Date: March 11, 2010

The Ancient Whale Says: You Matter

Dear Friends,

This morning we have a message from a power animal that I know well.  I first met him years ago when I was doing power animal retrievals, then again more recently in my Power Animal Adventures.  He is an enormous sperm whale known as The Ancient One; it is always so wonderful to hear from him.  And is now our way, Quado has added a few words at the end of his message.

The Ancient Whale Says, You Matter

I have been here since time began, since the earth first went through her birthing pains and before.  I am as old as time itself and hold within me all of the wisdom of the ages, every tick of every clock, every movement of the spheres.

I live beneath the sea and hold court here, an ancient king surveying my kingdom.  And today, I wish to impart a bit of wisdom to you.

Life matters.  Everything that you do with this moment on earth matters.  You are vitally important and have come here with purpose, with intention.  It may feel as if a veil separates you from that purpose, but it is known in your heart.  You need only go deep, as deep as I am, down here where it is completely still and you cannot hear the clamor of society or the noise of fear, come down here in every moment and see yourself mirrored in my eyes, feel yourself in the ripples of the ocean that pass through you as you gaze at me.

You have chosen to come here on this earth at this time, to enter my realm in order to do something.  It may be as simple as bringing to earth a touch of the heavenly rays that shine, to be a channel for God’s grace, to bring uplifting energy through your smile and the twinkle in your eyes.  Or it may be as challenging as lifting the energy of those around you, or healing their bodies, or opening their eyes.  But if you are reading these words, you have been led to me and to this knowledge that you have a purpose and that it matters deeply.

You know yourself.  You know why you are here.  Come deep, down deep to me.  Spend time deep until you understand it fully.  Spend time here expanding and growing into yourself.  Do what you feel you should do.  Try this and try that, always checking in with your intuition.  And in this way, following your own guidance moment by moment, you will be led to an ever-deepening knowledge of who you are and why you are here on earth at this moment, right now.

Every moment matters.  Every action.  Every dip into your courage to take the action that your heart speaks to you.  You are vitally important.  Know it and treat yourself and your life accordingly.

Quado, do you have anything to add?

Ah, such wisdom from our great friend, the Ancient One.  I would add only this:  take yourself seriously even as you live with abandon and joy.  For nothing is as seriously important as loving yourself and this life every moment of every day, embracing it, dipping into it, playing with being who you are as you enjoy the wondrous and vitally important journey of awakening fully to yourself.

This message Copyright © 2005-8 by Systematíque, Inc. All rights reserved.

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The Time for Doing Things Alone is OVER: The Reunion has Begun!

The energies are flowing quite intensely for all of you right now.  Normally these energy waves come in for shorter bursts of time, but these are more sustained.  More and more of you are capable of handling these longer “downloads” of energy and as such all of you are experiencing more intense energies.  Unlike schools which at times play to the lowest common denominator in a classroom, the energies flow into the earth plane in sync with the leading edge of your ascending beings.  And any and all of you experiencing the energies experience as much of them as you are willing to open yourselves to.  If you are willing, sometimes you will receive energies that will indeed challenge your focus, your ability to do anything except simply bring them through and feel quite tired most of the time.  If you would like more balance during these times, simply choose to have less energy coming through.  All is unfolding perfectly and there is no need for you to experience discomfort to a degree that you are not happy and feeling in control and an active participant in this process.

Freedom is the essence of love and there is no receiving of these expansive love-energies without the free choice on your part to do so.

What’s coming next?

For those of you who have been bringing in these enormous energies, you have often been experiencing extreme exhaustion, pineal gland activity with an active third eye, pressure and tension in your neck and shoulder, odd and sharp pains in your abdomen and intermittent digestive difficulties.  Forgetting to eat has been more common rather than the intense hunger of times in the past. 

Now you will begin to encounter the information, the conversations the synchronistic guidance that will create more awareness in your day to day life of the collaborative nature of your experience.  In each of our messages, we often encourage you to call upon us.  This is not said just as words of comfort and for only those dire moments when you feel you need the help of an ascended master, for example.

We ask you to call upon us for the time of direct collaboration for even more of you is approaching.  You will soon begin to have the abilities to feel and hear us.  Your pineal gland awakening will liberate your abilities to hear non-physical guidance and to open up to direct connections if you chose to do so and are not already doing so.  We ask you to call upon us because we reside in a non-physical dimension that is unified. 

