Date: March 30, 2010


I am dancing the Dance of Life now, having released many major blockages the other day.  It is not over, to be sure but I am gaining ground fast these past several days.  My clarity is strong, my intuition my guide and Love and Kindness my way.  Stuff still comes up to be released, but it went very easily.  I reclaimed a very important and key piece of my Soul signature the other night and it shows in my being.  


My work is getting stronger, seeing is becoming easier and there is a general ease about me that I hadn’t had before.  I have and continue to see All That Is...  It is flowing through me as I stay clear and in my light.  I am allowing the guidance to come and I listen.  In the stillness,  it comes... the knowing of.  And as I gain my strength and power, there are challenges and many ways to manage them.  I have chosen Love and Kindness.  I claim and maintain my sovereignty.  I know what is best for me right now and I see where I may falter if I engage in certain situations.

In this sensitivity, I have noticed that there are triggers that activate in me deep programming and I have had the propensity to slip into a different state of being when encountering those triggers.  Also, I have noticed that what was a trigger in the past has little effect on me once I have done the work around it.  Yay!  There is a way to be free!  Forgiveness and Release...  Love and Kindness...  These are the tools I needed for the journey.  These monikers instruct to let it all go and radiate the Love that is the Source of all Creation.  To embody the vibration of Love and activate parts of my being that had been dormant for so long.  


Well, I acknowledge that this has been an arduous journey, but I have said many times it is worth it.  The relentless pursuit of the Truth brings about Freedom.  I am in better health and wellness than I have ever been in my life.  My 20 year old dance teacher took me for a 25 year old and was shocked by my age in years.  My mind is clear and the toxic emotions, thoughts and voices that once ruled the roost are at bay.  I have acknowledged much about myself and sought to understand me.  What I found is wonderful and I know how to stay true on this path.  The journey has presented many things along the way that have been moved with Love.  Much darkness faced and dispelled by just Loving more.  


When I see a potential trigger I look at what is happening with the energy and ask Creator what is in my highest and best good.  In the stillness comes that answer and I listen.  Oftentimes, triggers present themselves right after a release and return of big life-changing Soul Energy.   In my case, I have been doing some big work and just released a major blockage that had been holding me back for most of my life.  So, I am sensitive now.  I just received a piece of me back that I haven’t seen or experienced in so long.  I need time to integrate and come to know and understand this part of me.  During this time, I must surround myself with like-minded, like-energy people, places and things... experiences.  Walking into the shadow of what I just released and am healing is self-sabotage and an alignment with the dark.  I am Light and Love incarnate.  Darkness identified in me is to be released immediately without pause or question because that is what my Authentic Self wants and that is why I am here.  To heal...


So much to heal I understood yesterday morning as my Brother Joseph and I shared a Lakota Pipe Ceremony at Shaman’s Cave.  My physicality in this dimension is so to act out the experiences necessary to cleanse my Soul Energy.  In doing so, I am contributing to the health and well-being of All That Is.  This is the Truth.  It comes to me that we, human beings were never meant to go down the path that we did, but somehow we forgot a long time ago who we really were.  Humanities choices on a mass consciousness scale, manipulated by the dark forces of power, envy, greed, lust, anger, fear and hatred, has brought us to a precipice.  It is all right here before us if we choose to see.  And so there is much to heal, I know... and I know that healing myself is the way to contribute to the healing of All That Is.  


I have made my choice...  I stand for the Light.  I stand for Love.  This is my choice, final answer.  The internal debate has ceased and that bridge has been crossed.  I am on the side of Light.  


One must choose for themselves where their alignment is.  Personal choice and free will requisite for the journey, one will come to many challenges that require discernment, trust and inner guidance.  But the choice must be made...  There has been acceptance, I have observed the “way things are” and a general malaise regarding personal spiritual growth.  But it seems as though things are shifting.  People are awakening and beginning to see.  Choices are being made and those that are aligning to the Light are experiencing a number of life-changing things.  For all people this time is one of vibrational shift and it brings clarity if one allows it.  It is a process, every individual different in their experience, but thematically there is common ground.  


