Month: October 2008

Mira of the Pleiadian High Council

The folly of mistaking a paradox for a discovery, a metaphor for a proof, a torrent of verbiage for a spring of capital truths, and oneself for an oracle, is inborn in us. – Paul Valery

Through Valerie Donner

On October 16, 2008

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When The String Breaks?

The significance of man is that he is insignificant and is aware of it. – Carl Becker

Hello Everyone!

I am currently developing my first coffee table photo book of my artwork.  I am planning 100 full color pages of SethD8 kreatorisms ranging from 1978 to now.  The title of the book is going to be “When the String Breaks” which I think is appropriate.  I am going to use to print the books with a full color hard cover.  The current cover of the book is above.  Should you have intrest in possibly purchasing a copy of this book for your collection please let me know, believe me it will keep me inspired to complete the project.  Any feedback is appreciated.

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Accept Responsibility For Your Own Beliefs


I know that you believe that you understood what you think I said, but I am not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant. – Robert McCloskey

Timothy Tang

When one accepts a belief, one has signed a personal contract to claim the belief as part of personal truth.

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Arcturus .:. October 14th Event

The folly of mistaking a paradox for a discovery, a metaphor for a proof, a torrent of verbiage for a spring of capital truths, and oneself for an oracle, is inborn in us. – Paul Valery

by Kathleen Long

There is a commonality among those who have announced this event and it is that they feel within them thus they ‘hear’ onto themselves of this ‘event’ because what they know is that there is to be AN event however it is not quite as defined. You live in a reality that is based in time itself, it is 3D and therefore you must define things as such meaning that you must define things from other dimensions within your own understanding and the most obvious of your defining is based in physical ‘things’. You must define those physical things in terms of your vision. It is difficult to present an ‘event’ to you when in order to realize the event through 3D you must put it in ‘time’, you must then translate it to a ‘view’ or a ‘picture’ of something when in reality, our reality the ‘result’ of the event is what is paramount and the result that the consciousness seeks is what that event would/might do to them EMOTIOANLLY because it is through and within emotion that all of the human race will change the world, change their own lives and the consciousness in/of which they live.

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Collapsing Systems

The effort to understand the universe is one of the very few things that lifts human life a little above the level of farce, and gives it some of the grace of tragedy. – Steven Weinberg

Meg Benedicte

Message from the Sirian Council

Well, it’s been a wild past couple weeks, as we witness the dismantling of our government and financial institution’s spending practices. No joke…it is all coming down in the weeks and months to come. And it has been hanging by a thread for some time now. We must remember…all that is from the Old World Order cannot maintain a hold in the New Earth energy. It is ordained by Universal Law of Justice that what does not support the Whole will collapse.

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The great tragedy of Science – the slaying of a beautiful hypothesis by an ugly fact. – Thomas H. Huxley

Multidimensional News OCTOBER 2008

Many of the members of the ground crew have come from different Home worlds (stars/planets of origin) to take an earth vessel in order to assist in this great cosmic moment of planetary ascension. Our Corridor provides a homing beam by which each member can re-connect with his or her multidimensional SELF. The Arcturian Corridor serves as a star gate, a distribution station, or control tower, such as you have in your airports. We are the hubs, the way station for all inter-dimensional explorers. All inter-dimensional voyagers travel through our vortex/corridor. The, they either stay here or move on to whichever star system is their final destination.

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SaLuSa – 01 October 2008

Sometimes the appropriate response to reality is to go insane. – Philip K. Dick

Dear Ones a beautiful wave of Light is sweeping over the Earth and will continue to do so as there is a new awakening, hastened by the emergence of joy and happiness at the first public announcement of our arrival. How much it will reveal is up to your response in the meantime. We not only observe but also register the upsurge of a heightened energy full of expectation as to the future. The chaos now being experienced by you is the period of cleansing that shall see opportunities for a totally new approach to your needs. No longer are the old ways acceptable, and it would be a waste of your energy and resources to resurrect the format upon which your financial markets were based. It will be a time of concern for many of you, but remember that in the long run all of your needs will be satisfied.

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