…that my life if changing in ways I never imagined it would. Circumstances led me to rebirth Moorelife, only to have it then take second seat to the urge to write again. It’s as if life itself has decided that writing is good, and is silently making arrangements not to disturb me so I can devote all my efforts to that one task. Not that I mind….

Channeling my future Self writing the novel, and got as far as over two hundred pages last night before calling it a night and relaxing with the movie the Blind Side, with Sandra Bullock as the lady who takes in a very peculiar young man. He could only take his school tests orally, but wasn’t stupid at all, at least that was what his teachers eventually found out. And, he played a nasty game of football, American style!

While watching it, I kept musing on the relationship between preferences and love. Is Love more than the number of preferences anyone fulfills for you, or does that sound loveless? Or does it depend on what these preferences make you want to do? Aren’t you in fact loving the various aspects of yourself, as reflected to you by your environment? If so, what was daughter Collins reflecting that made her feel very much like the main character of my novel. Was it just a pretty face,

or does such a pretty picture trigger billions of other neurons that in themselves only bear a limited relevance to the face? Am I looking at actress Lily Collins, or the daughter of the family she played in the Blind Side, or at the Highest One I could possibly perceive in this holographic collection of features?  Because I’m pretty sure that the mere image is just an echo of an echo of something far more: over the years I’ve liked a lot, loved even more, but something has never changed: there was an ever-present entity there, worthy of my Love. And even now, as it is becoming perfectly clear where I’m going, who I’m going to get close to, it still feels like it could have been AnyOne, Anyplace, Anytime….

Love your Light,