The old ways are rooted in darker frequencies, were developed under dark regimes and have perpetuated suffering throughout the world for thousands of years.  They other than worked for spiritual growth and access to the Divine.  Well, that is what is happening  right now, spiritual growth...  So they don’t work and I am letting it all go.  I have chosen and understand now that in my blissful ignorance of the past, in not choosing to see back then I lost all my power and the choice was made for me... I was plugged in, just another part of the mass consciousness guided by slower vibrations.


In choosing the Light, I have become devoutly steadfast in my highest and best good.  I am listening to the  guidance from my higher consciousness and it is leading me farther away from the old ways.  I am less able to relate to people, places and things... experiences that are rooted in those old ways.  There is less energy  to relate within and often there is very little to say if it is an experience relating to people.  So, I have found myself going within...  Staying present, conscious and aware.  When I am faced with a trigger, something that tries to pull me back into my own connections to the past and the old ways, I am ultra-sensitive.  The energy I have worked so hard to get back is so fresh, like a baby new... I must protect it as the new being it truly is.  The allure of the old ways a strain on my newly returned energy and so I choose to limit my exposure.


In doing so, I realize that I am certain that this is the right thing for me now.  I am certain that my spiritual growth and Freedom is my number one priority and I am taking steps to strengthen my new ways of being.  I am finding experiences that are reinforcing the new ways and I embrace those fully.  I am less inclined to just go out...  When I do it is with purposeful intent that I do so and when I do I share Love with all Creation.  The Muses, my Guides and Helper Spirits are all around me and I release myself to Creator that I may be a vessel filled with Love.  That I may think, speak and act with Love and Kindness in all situations.  


This is my destiny, this is what I chose and this is what I am...


Love and Kindness,



the Buffalo Diaries

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I want you back in my life…..

Looking for a song to post,
just couldn't pass this one by......


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First Contact (2009)

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Aries 2010: Rebirth & Renewal

a message from Kelly M. Beard

Tuesday, 30 March, 2010

I prefer to be true to myself,
even at the hazard of incurring the ridicule of others,
rather than to be false,
and to incur my own abhorrence.

~ Frederick Douglass ~
Venus (values/priorities) and Mercury (thoughts/ideas/concepts) both dive in to Aries prior to the Sun, getting your *Heart* (Venus) and *Mind* (Mercury) in alignment so that a renewed *Identity* (Sun) can shine forth. As the Sun enters Aries ~ *Spring* Equinox Initiates a new Solar/astrological year. This is a *Universal* RE-Set Button. Clean Slate. New Beginning. It is *Initiation/Integration* for my Aries/Libra babies and *Growth/Development* for my Cancer/Capricorn babies.