Our energies are not split nor conflicted, and as such our ability to create is immediate and our confidence in our abilities is also not conflicted.  This is the kind of experience we desire for you to have—to know yourselves as powerful creators and to have the ability to manifest quickly and easily that which you desire.  The focus in this lifetime and in so many human lifetimes for so many has become confused and misled by the camouflage of your experience and so the question often being consider is: HOW?   When indeed the purpose of your specific focus is to simply live in the world you encounter and bringing your unique perspective into play, and choose WHAT.  WHAT is it you wish to experience?  WHAT would balance what you experience?  WHAT would compliment things more?  WHAT would bring the situation into more harmony?  WHAT would bring more freedom?  WHAT would allow for us all to freely love each other?  WHAT would assist you in experiencing a high quality life full of all the things, experiences, and ideas which would stimulate your creativity and your joy?  You were meant to enjoy everything which you have the capacity to enjoy.  There is no limit to what you can enjoy except as you place it upon your experience.  It is natural for you to want things and to want to experience things!  We feel the same way, although what we manifest is a reflection of the dimension in which we reside as is your creativity.

As the new moon approaches in March and the Spring Equinox, you will find yourself in a highly creative space.  Sit in the driver’s seat!  Choose where you are going.  I am expansive and unlimited and can bring this to bear on whatever you choose to create and together we are powerful beyond measure.  That is why I encourage you to call upon me.   You yourself will benefit from rapid manifestations as your confidence will increase and it will also give you more personal experience of tapping into the non-physical beings that you enjoy collaborating with.  This is the way of the emerging world!

In the new world paradigm, there will be collaboration and co-creation with other beings across dimension.  You will have a circle of friends which will include angels, guides, ascended masters, God, the earth, or whatever combination you desire, and then there will be your friends, your family, other Lightworkers, animals you connect with, trees you love, the planet you live upon—all of this has consciousness and is something with which you can attune and relate!  This is the world to come.  One in which love and spirituality and our interconnectedness liberate boundless joy and Earth Masters create and co-create confidently!  With no hesitation and no sense of conflicted points of view.  Follow your hearts.  Create what you desire and most of all collaborate with all who can bring your visions to light more beautifully and compliment and harmonize with them to bring a cornucopia of life into being as suiting this beautiful and abundant planet in which you reside!  EXPAND the universe as only you can!  By focusing your point of view and being the CREATOR you are!

The time for doing things alone is over!

You must awaken NOW to the reality that not only do YOU, dear one, embody far more energy and far more creative power than you are using.  But the time to notice what’s not working is ALSO OVER.  Choose more.  DO less.  Collaborate more.  DO less.  Tune in and listen more.  DO less.  You cannot maintain the activity levels you may have had in the past and also be active in all these other spheres of reality.  Times have changed and the new structure of things responds much more quickly to your efforts.  Choose more.  DO less.

Let the love-filled energies which are now residing within many of you; fine, delicate, perceptive and aligned with your soul signature, your highest perspective and therefore, keenly aware of what will liberate you and facilitate your thriving!  Let these energies do the work for you, and enlist me, The Archangel Michael—as a trusted soldier in your efforts!  Along with any physical and non-physical companions who share your interests and who align with your focus! 

The time for doing thing alone is over.

Choose more.  DO less.  The days of ease and the emergence of a modern paradise are upon you NOW.  Awaken to the possibility that this reality exists with just a slight shift in your understanding.  Now that you know it’s there…perhaps you would like to move in?

{Smile}  Heaven on Earth: available for immediate occupancy.  Enlightened beings wanted.

Joy!  Joy!  Joy!  The reunion has begun!

I AM the Archangel Michael and I will be available for all parties celebrating this wonderful time and to help create the decorations or anything else, as you so desire.  At your service my beloved ones.  Enjoy!

© 2009-2010, Meredith Murphy, Expect Wonderful | Modern Paradise Publications – You are free to share, copy, distribute and display the work under the following conditions: You must give author credit, you may not use this for commercial purposes, and you may not alter, transform or build upon this work.  For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work. Any of these conditions can be waived if you get the permission of the copyright holder.  Any other purpose of use must be granted permission by the author.

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What is our Relationship with our Personality after Awakening?

