The Hawk speaks:

Come up here,
where the air is fresh and clean and you can spread your wings and
glide on the gentle winds of heaven.  Come up here and float over the
world so that you may better see how things are.

From here, you
can see all of the movement.  Some of it makes sense and some of it
does not, but up here, it is all put into perspective.  From here, you
can see opportunity approaching from far off.  You can hover lightly
over the earth and prepare for what is coming your way.

then, when the opportunity arrives, when it dashes out of the bushes and
across the field, then is the moment of choice.  Then is the moment to
give your all and plunge down, committing yourself completely to what
you want.

Ah, the joy of it, the rush of it, to give yourself
over to life, all parts of it:  the great soaring upwards, the watchful
glide, the moment of choice when your sharp eyes see the chance and
the deep plummeting dive.   

And then, and then, to do it all
over again.  Ah, what could be better than this?

Quado, do you have anything to add?

You have within
you, in your soul, the wings to lift yourself up and see the wider
view.  You have within you, in your intuitive senses, the ability to
spot the opportunities as they appear.  And you have within you, deep
in your heart, the courage to commit yourself to the headlong dive into
what you truly want in life.

Ask now for the hawk to come alive
within you, so that joy may lift you on wings of love and courage and a
deep commitment to life may fill your heart.