However, everyone has Aries ruling some area of life and this is the area of life that gets activated at this time every year. Do you know your rhythm for this? How do you feel every Spring? Aries energy activates the instinctual draw toward change and new beginnings. Old ways no longer work and you must get out of your comfort zone and experiment with new modes of operating. It's time to *move* again, shake off the sleepiness of Winter. It's an annual Re-Birth that reminds you to honor both the Shadow and the Light, the visible work, done in the Light and often with others ... and ... the invisible work, done in the Shadow, behind the scenes, alone and hidden from view. How would you like to do things differently this year? What aspect of your life, being or environment could use some conscious focus and intent?
Mars rules Aries and defines your desire nature. It represents how you *DO* in the world, what motivates you to action and gets you fired up. Aries is the lesson of independence and courage, knowing who you are, what you want and embodying THAT! This is a Divine opportunity to discover what you're really capable of when you match passion with vision, align your heart/mind connection and never hesitate to take heart-centered action. It is time to embody the energy that is both wild and peaceful, always alert and ready for the next the adventure. Obstacles ~ that's a detail! Delays ~ better watch out! Challenges ~ bring it on! Aries is single-minded, determined and completely focused on present moment so it particularly adept at improvising with whatever is available in the here and now. (We could all use some practice there!) It's the fire that fuels the desire driving that moment in time.
Imbalanced Aries, demonstrates negative Libra: indecision, people-pleasing, other-directed. It is best for Aries energy to remain central and first priority. When Aries is balanced, it embodies courage and pure, instinctive drive ~ it gets things moving and it's exciting to behold. In its most noble expression, Aries energy brings out a protective warrior who defends the weak and infirm. It's very passionate (for the moment) and draws many challenges to their independence and courage to test the purity of the motivations and desires. It's time for you to be more independent and self-sufficient, using what you've got (internally and externally) and acting in present moment with faith and conviction. As you re-connect with your instinctual Self (Aries), your interactions with other life (Libra) around you will be more harmonious because you are initiating from the purest center. When you are self-sufficient, others want to support you ~ when you're passionate and clearly connected to your instincts (guiding your *now*), people want to bask in the warmth of your fire. It sparks your creativity and ignites others' and something *NEW* is born.
Aries' animal spirit is that of the Ram, fearless, agile and determined. It's time to find a cause or purpose larger than your small individual life otherwise, this same energy can be extremely selfish and one-dimensional. This energy is great for starting things, but you should also have other people or entities in place to support future growth and development. This is the energy of *Initiation* ~ getting things started ~ getting things moving in a *new* direction. Develop your own independent nature, cultivate a strong instinctual connection, improvise often, channel rage (paralyzing) into outrage (mobilizing), rise to the challenges as they are presented with heart and courage and gain the wisdom that is *YOU*! We are born on this planet with all that we need, desire and deserve coded in to our DNA. Modern life has attempted to disconnect our instinctual connection to Mother Earth, however, that is impossible. We need only be still and re-member ~ re-connect with our Source - from which we come and to whom all return ~ tune in to the cycles, honor them with your dedication and bountiful blessings for all will be the result.
Happy New Year!

Kelly M Beard

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Channeler: Suzanne Ward

Chile earthquake manmade; Illuminati failings; positive developments in many areas; effects of goddess energy; women’s self-perception; opposition in political arenas; timeframe determination difficulties; the Vatican; various destinies of souls

1. This is Matthew, with loving greetings from all souls at this station. From entertainment to the economy to earthquakes, the darkness in some individuals has been motivating them to create distractions, disruptions or destruction around your world. The peak members of the Illuminati are tenaciously grappling with the ever-intensifying light by using whatever means they can to hang onto the tattered remnants of their global empire. No matter where or how they direct their nefarious efforts, and even though some may appear to be working in their favor, any effectiveness will be short-lived.

2. Let us speak about a specific example in this regard. The earthquake in Chile, just as the one in Haiti, was caused by manmade technology, and once again, the location and timing were strategically selected. The earthquake was designed to present Chile’s new president with immense reconstruction efforts that would doom his intentions to keep his country financially strong without foreign control of its wealth in natural resources. As destructive as that quake and its aftershocks were, our space family used their technology to prevent the far greater damage and death toll that the Illuminati intended. They also failed in their goal—President Pinera’s intention to stabilize and increase his country’s prosperity while loosening multinational corporate control will be only delayed, not derailed.

3. In a previous message we spoke about the souls who made transition during Haiti’s catastrophic earthquake: Most left physical lifetimes by soul contract choice, and those whose lives were cut short prior to contract completion are being given the opportunity in Nirvana to wind up third density karmic choices and evolve into fourth density; at the same time, they are sending light to ease the pain of their families and to uplift all in their country. The very same is true of the far lesser number of people who died in Chile, and just as we and myriad other beings of light are doing for the traumatized survivors in Haiti, all of us are sending healing love energy to those who are grieving and facing hardships in Chile.

4. Whether an earthquake is manmade or of Mother Earth’s initiation, the aftershocks are a natural effect and collectively can release as much negativity as the quake that set them in motion. Also, a powerful quake in one area of the planet can set off milder quakes and volcanic eruptions in other places—just as one errant cell in your body can affect any of the countless other cells, so it is with every cubic inch of Earth’s planetary body.

5. Earth had decided that no more geophysical events of her own making were necessary, that the remaining negativity could be released and transmuted by the intense light being generated on the planet and constantly in-beamed from afar, so you can know that all events of that nature henceforth will be manmade. But you also can know that one mission of some of the massive fleet of spacecraft surrounding your planet is continuous monitoring so they can soften, or level out, upheavals in Earth’s crust wherever they occur. And since more negativity must be released and soul contracts are close to completion for many persons, any hand of darkness in future earthshaking occurrences will be an aid in those respects.