We sat down for a chat with Eckhart one afternoon and asked him some questions.  In this issue, Eckhart reveals his thoughts on our relationship with between our ego and personality.

Question: What is our relationship with our personality after awakening & does it change?

Eckhart Tolle:  Strictly speaking, before awakening, to a large extent, you don’t have a relationship with your personality; you are your personality.  If you can have a relationship with your personality – which is the ego, with its way of reacting and thinking, and emotions – who is having a relationship with the personality?  What that means is you are witnessing it.  There is a witnessing consciousness there, and if there is a witnessing consciousness, then you can have a relationship with your personality.  What that really means is, you can be there as a witnessing presence when your ego is doing something silly.  And you can laugh at yourself, maybe in the moment, maybe afterwards.

If you are totally in the grip of your personality, or your ego, then of course there is no relationship because you have become it.  You’re so one with all your reactive patterns and all your conditioned thinking, that you don’t even know that there’s anything else in you.  You are it.

As you awaken spiritually, the awareness that is nothing to do with your personality increases, and the power of the personality, with its conditioned patterns, decreases.  Gradually, the personality is no longer opaque; it is transparent to the light of awareness, or consciousness.  It loses its solidity.  This is why you find that in people who are awake, or people who are awakening, there is more of a lightness to them.  If there’s only personality, then there’s heaviness, a psychic heaviness in you.  Everything is dreadfully serious, and [you are] defensive, always wanting something, or defending yourself against something.

When you’re relating to somebody in whom there is no awareness, then you always get a slightly uncomfortable feeling, because that person is completely ill-at-ease.  Ultimately, all personalities are ill-at-ease.  They may pretend that they are very confident, but underneath the role of ‘confidence’, there’s always a person who feels ill-at-ease.  They need to prove something, or they want something from you.  That’s the personality.  As you awaken, that part become a little less opaque and it becomes lighter.  There’s more of an awareness that shines through the person.

Ego is complete identification with your thinking and your emotions.   When you are unconscious, personality and ego are one thing.  As you awaken, you become more aware of your patterns, which may to some extent still operate.  I’m choosing to define personality as something that you can be aware of.  It was the ego before, but you can be aware of it as patterns that still operate within you.  If there is no awareness, and you are it, then it’s totally ego.  As you become aware of your ego, the ego becomes the personality, and then you can have a relationship with your personality in the sense that you can be the witness.

If you have a difficult relationship with your personality, that’s a delusion.  Then your personality has split itself into two, one part is having a relationship with another, and one part says “You should be better, why can’t you be more conscious?”  That means there is no witnessing presence there.  One part of the personality is arguing with another.  The witnessing consciousness doesn’t judge.  You don’t judge yourself in any way, you just see behavior.  There’s no good or bad, it just is.  The need to be right, for example, is a very common thing with the ego.  If it’s a deep-seated need, then you can’t be wrong in an argument.  There’s a compulsion to defend yourself.  Then suddenly you can see it in yourself.  Ultimately, having a relationship with your personality implies that there is a witnessing presence.

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TRUTH Is In The Perspective

Channeler: Hansabubbles

Staying within the guidelines of a current lifetime requires you to constantly re-evaluate the state in which you find yourself. If you are desirous to understand the purpose, there is a method which assists you in identifying the message. Stand within an inner circle of inner beings or inner masters and feel what each is offering you on a vibratory level.

You can identify the level by how you feel. The better you feel the higher the frequency. With the palm of your hand upward, extend it toward one of these inner beings. Now request with your heart to know the messages and lessons to be learned in your space time. Allow the energy to permeate your entire body as you feel the messages enter your body and subconscious.

If you want to know more from this particular master or being, then request additional information via your heart center or feeling center. Ask with the feeling. When it is perceived by the master, it will be readily acknowledged and returned to you with an understanding. When you are satisfied with the conclusion of this being, go onto the next one and repeat the process. If you feel it necessary to reposition yourself in front of one previously questioned, do so.

Trust yourself, follow your feelings and continue the process until you feel a satisfactory conclusion has been reached. This is a very powerful method for receiving explanations for predicaments you create from human behavior. It creates a link between your human experience and the higher intent or spiritual lesson involved. If you conclude it has been worthwhile and you have learned what you need to know, you will receive a feeling of finality or closure on the matter. Many times this only precedes the next step involved in the same letting go of an attitude or belief that has held one attached to the human experience.

