become that divine being in human form.

When God created humans, he stretched creation, pushing himself to be more, allowing himself growing room, to love more and to become more. The Universe sees the whole picture and stays the course without accountability. We the mere mortals have a much tougher job of it.  As soon as we see the future, we change it. Every time we look at the future, even for just for a fleeting second, we change it. The future changed because it was seen. As seers, we are all destined to shift the outcome everyday. It is not fate versus freewill, it is fate and freewill. A vision is just a snap shot of a possible future.

The energies coming from deep space via the portal of our sun are photonic of nature. Solar winds (The outward flow of solar particles and magnetic fields from the Sun) blow us hither and yon as the solar limbs reach out and touch us. The geomagnetic field of the earth shifts as geomagnetic time is accelerated. A light bridge is formed as the solar noise storms (A transient enhancement of solar radio emission, consisting of elevated background emissions.  These storms may last hours to days.) increase in strength. The energies around earth  look as if phantom commands drive the wheel of the universe deeming a plasma pause. (A gas that is ionized sufficiently to be a good electrical conductor and be affected by magnetic fields) The sun is crowned with polar plumes as a proton event of unexpected proportion enters the field of earth. Solar constant is reached (The total radiant energy received vertically from the Sun) much quicker than expected.

As the solar winds raise the neck hairs of all mankind, two-ribbon flares (A flare that has developed as a pair of bright strands (ribbons) on both sides of the solar magnetic field) are tied around the old Akashic oak tree. Event horizons schedule themselves without asking permission (an event horizon is a boundary in spacetime most often an area surrounding a blackhole) rearranging the hologram of earth into a place that will assist with the solar creational flux that is inflencing all of mankind.

The playing field of earth will be changed forever. A "field" is a matrix, or region of influence, that connects two or more points in space or time, usually by means of a force or energy. In other words, a field is held together by something capable of manifesting a noticeable change.

The Akashic field is presumed to exist in physical reality even though it usually cannot be observed directly. The Akashic field is like the universe's super computer system. It is a system that acts as the central storehouse of all information for every individual who has ever lived upon the earth. the Akashic Records contain every deed, word, feeling, thought, and intent that has ever occurred at any time in the history of the world.

The Akashic Records contain the entire history of every soul since the dawn of Creation. These records connect each one of us to one another. They mold and shape human consciousness. They are a portion of Divine Mind. They are the unbiased judge and jury that attempts to guide and transform every person to become the very best they can be. They embody an ever-changing fluid array of possible futures that are called into potential as we humans interact and learn from the data that has already been accumulated.

Akasha is a light carrying "ether," It is the medium that carries the "zero-point field," a field in which energies appear to be present even when all known forms of energy vanish. The  zero-point field is a "unified vacuum an "energy sea." this vacuum transports light, and sound and generates the holographic field that is the memory of the universe which is a sea of collective information. The Akashic Field holds everything that we are. Our energy is never destroyed. Nor is any thought or possible future destroyed.

Our lives have become very complex, causing the Akashic Field to reach a critical mass. We are continuously storing information in the Akashic Field, as we are not able to hold and process all the incoming energy and information and shifts we are destined to experience.  The Akashic field is like a "vibratory cocoon, which turns at a speed seven times that of light. This cocoon acts as a blotter, absorbing and remembering every event. The Akashic Field stores every single thought and response we have regarding all life situations in all lifetimes. They are like the DNA of the universe, they are the soul's journey thru time.

As we enter these emancipated solar vibrations, we as a planet will have access to this field of inquiry. Quantum Entanglement will become a way of life.  Slipping in and out of time and memory may become an Olympic sport sooner than we think. All episodes of solar activity influence time and how we perceive it. The past present and future meet for a daily latte in our every experience. There is no getting away from the great solar OZ that knows all and sees all. As you sail thru these sees of self be sure to offer the ferryman fare payment as you dock at multiple timeslips.

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - PO box 217 - Dandridge, Tennessee 37725-0217 -

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Dismantling the OLD? Like Hell I Am….

Where did this notion come from, that old is somehow less valuable than new? Surely if All is One, everything is just as valuable as the the next thing...

It was only when playing with my second novel, in the dual timeframe, that actually reverted both to delta-time that I noticed that anything just hinges on one thing: the appreciation of the individual. No suppression of the ego, but a rightful appreciation of what it is, regardless of the timeframe it came in. Because believe it or not, I've always been me, even though my temper used to be more violent. It just showed different aspects of itself:

Over time, I've used and abused various nicknames both before and on the Web, which were all employed because they felt well:

Acesoft - Used to be my 'brand' during the Commodore 64 days. The axxompanying logo bore an ace of spades, inspired by Motörhead's Ace of Spades, coupled with the fact I was a big softy by then. 

SelfAware - or at least becoming so right that very moment. My site than was called Selfaware's Special Spots, and was basically just a compilation of what I liked and loved. 

Paid2Think - focus on work, and being in a profession where I realised I was being paid to do just that....

Deviant - Feeling myself to be the odd one out, at the time writing my very first (Dutch) novel

Moorelife - One of the longer periods, but then you've experienced most of this live right here!

Nothere  - a very brief one last year, but very significant in what it evolved in

Make It Real - Title of my second novel, but also very much the central theme of my life right now.....

Do you see a pattern emerging here? But is any of it more important than the other aspects? I feel like no, All of it defines All of Me Now! But it also feels like it's come full circle, like the next time round, it'll be for real.....


Yesterday, the rest of the Make It Real cycle came into existence. I'll not spill the beans just uet, but the theme's for book two and three of the Make It Real cycle have been outlined Together, they in turn seem to outline  reality to me, which is way beyond my wildest dreams. And the weird thing is that it now looks like Analysis complete, ready for Design and Implementation. And of course after that, Test, Deployment and the Enjoy,emt of Use!\

Love your Infinite Light, 


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