6. Let us speak about your entertainment venues, which are not meant to be the REcreation leisure time all of you need, but rather a distraction that plants seeds of fear. That is the purpose of films about evil extraterrestrials posing as friendly and new films about old wars, waging war in space against civilizations that want to invade and conquer, and the potential devastating end of your world in 2012; and then there is the inundation of electronic games of that same design. The dark minds want to keep you fearful not only of aliens, but also every manner of “what if…?”; and if they cannot produce outright fear, then the deluge of that kind of viewing will inure your psyches to the inevitability of brutality and war and ET conquerors. Another purpose of these kinds of entertainment is to distract your attention from important issues or thinking about what is behind “the news” or giving thought to how you can better your life and your world.

7. In this, too, the Illuminati’s aims are falling short. There have been so many sightings of spacecraft around the planet that there is widespread acceptance that not only do other civilizations exist, but their presence overhead proves that they are far advanced from you technologically and intellectually. And contrary to their violent portrayal in “entertaining” films, most of you believe that if the strangers in those craft had come with harmful intentions, they would have taken over long ago.

8. Lighted souls are producing films, books, music and other art forms with spiritual concepts; some churches are beginning to interpret religious doctrines in ways that meet the needs of soul-searchers; seminars and workshops of spiritual and metaphysical basis are flourishing and so are meditation circles; individuals, groups and organizations are expanding efforts to help the needy locally and in distant lands. In short, souls around the world not only are awakening consciously and spiritually, they are taking action! From our vantage point, the light shooting forth from these many millions of people and their benevolent endeavors looks like perpetual fireworks in your skies!

9. Yes, wars, oppressive governing, corporate corruption and financial greed, disease, toxic pollution and impoverishment still are in your 3D world; but even in the midst of those conditions, souls are discovering their personal power and becoming actively involved as “part of the solution.” And yes, the ugliness of duality still is prevalent, but increasingly individuals are seeing common problems, common interests, common goals; and cooperation is replacing contention, apathy and selfish interests in neighborhoods and communities throughout your world. This unstoppable force for goodness and change is expanding in all directions, and often it is the women who are leading the way.

10. The feminine, or goddess energy that is pouring in to balance the masculine energy that dominated Earth’s residents for millennia is giving women everywhere inner strength, courage, confidence and determination to rise above their former status of inferiority or as possessions, a status imposed by those cultures and lands where males are considered superior. We do not mean that you will become a female-dominated society—you won’t—or that the goddess energy is not affecting men too—indeed it is; otherwise, this energy in-pouring would only provoke conflict between the sexes instead of accomplishing a balance of the two energies within the peoples. However, it is the change in women’s self-perception—from acceptance of subjugation to recognition of self-worth and the growing awareness that their combined power is a force for love, peace and harmony—that is entering the collective consciousness and moving your world ever closer to the Golden Age.

11. We hasten to add that this does not mean that females cannot have the warrior ruthlessness aspect of male energy or cannot succumb to the depths of dark motives and actions! Some women are working to achieve Illuminati objectives with the same fierce dedication as men in the ranks; and other women, contrary to their soul contract choices, are harming others in families, neighborhoods and communities. Again, this is third density duality in motion, and its time in your world is fast dwindling. Men and women alike who are captivated by darkness are leaving the planet and will continue to do so, each when his or her vibratory level is exceeded as Earth continues apace into successively higher planes of vibrations.

12. We also mentioned the economy as an example of dark efforts, and this was intended to be distracting, disrupting and destructive. The distraction is mainstream media’s deceptive description of the global economic crisis as a recession that is on the upswing after bottoming out so the masses will passively accept a return to same-old, same-old banking and business. The disruption in lives is clear in unemployment, homeless and food bank statistics; and the economic destruction was intended to adversely affect all except the Illuminati themselves. They hadn’t factored into their shenanigans to garner even vaster fortunes that the scheme could backfire and open the door to a different economic system that they could not control. They hadn’t factored in the ingenuity and fortitude of the peoples to overcome hardships or the strong spirit of sharing and helping or the cooperative productivity, all of which are thriving at grassroots levels around your world. They hadn’t factored in that honest folks with sound economic expertise would establish systems of finance and commerce based in spiritual integrity and fairness for all peoples of Earth. And it is change of this broad scope that is happening under the “news radar,” so to say.