The fear that is held in the human vehicle prevents much spiritual evolution and as it is released, spirit is allowed to take control and lead the human into a more peaceful existence while maintaining a spiritual perspective. This type of experience can only be made through the human instrument. It is one of living in the human form, complete with its incredible range of emotions and keeping a spiritual vigil on every thought and action. It is an amazing experience and can be immensely fulfilling once the love for the self, that divine part of the self, that eternal force within one is allowed to express through this marvelous machine we call the human body.

What a grand experience it is to glimpse the depths of negativity and in the same lifetime acknowledge the spirit within every act and every word. In Truth there is neither good nor bad if one lives in this world of duality but not of it. To rise above the judgment is to truly live above duality.

It is more than just living; it is accepting the god or supreme force in all that is. It is accepting that everything that happens has a reason and a purpose to serve us, that there is love in all that we experience. In times of adversity and pain, there is love so great from the creator, one is allowed the experience of growth and given the freedom to struggle through to an enlightened awareness of the reasons.

Within you lies a great energy of intense gratitude for the creator. The creator provides the elements for growth, the human individual makes the choices for experience and in the final chapter, they merge to become whole. This wholeness cannot be experienced fully unless the full range has integrated into the experience. Until the bowels of hell can be recognized as the love of the creator, can one experience Truth. To know that this is indeed god allowing us the full range of human experience only to learn it is all god.

To have experienced the entire spectrum is to become whole. To be grateful for the experience is to win Grace.

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Sunday, March 7, 2010 . Those six planes…

Channeler: Kris-Won

Greetings from Alpha Spaceship!

Those who expect quick results in our advances towards dissipating the darkness on Mother Earth, waiting for others to do all the work required to cut short the effort the dark ones make to maintain their hegemony and power over humanity, we say to them that the New Earth will not be for those who wish to have a better world while at the same time are lazy and make no effort on their part for that new world to come together and truly materialize on the physical plane. This idyllic world exists already on the astral plane, because before things materialize on the physical plane of matter, they take shape on the astral plane, and even before that on the mental plane - and before that on the causal plane, and so on. Why is that? Because the Will of God materializes first on the highest planes, which we could name the "celestial planes" where the monad resides and who is the purest Spirit of the multidimensional being, that is, man. After that, the plans of the Creator gradually descend until they are matter, as if they were crossing the layers of an onion starting from the inside and finally reaching the outermost layer, which is the densest of the seven bodies that make up the human being.

Well then, we have this advancement towards a new world and the new humanity is already a reality in the six internal bodies of man, which correspond to the six planes enveloping and including the physical plane which are, from highest to lowest density: the astral plane, the mental plane, the causal plane, the buddhic plane, the atmic plane and the monadic or divine plane. Those six planes are already living that luminous and resplendent new reality, which must also come to materialize on the physical plane or the outermost layer of the "onion", following this simile.

For the lifting of your three-dimensional physical/material reality, it is necessary for the indigenous human being of the planet to intervene, who has been called to raise his/her vibration to move onto a higher, new density. Otherwise, we who have come to visit you from outer space to help lift you to a new dimension, would be violating your "free will." It is not possible for us alone to propel your quantic leap. Your cooperation is necessary also, which we have from some of you (all of those who have volunteered, they know who they are and in which way they can partake in this task of lifting humanity). However, there are still many amongst you who had been called to help us lift humanity from their "sleep" state and into their new awakening stage but they continue to be distracted in the world of dense matter. Even though many of them believe in the existence of older brothers from other worlds, they remain "asleep" playing with the toys of the phenomenal and misleading world of matter, and keep on playing the game with the dark ones without supporting us, we who have come precisely to save you from the clutches of these regressive and speculative forces.

What they do is so illogical and foolish, like a child insisting on playing with other children who do not want to go to school in spite of the fact that its mother and father sent the child to school to learn what it will need to become a cultured and refined person and assist in some way society. But that child has older brothers who know it has not done its task of learning, and so they go to that place where the child is playing with those other children who do not want to learn, rescuing it from its ignorance and explaining to the child that the best thing it could learn from life to become an ideal and useful citizen is to go to school and follow the indications of their mother and father, for the child's parents are the same as those of its older brothers.

