Dear Friends,

This morning we have a message
from a power animal that I know well.  I first met him years ago
when I was doing power animal retrievals, then again more recently
in my Power Animal Adventures.  He is an enormous sperm whale known
as The Ancient One; it is always so wonderful to hear from him.  And
is now our way, Quado has added a few words at the end of his

The Ancient Whale Says, You Matter

I have been here since time began, since the earth first went
through her birthing pains and before.  I am as old as time itself
and hold within me all of the wisdom of the ages, every tick of
every clock, every movement of the spheres.

I live beneath the
sea and hold court here, an ancient king surveying my kingdom.  And
today, I wish to impart a bit of wisdom to you.

matters.  Everything that you do with this moment on earth matters. 
You are vitally important and have come here with purpose, with
intention.  It may feel as if a veil separates you from that
purpose, but it is known in your heart.  You need only go deep, as
deep as I am, down here where it is completely still and you cannot
hear the clamor of society or the noise of fear, come down here in
every moment and see yourself mirrored in my eyes, feel yourself in
the ripples of the ocean that pass through you as you gaze at me.

have chosen to come here on this earth at this time, to enter my
realm in order to do something.  It may be as simple as bringing to
earth a touch of the heavenly rays that shine, to be a channel for
God’s grace, to bring uplifting energy through your smile and the
twinkle in your eyes.  Or it may be as challenging as lifting the
energy of those around you, or healing their bodies, or opening
their eyes.  But if you are reading these words, you have been led
to me and to this knowledge that you have a purpose and that it
matters deeply.

You know yourself.  You know why you are here. 
Come deep, down deep to me.  Spend time deep until you understand it
fully.  Spend time here expanding and growing into yourself.  Do
what you feel you should do.  Try this and try that, always checking
in with your intuition.  And in this way, following your own
guidance moment by moment, you will be led to an ever-deepening
knowledge of who you are and why you are here on earth at this
moment, right now.

Every moment matters.  Every action.  Every
dip into your courage to take the action that your heart speaks to
you.  You are vitally important.  Know it and treat yourself and
your life accordingly.

Quado, do you have anything
to add?

Ah, such wisdom from our great friend, the
Ancient One.  I would add only this:  take yourself seriously even
as you live with abandon and joy.  For nothing is as seriously
important as loving yourself and this life every moment of every
day, embracing it, dipping into it, playing with being who you are
as you enjoy the wondrous and vitally important journey of awakening
fully to yourself.

This message Copyright © 2005-8 by Systematíque, Inc. All rights