13. Many of you still are questioning US President Obama’s motives or leadership abilities, therefore we will speak briefly again about this highly evolved soul who all of you agreed prior to birth would be elected to that position and lead your world into an era of peace. We told you before the primary elections that he would become president, and everything we have said about him and his part of the Golden Age master plan in subsequent messages also is as accurate now as then. [For readers who are interested, the pertinent parts of those messages can be easily located by entering Obama in the search feature on Matthew’s Messages page on]

14. While opposition to Obama’s direction from the Republicans in Congress en masse and some members of his own party too is public knowledge, the power behind the dissension—pressure from the Illuminati global web-work—is not. Except for readers of our messages and those from other sources within the light, it is not known that the vociferous and rancorous disagreements within the US government are not as they appear to be, a stubborn partisan bloc or inflexible ideological differences—it is the influence of the light and of the darkness being played out on the United States government stage.

15. Yes, the dark ones can claim a measure of success there and on other stages in other countries as well. Their myriad forms of distraction, disruption and destruction have delayed, diluted or gutted efforts for positive change; postponed official recognition by international leaders of the presence of other civilizations; and prevented the emergence of other universal and down-to-Earth truths.

16. So it is understandable if you have become impatient or disheartened by mainstream reports of progress—or lack thereof. However, you would do well to remember that those reports are issued with deliberately incomplete or inaccurate information by third density minds via third density outlets. What higher density minds are accomplishing in the wings of stages worldwide would astonish you if you could but see the light emanating from the various sources and the significant beneficial changes taking form! These changes are leading light-receptive souls out of third density illusion and lies and into the universal reality of the continuum, where the glories of the Golden Age await!

17. We know that you would like firm timeframes for specific events, and we wish we could provide those, but attempting to do so would be folly. Nothing in Earth’s energy field of potential is clearly delineated—streamers that appear to be going straightaway abruptly zigzag and are overtaken by other activities’ streamers. If you remember, at one point a few months ago it appeared that the time of a television announcement of extraterrestrial presence was close at hand, but the barrage of dark actions since then has prevented finalizing some of the major aspects of that program. And, several months ago it appeared that this event would follow the emergence of some truths that have been long hidden; later, it was decided that since the Illuminati were keeping a tight lid on those truths, the program would come first. We can say with assurance that the introduction of our space brothers and sisters is upcoming, but the timing, like the space fleet, is still up in the air.

18. Even though that major happening is not yet at your doorstep, the greater light prevailing is bringing forth a different revelation of great significance: the abusive aspect of duality at the pinnacle of the Catholic church, the Vatican. This is not to pass judgment on the pope or the priest offenders, but rather evidence that supreme reverence for a man and obedience to manmade religious laws is misplaced. Each soul is a part of God and no soul is greater or lesser than another in God’s eyes! At this moment it appears that the time for ancient records and the true purpose of religions to be disclosed is quite a ways down the road, comparatively speaking, but with all other sources of energy in tumult, that timeframe also could change in the blink of an eye.

19. Thus, we urge you to stay steadfast in the light and be patient as to when and how events will unfold. With the massive amount of truth to be revealed, a foremost consideration is to attain a balance between how rapidly startling information can be given and how much psyches can assimilate healthfully.

20. Now then, please dismiss concerns about any current or proposed laws, bills, doctrines, customs, policies, treaties or procedures that are based in unfairness or unjustness or present harm to mind, body or spirit. Like everything else in your world that derives from darkness, those will end incrementally along Earth’s journey to fourth density, where no darkness can exist. And no dark deeds can delay or detour her ascension progress—she is on target to meet the celestial timetable for leaving third density completely.