Humanity living at this time on the surface of the Earth is like that child, and it must now decide whether to keep on "playing" or if it prefers to make the decision and follow the advice given by its older brothers, and to follow the loving and wise indications of its mother and father who only watch over their child so that it grows and is educated in the correct path.

Many of you get demoralized because you claim not to know how to contribute to overcoming the current situation you are living in and to be able to get out of the chaotic situation the world finds itself in. In order for a person to be able to heal, it is necessary that before the healing takes place this person must go through a stage where the symptoms get worse and there is a "peak" point with more pain and more suffering before the organism returns to its natural state, that of not being sick. That is why you must be patient and wait until Gaia, who is also a living organism going through that same crisis before "healing", reaches her optimal state of health after liberating herself from the viruses and bacteria that had undermined her health. Do not despair, for the celestial doctor has already prescribed the necessary medication for her body to recover and become healthy and strong.

Do not stress yourselves thinking that you have to contribute to the planetary healing, which is undergoing huge rescue actions; it is not asked of you to do great deeds to achieve human Ascension. You only have to sit down and go within to connect internally with the Divine Plan, and you yourselves without outside help will be able to know how you can cooperate with us to manifest the New Earth. Doing something simple would be enough, because if one and another and another of the humans who are awakening cooperates in a small way, no matter how small it is, we will reach our objective of definitively taking away power from the dark forces who have dominated you for so long. They will not be able to continue deceiving the human beings who inhabit this planet in much greater numbers than them, for they represent only a handful of humans in comparison to the world population.

Continue following us through the multiple channels that we use to get to you our information. Follow our advice, do not stop reading our messages and cooperate in the way you feel from within is right for you and through which you can contribute to bring about this new stage that planet Earth and all the beings who inhabit her will live.

Peace and Love

Channeler: Kris-Won
Source: Commander Sohin of Alpha Spaceship
Translator: Gloria

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Sheldan Nidle Sirian Update – March 9th

Sheldon Nidle Sirian Update Mar 9/10

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation

10 Akbal, 6 Ceh, 5 Caban

Selamat Jarin! We return with more to discuss with you. At present, the Earth allies have instituted a worldwide Intelligence blackout to demonstrate to everyone that they are applying the necessary security measures in anticipation of the first domino of the changes. The "roadblocks" are now self-imposed as our Earth allies slow down their operations in order to make sure that all potential opponents are removed from any position where they could cause delays to the immense global changes. So far, the remnants of the dark cabal have shown no proclivity to further hinder our Earth allies' good works. The final agreements are in place, as are the funds to carry out the numerous governmental and financial changes. All is in readiness for the grand plan to be implemented. Meanwhile, our inner ring of ships around Mother Earth is prepared to carry out its many pre-landing assignments. Our Earth allies are fully aware that Heaven has given us all the "green light" to act when the time is ripe, and to this end, we have recalled our various planetary patrols and stand ready to act!

For her part, Mother Earth is accelerating the preparatory stage of a series of massive, global earth changes. Your planet and her Spiritual Hierarchy tell us that time is running out, and it is therefore essential that some sort of pre-evacuation warnings be issued. Pursuant to this, the waiting interim governments comprehend the need to reprioritize their schedule of changes, and we are working with them on plans that meet the Earth Hierarchy's criteria. The most pressing issue is to ascertain how best to prepare each of you for the much reduced time span before departure from the planet surface becomes necessary. A general intensification of planetary activity is also being noticed by your astronomers, who see an upsurge of unaccountable activity happening throughout your solar system. The heightened activity is affecting the space stations and shuttles in near-earth orbit and has lead to the cancellation of most rocket-propelled, manned space missions. In fact, your seriously panicked secret governments are using their antigravity fleet in a desperate bid to avail themselves of a hi-tech escape plan.

The dark cabalists' attempts to defy Earth's Spiritual Hierarchy are typical of them, but fear is now compelling them to physically challenge our clearly stated prohibitions: we have informed them in no uncertain terms that their operations are limited to the planet and its atmosphere; likewise, the Agarthans have banned the cabal's craft from Inner Earth. This puts the cabal in a predicament that has only one solution: to surrender, and to do so ASAP! Your lovely planet is turning to the Light and it is time for you to be informed of what lies ahead. Your dark elites' sources of information have made them vividly aware that their physical survival is now at stake. It is essential for them to surrender and permit our Earth allies to get on with the announcements detailing what is to happen and why. Mother Earth is in the final stages before serious earth changes begin. Further, Heaven requires you to be informed that you are not alone in the galaxy and that your space and spiritual families are here to bring you, with Love and grace, back into full consciousness.

