The first 2 1/5 months of 2010 have been frustrating and
disappointing for many people. We were so excited to get done with 2009
and experience the creativity and fun that was promised for 2010. But
we’ve had to sort through and release some old stuff first to make sure
that what we create is fully in the new energy.

This can manifest as
loosing interest is a project or dream that you have had for a long
time. Perhaps you have wanted to start or expand a certain of healing
work and now that modality feels dull or uninspiring. Or maybe you have
been working on a website and now everything that you wrote and designed
before feels wrong. This can play out in other areas of your life also,
including relationships, body/health and where you live. It’s like
anything that still carries the old energy has to be released. 

yet, where the hell is the new? It is very uncomfortable to be in that
empty place, where nothing is interesting, nothing is inspiring, nothing
is moving.

2010 is finally ready to start

a deep breath now because things are starting to shift. Mars, the
planet of action, has been retrograde in Leo since mid-December. When a
planet is retrograde there is no outward expressing of the energy it
represents. We look back to earlier expressions and reevaluate and
release that which is no longer appropriate. When Mars is in its
retrograde cycle, we are forced to re-assess our current projects, our
approach to getting what we want, and our desire nature. Rather than
directly asserting our desires, we tend towards introspection. Leo is
all about confidence and radical self-love. With Mars retrograde in Leo
our self-confidence can take a real hit.

Mars is stationed
direct (appearing to be still before going forward again) on March 10th.
You should be feeling some energy and enthusiasm coming back into your
life. Projects that have been put on hold may finally take off during
the next few weeks. This change isn’t instant, but gradually we will be
able to take action on our new energy creations again. Be open to new
ideas and potentials right now. Allow your mind and spirit to expand and
connect with your Greater Self to access the fabulous new energies and
possibilities that are flowing into our planet.

New Moon
in Pisces.

On March 15th, we had a beautiful New Moon
in Pisces. The Sun and the Moon were joined by Uranus (radical change),
Mercury (communications) and Jupiter (path to greatest expansion). This
will increase our ability to get things moving and to be able to
communicate clearly about our creations. And Mars, dancing boldly in
Leo, is in a helpful trine relationship with this New Moon. This is
starting to get the energy moving again.

Equinox and
Astrological New Year.

March 20th marks the beginning of
the astrological year, when the Sun enters Aries, the first sign of the
zodiac. This is also the Vernal Equinox, the first day of Spring the
Northern Hemisphere. This is a great time to set intentions for the
year. Ritual is one way to get in touch with this energy. It doesn’t
have to be fancy, just whatever feels right to you.

Please join
me on March 20th for my Monthly Free Teleseminar. Details on my website.

out for impatience!

Remember the downside of the 3
energy this year, impatience and confusion. Especially with the "get it
done" planet, Mars moving forward again you need to avoid rash
decisions. Take a few breaths, count to ten, whatever it takes to get to
your calm center. Emotions will be running high so try to release (feel
and express) the intense emotions before making changes. You can use
the Emotion Gauge to determine if you are in a calm enough place to make
decisions. On a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the most intense, how
high is your emotional intensity? If it’s above about a 3 or 4 this is
not a good time to do something you may regret. And remember that the
rest of the people are also under this influence, so patience (and
probably forgiveness) are needed.