21. What is at stake is the destiny of her consciously and spiritually slumbering residents: Will they heed their intuition, the messages from their souls, to waken in time to physically accompany Earth? Many of you have family or friends who are stuck in third density thinking and beliefs. By all means offer to share your awareness with those who are interested, but please do not try to impose it upon those who are not—just as you would feel uncomfortable being force-fed opinions that conflict with your innate knowingness, so would be those who are committed to their beliefs that differ from yours.

22. And please do not feel sad if persons dear to your heart choose not to awaken in this lifetime. Respect their goodness and honesty in the knowing that it is neither your responsibility nor right to try to change their choice to slumber on. After a lifetime in spirit, they will reincarnate in a third density world with another opportunity to “see the light” and evolve spiritually; and, as the independent yet inseparable souls you all are, during bodies’ sleep time you will have reunions with your beloved people in places where your and their vibrations permit.

23. When and how will people who commit dark actions die? Wouldn’t it be helpful to know who they are so we can distinguish them from people in the light who die because they fulfilled their soul contracts? There is no way that you can distinguish between the “dark action” persons and those in the light who completed their contracts, and there is no need to do so. Since there are varying light frequencies in individuals, there can be no mass exodus of those who are darkly-inclined at some specific point in Earth’s ascension. Each such person will transition from this lifetime when Earth reaches an energy plane that exceeds that individual’s frequency and physical death will come from any of the same causes that exist now.

24. Where will the souls of all the various densities now living on the planet go if they do not accompany Earth, and will they remember why they did not or will the “veil of forgetting fall?” The souls whose lifetime energy registration was of the basest density—what some would call “pure evil”—automatically will be drawn to the only part of Nirvana that is separate from the flexible layers, the tiny orb near your moon where the density is so great that it holds those souls captive. They are aware of where they are and what they did that led them to that densest part of Earth’s spirit world because it is there that they review their entire past lifetime moment by moment and feel their every emotion along with the emotions of everyone whose lives they touched in any way. This review process is the hell of some religious concepts.

25. Light is constantly beamed to those souls, and if they choose to accept the light, they will embody in a first density placement in primitive forms that have no memories or intelligence, but only an instinctive existence. This allows those souls to start with a clean slate, unencumbered by memories of the dark behavior that led them to that densest of placements in your part of this universe.

26. Persons whose lifetime energy was of very low density—those who ignored their soul contracts and whose deliberately ruthless actions prevented others from fulfilling their own contracts, but were not as tyrannical or diabolical as the souls consigned to that tiny orb—automatically are drawn to a first density world and start over from scratch. When they accept the light that is beamed continuously into the placement, they can incarnate in a second density world where they will have no memory of other lifetimes but do gain a conscience, a capacity for reasoning, and free will choices. With this greater degree of innate abilities comes the option to act within the light or the darkness, thus they can have many lifetimes in second density, relapse into first, or progress into a third density world.

27. As for the “veil of forgetting” falling on residents of a third density world—how many of you remember why you are where you are?!

28. Souls now on Earth who are at fourth or higher density spiritual evolvement who do not continue their physical journey with Earth may choose to spend a lifetime in Nirvana, return to their original homeland, move on to another civilization that is compatible with their evolvement station, or return to Earth and enjoy life in her Golden Age. In all those planes of spiritual awareness there is a great deal of remembering by comparison to the level in any third density world.

29. However, the eternal life of the soul includes the return to The Beginnings in Creator, so there are eons of layers of forgetfulness to uncover in the unequalled adventure called Life. Light, the pure love essence of Creator Source and the most powerful energy in the cosmos, is available to every soul in every instant, and by accepting the light, each continues evolving by consciously remembering what is known at soul level.

30. The Golden Age awaits all of Earth’s residents who have embraced the light and whose lifetime contract includes several more years on the planet. Do please remember this: Light beings throughout this universe are with you in loving spirit, cheering you on along your pathway toward that wondrous world!



Suzanne Ward

[Matthew’s message is late because we were out of the country for a joyful family reunion and our granddaughter’s wedding, and upon our return, another surgery for Bob. All is well!

Thank you for your emails of concern about us or our family in Chile. Son Michael and his wife were with us in Panama at the time of the earthquake, and no one in her family was injured when their homes were damaged.