This process of divine change has been tampered with by the dark and its endless infernal schemes. Our task has been to counter these infamous activities and to keep your changes to Heaven's timetable. Our multiple star-nation command board meets daily to put together programs ensuring that Heaven's decrees are carried out. No single star-nation has the power to thwart these divine operations. We are acting as one to guarantee that Heaven's commands are accomplished by means of this first contact mission. To this end, we have set up a series of guidelines that our diplomatic missions are extending to the Earth allies and various governments on your world. We have made it very clear that this is the time for action. Your long-suffering planet makes it evident, too, that the string of delays that has punctuated the recent past must end. We are advised to plan for all possible contingencies and to be ready to carry them out at a moment's notice.

Our fleets are at the ready, and we have compiled a series of back-up announcements to cover any eventualities we may face. These range from simple, forthright announcements informing you of our existence and the need to start mass landings, to emergency broadcasts warning you of imminent earth changes that require us to evacuate you from your surface homes. In the case of the former, we can then also address the secret technologies and set the timing for our arrival on your shores. In any event, we greatly prefer that these broadcasts be delivered by the interim governments. Mother Earth desires, above all, to see far more progress than is happening at present. Those actions that set the stage for an interim world need to happen. We cannot overstate the importance of this. Our purpose here is to shepherd what is now underway to a smooth and rapid success.

Our deep involvement in your affairs has afforded us many new and interesting insights into the dark's operation on your world. We were told about its modus operandi long ago and have spent the past two decades seeing it all in action. The extent to which the dark has been able to change you from a strong, integrated Being into a weak and compliant one that is so divided against itself that you actually "die" after a few decades is quite astonishing. Happily, Heaven is reintegrating and restoring you to your former power and abilities so that you can contribute significantly to the unfolding of the divine plan in physicality. We gleefully look forward to this wondrous transformation and intend to welcome you back with great fanfare. Your hard-won wisdom has the power to accelerate certain consciousness-oriented developments now brewing throughout this galaxy.

This galaxy is undergoing a vast transformation toward the Light. Everywhere, formerly dark star-nations and immense empires are becoming less dictatorial and more inclined toward personal sovereignty and individual rights. There, everyone is highly motivated to develop a Lightbody and to transcend the limitations of 3-D physicality. This longing has enticed many to focus on what you are going through, and so it is in everyone's best interests for us to advise and mentor you back into full consciousness. Besides, you are part of our space family. Humans were given the gift of a Lightbody and Heaven has protected it from destruction. The following chapter of our joint history is predicated on your return to the Light, so you can see that this sacred transformation of yours is most important to us.

The pressure-cooker that is first contact is boiling over! It is imperative that the agenda drawn up between our Earth allies and us now be completed. First, we need to get the waiting caretaker governments into power, together with the prosperity fund deliveries which will kick-start the gold-backed financial system. Then we are to co-sponsor the unveiling of a series of remarkable new technologies, adding ours to the pot. Third, we need, together, to address Mother Earth and quickly remedy her current condition. You need to adopt a whole new set of perceptions and come to honor her role in your evolution. She is a living Being and you are her invited guests. You need to become independent, and fully responsible guardians of her diverse ecosystems.

Today, we addressed various developments happening on your world and explained how these relate to the first contact mission. Mother Earth is subtly pursuing a course that is intended to force the hand of the dark and demonstrate how vital it is for our Earth allies to swiftly complete their complex agenda. Know, dear Ones, in your Heart of Hearts that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

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You are The Christ In his Return Time to Shine!

Beloved Blue Ray and Light Bearers, you are the most dedicated souls of the highest frequency and sacred lineage, though you may feel you have not done enough.

You forged a new path with only the direction of your soul; many obstacles and challenges were put before you and you followed your inner truth. You took a step down in your light frequency to come through the veil that would act as a barrier to God in order to be in human form, yet you found a way to sustain your holy communion with Creator. At times, you felt alienated in a strange world yet you still transmuted the genetic damage of your family lineage and did not fall asleep, into illusion. You would not be reading these words on this page if you had.

