Hello Zingdad.com

*sigh* That sounds so pretentious.

I was going to say
“Hello Brothers and Sisters” but that sounds like the opening to a religious
service or something.  So anyway…


I am
very excited to see how the membership to Zingdad.com is just growing and growing!  So to all my new
members a very big, warm welcome.  The main reason for becoming a member is so
that I have you on my database and can therefore send you updates – like this
one – to tell you when there is something new going on.  But I have an intuitive
sense that there is a far more important reason for this member network which I
haven’t yet understood.  Possibly something like the need for us to be able to
network and communicate with each other at some crucial future date.  I’m sure
clarity will arrive in due course.  But in the mean-time thank you for taking
membership at Zingdad.com.

Chapter 10
So the really exciting
news is that Chapter 10 is finally up.  I know I say this as each
chapter goes
up but this one REALLY IS my best so far.  Go and check it out and see
if you
agree, okay?  The chapter is another discussion with my dear friend and
spirit-guide, 8.  This time we discuss the subject of “evil”.  What it
is, why
it exists, how it manifests in the world and what should we do about
it.  Now,
given that the central position taken in The Ascension Papers is “All is
this chapter was always going to be difficult to write.  You see, before
I can
write something I need to expand my consciousness to be able to
encompass it. 
Otherwise it can’t pass through my intuitive centre.   This presented a
significant challenge for me in being able to receive this chapter.  I
needed to
be able to hear from 8 that the most egregiously evil beings in this
reality are
also part of the Oneness.  I had to be willing to know that they are
indeed one
with me too.  That I am them and they are me.  And, well, that’s a lot
to hear! 
And so I spent a number of months with this chapter.  I would write a
few pages
and then bog down because it just “wasn’t working”.  Then 8, J-D and my
soul-family would help me by bringing something to me in my direct
experience which would show me the way forward.  Or sometimes I’d be
something in a dream.  And then I’d wrestle with that, deal with it and
be able
to write a bit more.  And so it went.  At one point I had about 200
pages of
STUFF written down.  It was a confused mess.  And then a moment of
arrived.  8 challenged me to go to my heart and find my truth on a very
difficult issue.  And then there it was:  a truly transcendent moment of
clarity!  Suddenly I got it.  Suddenly the whole problem resolved itself
in a
way that was so beautiful and profound.  As a result I was able to edit
monster of bits of conversation into one clear linear discussion.  It
together quickly and easily in a way that was… well… miraculous. 
Suddenly it
all made sense.  Now my most difficult chapter has become my favourite. 
absolutely love the meaning and understanding that I have derived out of
what 8
has taught me here.

And I am SO excited to share it with you!

is a link
to The
Ascension Papers
if you want to go and check it out. It’s on the
second page
in the list of chapters and it’s in three parts.

I’d love to hear
you think.  Which brings me to the next topic:


I have installed a comment box at the end of each chapter
so now
you can share your thoughts, questions or ideas with me and other
members.  I
look forward to seeing what you have to say.

The only thing here
is that
this is a “member’s only” tool.  I have done that to avoid the usual
business that goes on with things like this – people writing nonsense or
spamming advertising or whatever.  So please just sign in if you want to
leave a

In this latest chapter 8 pushed me to
start a
blog.  He felt, and I agree, that there is stuff that I need to say that
is not
a part of The Ascension Papers.  So that will be coming soon.  I really
want to
offer my blog as an integrated item on my website as apposed to having a
separate wordpress (or whatever) page for this.  So I am investigating
that and
will be launching that soon – I’ll keep you updated!

In the
mean-time I’d
like to share with you my lady-love’s blog address.  Her name is Lisa. 
She is
my soul-mate and partner of 18 years.  We travel the most miraculously
journey.  You might be interested in reading about her journey from her
perspective.  It will make the most sense to you if you read her blog in
chronological order starting with her first post from December last
You’ll find that here:  http://lisa-on-purpose.blogspot.com/2009/12/lisa-on-purpose.html

to look out for soon on Zingdad.com are translated versions of The
Papers.  My new friend Nico from Belgium (with help from Eric) has given
gift of translating the first two chapters into Dutch!  So now I just
need to
figure out how to put that up on my website in a way that makes sense. 
And that
will, I am sure, be the beginning of a whole new section.


I have put up a new youtube video which is essentially an
invitation to people to come and read The Ascension Papers.  Go and have
a look
and let me know what you think.

And please share it with your

You’ll find it here:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7I7l-bXNepI


I have a new donation system on my site with a new
button.  The
story is this:  For some obscure reason Paypal does not pay into South
bank accounts.  There are a few countries in the world where Paypal
doesn’t work
and mine is one of them.  So the Paypal button that I had up paid into
web-designer’s bank account (who is in Canada).  In this way the
donations made
some contribution to the costs the creation of the website.  So that
But in the mean time I have discovered that it IS possible to receive
payments here in SA I just have to use a different method.  I won’t bore
with the details the bottom line is that I am now using a South African
gateway called PayGate.  And now I can receive donations directly.  But
what is
the most interesting about this is the story behind it.  It’s a story
involves time-line-shifting, my somewhat troubled relationship with
money and
the way I have been blocking myself from true abundance.  It’s a great
story and
I’ll tell it some time soon.  As soon as I have figured out that
issue!  :-)

And that’s it for me for now.

I wish you love,
and joy!