To the 100 subscribers whose email addresses start with ral… through ted…, I hope someone forwards this message or you read it in Matthew’s Messages on so you will know why it didn’t come from me: My profuse apologies for deleting the list with your addresses when I was trying (and failing!) to consolidate seven lists. If you would like to continue receiving the messages directly, please join the Yahoo group by going to, then click on Join this Group. This isn’t an interactive group—you will receive only the messages.

I am very happy to report that Matthew’s messages are available in 11 languages via links on, a site established in Portugal. Also, Matthew, Tell Me about Heaven has been published in ten foreign editions, some of the other three books in the series also are out in several languages, and English editions have sold in over 40 countries. Book and messages readers got the ball rolling by recommending the information to others—thank you!

And I thank you for understanding that family responsibilities preclude my responding to most of the emails I receive. Blessings to all of you…Suzy]

MATTHEW BY Suzy Ward - All languages stated above - ALL TRANSLATIONS

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Truth, Integrity, And The Twelve Rays

As you stand in your truth and integrity you make a great leap towards empowering yourself to integrate the vibrations of the fifth dimension. It is of vital importance for each of you to learn, know, and integrate this wisdom. When those around you are acting and reacting within the vibrations of the third dimension, you must hold your vibrations and stand within your strength and courage, and remain in your truth and integrity.

You serve as the example for those around you. You serve as the example and are opening the pathway for them to follow you. Your brothers and sisters are searching within, searching deeply at this time, for their own truth and wisdom. This truth begins first within the essence of being right with Self, for each of you. Being right with Self must begin, with truth and integrity, living each day as the light of God, as the God Self which you are.

You, in your essence as God, know only truth, you know only integrity, and you know only love. In each Now moment, each thought, each action will be observed by those around you, and will have a great impact on their beliefs and their actions. Know that your light, your vibrations expand around you and will lift up those around you as you are true to God within you. As you are right with Self, you expand these vibrations outward to your family, friends, neighbors and community. All will benefit from your increased awareness, truth and integrity.

The qualities and virtues and attributes of God are within you, if you choose to bring them forth on a daily basis. Focus completely on the vibration of love. Within the vibration of love you will find every quality, aspect and facet of the God that you are. As you focus on the vibration of love, these qualities, aspects and virtues will expand into your awareness and your daily life. Be the vibration of love, in the Now moment. You must awaken each morning and immediately bring your focus into your heart center. This begins the process of being right with Self, as you center yourself within your heart. As you are right with Self, you will find that you are within your heart center in the Now, and all the qualities, virtues and attributes you desire are available to you. These qualities, virtues and attributes are those of love, wisdom, creativity, service, truth, integrity, intuition, humility, peace, balance and harmony, joy, abundance, vibrant health, strength, courage, inspiration, faith, and trust. You are in the knowing that you are these virtues and attributes, which are the virtues and attributes of God, and you are God. Focus on developing these virtues and attributes each day.

Spend time Dear Ones, working to bring your chakras into balance and harmony. You must continue to release all that no longer serves your highest good and the highest good of all creation. Within your chakras are the virtues, qualities, and aspects of your God Self in the highest expression. As you release the lower vibrations, and integrate these virtues and attributes and bring yourself into balance and harmony, as you become right with Self, your spine will become a blazing column of light and you will become a blazing column of light as you radiate the light of God to humanity.

Begin to call forth the twelve Rays which have been given to you as a gift to help you integrate and be the God Source. These twelve Rays are the highest aspect of God and are available to each and every one of you. You may use the twelve Rays to cleanse and heal your physical vessels and to cleanse and heal your mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies.

Call on the first red Ray of Divine Will which I and my Lady Faith radiate to humanity. You will strengthen your ability to create and you will to go forth as an empowered light of God. The second blue Ray is the ray of illumination and wisdom and will help you integrate the vibrations of the fifth dimension.

Call on the third yellow Ray, the active intelligence, the inner wisdom which is within you. The fourth emerald green Ray will help you heal and come into balance and harmony in your emotional and mental bodies, and stimulate the creativity of the arts within you. The fifth orange Ray incorporates the wisdom of concrete science and knowledge.