You stood strong in the light of inner knowing, alone, as there were no churches or organizations to support who you truly were. You have accomplished more than most who have spent their entire lives working on a prestigious career in your created society. You were not given a medal, a trophy or certificate for your dynamic work and efforts, and many looked at you as different - in your own world. Yet this other world kept you connected to your true spiritual roots.

Beloved Blue Ray and Light Bearers, you can come out now, it is your time to shine!

Your Mission

Expand the God Consciousness, to evolve humanity, so they may reunite with your planetary brothers and sisters in the Galactic and Universal Counsels of Light. You, Blue Ray, along with the other rays of Indigo, Violet, Ruby, Crystal, Rainbow and more, came from ascended planets, systems and light realms carrying the specific coordinates of the perfect element of Nature and Creation. Each of you makes up the totality of the spectrum of light; each and every one of you brings the unique expression needed to support the whole of light and evolution on this planet and universe.

What's Next - Changes, Endings, Beginnings and Opportunities

Everything will be touched by the Light. As you embrace this next alignment of light, Blue Ray, let go of everything you have carried that is not truly yours, all false images of God. This is not only occurring for you the Light Bearers, but for all of life. Feel deeply within, my beloved, I Am talking to a Master who knows the time has come. Yes it is time to be who you truly are, live it, feel it and have others see you for it. The hiding and waiting is over and, yes, you will be taken care of --- the universe will support you!!!

This is where you may once and for all release energetic patterns that have veiled your divine light. Enough light has been updated in the genetic codes and you no longer need to transmute genetic damage. You are free and this will be a process, to nurture and allow your true essence of Being.

It is time for letting go, finishing up and stepping into your unlimited potential as more light penetrates earth. Your world, governments and institutions will all be experiencing this as well. Much will fall so the light may shine.

You knew this would happen. It may not be comfortable at first only because you became accustomed to a way that is not truly who you are. If you look to your heart, you will know it is not your way. It is only something you have adapted to. You are here to be the Truth by the very fact that you exist by being your true nature.These transitions will continue with strength into 2012 where a new alignment will be set forth. From this place, what has occurred until that point, will determine much in the next cycle of light here on Gaia.

You Learned to Distrust God and Nature

You are the way showers of the new earth; you do this by bringing your multidimensional nature into your life. It is time to put your trust fully back into your Self, God and Nature. This is divine alignment. Many of you were taught to first go outside of yourself and body to experience God. This created a disconnecting harmonic from your bodies, your sacred feminine alignment with Nature and the earth. This kept you from trusting your inner guidance, and doubt and fear crept in. Humanity as a whole became easily deceived and controlled; now all this is changing because of your light and courage.

 Divine alignment or God consciousness starts with the higher feeling resonance with your inner self/body first, then higher Self, then Nature and then God/Creation; this will keep you balanced, safe and in harmony as the great purification proceeds on Gaia.

This is the foundation to receive and know God, higher light, wisdom and healing. This is when true manifesting is effortless. We will be giving you the ancient sacred technologies and tools that you once knew through these transmissions. The Mother God principle will get these tools back to you, for it's her essence that is bringing balance to Gaia.

Why Am I Here? Second Coming of Christ

You came to Gaia, for to send another created messiah or teacher would cause too much in the way of creating the same result as to follow that teacher or being. And yet the Christ seed was planted here on Gaia in the hearts of mankind a long time ago. First with Krishna and then with Christ which has brought us to the second stage of the plane of Light. This is also referred to as the second coming of Christ, the new man of light, the "embodiment of God", and activation of your "divine original blue print".

Krishna and Christ from the Blue Ray

Christ was a part of the Blue Ray mission as well as Krishna. Krishna was from the Blue Ray and the central core. Krishna's color is actually blue and He is depicted playing a musical instrument. When you see Krishna playing the flute, he is actually playing in tune with the rhythms of Creation, bringing harmony into all life.

Krishna planted the seeds into the genetic code of humanity from an ascended race to increase the capacity of God consciousness. In those times this is how it was done. It was in complete alignment with God/Creation and the highest Counsels of Light.

This is why you are here.

We wish to share with you more of what you already know, have sensed, and are awakening to. "Beloved, remember who I Am, I Am you. I Am the part of you from Creation speaking back to you, answering your own questions and thoughts."

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