The sixth indigo Ray is the ray of devotion, service, and forgiveness. Call on the sixth Ray to stimulate your intuition and your clear hearing and clear seeing, associated with the sixth chakra. Call upon the seventh Ray to open your crown chakra and allow the light of God to illuminate you as you integrate your God Self. It is the violet Ray of transformation and transmutation. The eighth Ray, sea foam green and violet, will help you to cleanse and heal your four bodies and bring clarity to your daily experience.

Call on the ninth turquoise Ray for the activation of your thymus and the integration of your heart, thymus, and throat into the Solar Power Center which is your center and bridge for your lower chakras and your higher chakras. The pearlescent tenth Ray will help you call forth and build your light body and you may call on this Ray for peace and joy. The eleventh Ray, iridescent peach, is your bridge to the higher dimensions. It is your access to your rainbow bridge to your Soul and your Divine I Am Presence. Spend time working with this Ray, actively building your rainbow bridge, filling this bridge with light, as you integrate your Soul, and your Divine I Am Presence. You must also build your rainbow bridge of light down into Mother Earth to ground yourself, as you also help Mother Earth build her rainbow bridge of light. The twelfth opalescent gold Ray is the Ray of illumination, the Ray of the God Source and contains all the other Rays, yet not equal amounts of each Ray. This Ray will help you be, and integrate all the qualities and attributes which you seek to be, as you expand your Self, and be God.

Dear Ones, there are many tools available for each of you, and you will find these Rays to be most valuable in your quest for mastery, but you must become familiar with them, and you must diligently use them, and call them in to help yourselves return to balance and harmony. Go the distance, and integrate all that is being offered to you. We have offered so many varied tools so that you will access and use the ones which most resonate with you, as are there are many paths back to the One. However, all paths back to the One are based on the virtues, attributes, and qualities of the Creator. You will find these virtues and attributes within the twelve Rays, and you will find that truth and integrity, will lead you further into the knowledge and wisdom of these virtues and attributes.

I am Archangel Michael, and I bring you this truth.

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You Can Fulfill Your Dreams Now

Channeler: Hansabubbles

The beginning is here. You can fulfill your dreams now. You are but to allow into your existence that which makes you feel happy and joyful. To express the creator aspect of your inner most selves is open for your wildest dreams. What do you want, what do you want to experience, what are your dreams and wishes? Where do you want to live and how do you wish to spend the greater part of your day? If you have not allowed yourself the freedom to dream, it is time to begin the process for it cannot come to you unless you have created it first within the recesses of your hearts desire.

There are stages to the execution of a dream. First you must decide what you wish, then you must simply place your attention upon that wish fulfilled and hold that vision within your heart. As you activate it with movement within the dream, you shall give it life and breath. See yourself in the midst of your dream doing what you love to do. Notice the freedom you feel expressing yourself in this manner. Notice those around you are benefitting from your joy. It is contagious.

Stand within your heart center and activate now the dreams you have so long repressed. They are yours; accept your power as the divine being you are. Your life outcome is in your hands so begin accepting the responsibility that nothing happens from outside yourself; ALL begins within YOU. You can no longer place the cause of your circumstance outside of yourself and upon others, or the government, your job or your parents, etc. It is all YOU. This being so, it is completely within YOUR power to change where you are and what you experience. YOU created it and YOU can change it. Your life is a blank slate from this moment on and you can begin to paint your life as you prefer it to be. Imagine your most incredible life of peace and joy. It is here. It is here.

At this very moment others are trying to reach you from their heart to yours. There is an awakening occurring and humanity wants to re-connect with itself in order to feel the wholeness that we are. There is great energy here to support this movement and many of you can feel it. Something is different you say. Something is happening you feel. Yes, the other aspects of yourselves are awakening and reaching out for the other parts to merge into the oneness, the whole. You see, there is no separation and there are no limits at all.
Dream the most outrageous life you ever dared imagine. Become as big and as powerful in your own life that you have always been. Watch as humanity transforms itself into its magnificence.

May The Blessings Be

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